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 FSX/P3D Cerasim MH-65 USCG Fleet Repaint Pack
39.15Mb (123 downloads)
This is a repaint pack for the Cerasim AS365/MH-65. This covers each CGAS that is home to the HH/MH-65 Dolphin. Total of 24 repaints and new pilot textures if you prefer. This gives them the standard blue helmet they wear. Locations: Atlantic City, Port Angeles, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, Detroit, Humboldt Bay, Kodiak, Barbers Point, North Bend, Corpus Christi, Houston, Traverse City, Borinquen, and HITRON. You will need the Cerasim AS365 payware for these texture to work. Enjoy!
Posted Oct 3, 2023 08:41 by Delta
66.73Mb (128 downloads)
This is my second Cerasim UH-60 fire contract repaint pack. It includes 12 liveries from 7 different companies. There will be more releases hopefully later down the road. Bluesky Aviation, Helinet, HeliQuest, HPHeli, Kestrel, Skydance, and Touchdown are the liveries included. You will need the payware Cerasim UH-60L for these repaints to work, enjoy!
Posted Oct 2, 2023 16:07 by Delta
Area 51 FSX/P3D Lockheed Martin L500 225 Textures
Area 51 FSX/P3D Lockheed Martin L500 225 Textures
8.59Mb (197 downloads)
0 June 1968: At 7:47 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, the first Lockheed C-5A Galaxy transport, serial number 66-8303, took off on its maiden flight at Marietta, Georgia. Lockheed produced 81 C-5A Galaxy transports for the U.S. Air Force between 1969 and 1973. These were followed by 50 C-5Bs. Two C-5As were modified to C-5Cs to carry larger "space cargo." Remaining C-5s in the fleet are being modified to an improved C-5M Super Galaxy variant. Lockheed also planned a civilian version of the C-5 Galaxy, the L-500, the company designation also used for the C-5 itself. Both passenger and cargo versions of the L-500 were designed. The all-passenger version would have been able to carry up to 1,000 travelers
Posted Aug 12, 2023 07:18 by JALopezR
Area 51 FSX/P3D Lockheed Martin L500 Textures
7.26Mb (164 downloads)
30 June 1968: At 7:47 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, the first Lockheed C-5A Galaxy transport, serial number 66-8303, took off on its maiden flight at Marietta, Georgia. Lockheed produced 81 C-5A Galaxy transports for the U.S. Air Force between 1969 and 1973. These were followed by 50 C-5Bs. Two C-5As were modified to C-5Cs to carry larger “space cargo.” Remaining C-5s in the fleet are being modified to an improved C-5M Super Galaxy variant.Lockheed also planned a civilian version of the C-5 Galaxy, the L-500, the company designation also used for the C-5 itself. Both passenger and cargo versions of the L-500 were designed. The all-passenger version would have been able to carry up to 1,000 travelers
Posted Aug 12, 2023 07:16 by JALopezR
P3D/FSX PMDG Delta Boeing 737-932ER NGXU N863DN Textures
27.85Mb (181 downloads)
This is a repaint of the PMDG 737-900ER NGXU in Delta colors. The registration is N863DN. This is a manual installation no ptp file.
Posted Aug 3, 2023 19:33 by Phil 737
25.42Mb (98 downloads)
This is a Helimax repaint pack for the Milviz/Nemeth payware CH-47. Original paint by Scorch00 of SATO, given permission to modify and add liveries. Total of 9 liveries with US and South America contract schemes.
Posted Jul 30, 2023 19:51 by Delta
FSX/P3D Milviz/Nemeth CH-47 Billings Flying Service Texture Pack
98.24Mb (81 downloads)
This is a repaint pack for the Milviz/Nemeth payware CH-47. It covers the Billings Flying Service fleet with about 12 different liveries and variations. Original paint by me, Delta. Lots of fun little details from the actual aircrafts! Works in FSX and P3D, wherever the Milviz/Nemeth CH-47 does these will.
Posted Jul 30, 2023 19:41 by Delta
Wilco Airbus A320 - Avia Traffic Textures
Wilco Airbus A320 - Avia Traffic Textures
15.22Mb (81 downloads)
FS9/FSX Wilco Airbus A320 in Avia Traffic livery. Textures for payware FeelThere Wilco model. Description and instruction in the archive. Repaint by Sergey Gleba. Paint kit by Denis Minaev. Link to my products on SimMarket:
Posted Jul 21, 2023 02:31 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09
FSX Captain Sim Boeing 707-300C Tarom Textures
FSX Captain Sim Boeing 707-300C Tarom Textures
22.69Mb (59 downloads)
FSX Captain Sim Boeing 707-300C in Tarom Cargo livery. Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Link to my products on SimMarket:
Posted Jul 7, 2023 14:37 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09
FSX/P3D Cerasim S-70i Cal Fire Pack
106.24Mb (273 downloads)
This is a repaint pack for the Cerasim UH-60 and Firehawk addon done by Jagl04. Original base paint by Antonio Diaz and model by jagl04. Main rotor textures by Scorch, and modified by me. This covers Cal Fires whole S-70i fleet to date.
Posted Jul 4, 2023 17:40 by Delta
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