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FS2004 > Scenery > Page 82
                    Scenery Enhancements and Terrain Mesh of Glacier Bay National
                    Park, Alaska
10.43Mb (2023 downloads)
FS2004 Scenery Enhancements and Terrain Mesh of Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska Add-on meshes can greatly improve the detail of the FS terrain but often conflict with the inaccurate placement of the other default FS landscape elements, particularly in coastal and mountainous areas. This project showcases new methods and software that allow for semi-automated development of FS landscapes from accurate source data. The files completely replace the default FS landscape of Southeast Alaska's Glacier Bay National Park and the adjacent Lynn Canal area between Juneau and Skagway (N58-60 W134-138), including shorelines, islands, and lakes, as well as glaciers, landclass, man-made features, and a LOD9 (76-m) terrain mesh. Optional AI floatplane traffic at four seaplane bases is included. A LOD10 (38-m) mesh of the same area is available as a separate optional download. FS2002 users please use instead. By Holger Sandmann and Jim Keir. 25.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
                    LOD10 (38-m) Terrain Mesh of Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska
24.98Mb (3163 downloads)
FS2004 LOD10 (38-m) Terrain Mesh of Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska This LOD10 (38-m) add-on mesh of Glacier Bay National Park and the adjacent Lynn Canal area between Juneau and Skagway (N58-60 W134-138) is an optional (!) upgrade of (by Holger Sandmann and Jim Keir). It adds more detail to the mountainous areas and allows to locally override other installed Alaska add-on meshes without having to deactivate them. The USGS NED seamless digital elevation data used for this mesh have a 2-arcsec (~60-m) resolution. Thus, the compilation as LOD10 (38-m) will reveal all terrain details contained in the source data. Please read the read-me file for further information about the special features of the Glacier Bay Project. By Holger Sandmann. 10.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
                  / FS2004 Windfarms of the UK Vol 1 North of England
0.33Mb (1508 downloads)
FS2002 / FS2004 Windfarms of the UK Vol 1 North of England . By Dale Sedgwick This scenery places 17 wind farms into the North of England. A total of 150 individual wind generators creating enough power for nearly 45 thousand Homes annually. They are geographically correct and designed to fit perfectly with Visual flight / Getmapping VFR Photographic scenery. 339K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
                  "X4OX" Oxenhope private airstrip, Yorkshire,
1.80Mb (1026 downloads)
FS2004 "X4OX" Oxenhope private airstrip, Yorkshire, UK V2. "X4OX" Oxenhope private airfield Vol2. Improvements include better night textures, better placing of caravan park and the addition of more scenery. Now Fits in with Visual flights VFR photo scenery. This airfield sit's ontop of a valley, and sits right next to a caravan park which offers a place to stay the night or camp, and spend a relaxing time in Bronteland, Yorkshire in the UK. For FS2004 (FS2002 not checked) By Dale Sedgwick (FS-Icarus Crew). 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
                    2004 High-resolution 76-m (LOD9) Terrain Mesh for Alaska and
25.63Mb (3630 downloads)
FS 2004 High-resolution 76-m (LOD9) Terrain Mesh for Alaska and Canada. And is a continuation of a ongoing production, this is product Number 1- 04. Area covered South of " Prince Rupert North Of Ketchikan Alaska. N54 17 - 56 22 W130 134.39 This Mesh is designed to be fully intergrated with Holger Sandmann's bcmesh. Rob Gainer. NOT TESTED ON FS2002. 26MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
                  'Black Hawk Down' Scenery.
1.58Mb (2520 downloads)
FS2002 'Black Hawk Down' Scenery. Re-create the Oct 1993 raid in Mogadishu, Somalia. adds a replica of the real "Target Building" surrounding building placements, and the nearby "Olympic Hotel". Scenery by Angel Cruz. 1.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
                  Paris Orly LFPO AFCAD2
0.07Mb (2234 downloads)
FS2004 Paris Orly LFPO AFCAD2. A total of 106 gates are available. All gates have their centerlines and stop-lines for better positioning and are lighted at night. Other features are included such as holding bay, helicopter area or tower view point. You need to have AFCAD2.xx by Lee SWORDY here. By Xavier Ossedat. 77K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
FS2004                  Orlando International Airport Update:
0.03Mb (1684 downloads)
FS2004 Orlando International Airport Update: On February 19th 2004 Orlando International opened new runway 17L/35R. This new runway is 9,000'x 150' and was built to accomodate triple simultaneous ILS landings. To add the new runway you must have AFCAD v2.11 or higher for FS 2004 by Lee Swordy (here). 36K
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
                  Confederation Bridge, New Brunswick / Prince Edward Island,
0.23Mb (1424 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Confederation Bridge, New Brunswick / Prince Edward Island, Canada This is a representation of the Confederation Bridge, connecting the provinces of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, in Canada. The representation is relatively simple, but so is the real bridge (2 lanes, 12 metres wide total, aproximately 12 km long). The complexity of the real bridge is in it engineering that proved to be a major challenge, involving some of the worst ice and current conditions to which a bridge can be exposed. The model can be seen from 20 km away, and it is in its acurate position, unlike the airspace restriction zone depicted in FS2004. It was created using Easy Object Designer and Flight Simulator Scenery Creator by Fern Marques. 238K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
                  LIDF Fano - Pesaro, Italy
1.14Mb (1289 downloads)
FS2004 LIDF Fano - Pesaro, Italy. Location: N43°49'31" E13°01'40". VFR Scenery. Claudio Grassi. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive