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FS2004 > Scenery > Page 83
                  C77/Poplar Grove Airport in Belvideer, IL Enhancement.
0.03Mb (403 downloads)
FS2004 C77/Poplar Grove Airport in Belvideer, IL Enhancement. AFCAD .bgl file for C77/Poplar Grove Airport in Belvideer, IL Adds parking,ramps,new taxiways, corrected runway and taxiway surfaces, and makes all runways useable by AI. Requires AFCAD available here. Trace Lewis. 28K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
                  KORD/O'Hare International Enhancement.
0.06Mb (2286 downloads)
FS2004 KORD/O'Hare International Enhancement. AFCAD .bgl file for KORD/O'Hare International Adds parking, gates, heliport, lake O'Hare and corrected runway and taxiway surfaces. Requires AFCAD available here. Trace Lewis 59K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
                  London Luton-EGGW, UK,
1.68Mb (4400 downloads)
FS2004 London Luton-EGGW, UK, Included are the new East Apron,North Apron. custom built Control Tower, Britannia Hangers, Signature hanger, Terminals, and Runway signage. Author Paul Roberts. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
                  Tobago International Airport, Crown Point, TTCP
7.33Mb (2716 downloads)
FS2004, Tobago International Airport, Crown Point, TTCP By: Bill Melichar This scenery requires the Antilles Group, Antilles 2004 scenery to be installed before it can be used ( It adds several upgrades to the airport including a retextured terminal, which is now more accurately depicted, all new shops in front of the airport which now blend in with the flea market, extensive landscaping upgrades along with the parking lot, a new hangar / office building, a new satellite dish on the tower, tarmac night lighted textures with new ramp lights, wider turnouts at each end of the runway, and it fixes some of the areas around the airport where the ocean appears to be running uphill, and where buildings are out in the ocean. This scenery will not work with previous versions of FS. 7.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
FS2004                   - RAAF Base Butterworth
2.73Mb (800 downloads)
FS2004 - RAAF Base Butterworth This scenery is a complete remake of my FS2002 version and is now fully compatible with FS2004 and now covers RAAF Base Butterworth, Penang Town (Georgetown) and Butterworth Port. Includes Full Textures, AFCAD2 Files as well as Landclass Scenery. Airport Layout was made using Airport for Windows and AFCAD2 and is not compatible with FS2002 .To display correctly you need to have the “Nova” and “Nova Gold” textures as well as “Gerrish Gray’s Trees” (here) Copyright: Bill Holker. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
0.11Mb (1311 downloads)
FS2004 Enhanced Scenery for Tulsa, OK: This is an addon for the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Adds several notable buildings not included with FS2004, as well as repairs some errors in the surrounding area. Created with Derek Leung's awesome FS Scenery Creator. by Matthew L. Purcell. 111K FS2004 Enhanced Scenery for Tulsa, OK, #2. Final Touch on Tulsa: This addon adds a couple of more buildings, mainly to downtown, and changes the size of the new downtown building, and the textures on the BOK Tower. by Matthew L. Purcell. 101K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
                  Revised Improved Radio Tower Lighting:
0.06Mb (6233 downloads)
FS2004 Revised Improved Radio Tower Lighting: Ever wondered why Microsoft decided to make the lighting on radio towers impossible to see until you about to run into them?? Well, now they are visible from a good distance,as in real life, with these improved tower lights! Now more accurate timing. Matthew L. Purcell. 65K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
                  New Carrier Deck Textures
0.25Mb (4168 downloads)
FS2004 New Carrier Deck Textures. This is a new carrier deck texture only for the fs2004 Waikato carrier package (here), It is to simulate a more realistic looking deck rather than the light gray color that the package used. All that you need to do is overwrite the old file with this new one. make share that you back up the old just incase you do not like the look of the new. Jared Stucki. 261K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
                  Castle Teck Castle Teck in southern Germany
5.09Mb (2089 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Castle Teck Castle Teck in southern Germany near Stuttgart is an important landmark of the region and a quite nice one. It was founded 1150 and is now a ruin with some new buildings in medieval style. It is in the vicinty of Hahnweide Airfield famous for model- and sailplane championships and an vintage aircraft meeting. The scenery features seasonal textures, a smoking chimney ( March), ridge lift and flying buzzards as dynamic scenery. Happy flying! By Dietrich.Steffens. 5.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive
                  New Asphalt Taxiway textures
0.16Mb (2194 downloads)
FS2004 New Asphalt Taxiway textures for the default fs2004 taxiways. Intended to simulate a more realistic looking asphalt rather than the light gray color that MS created. All that you need to do is overwrite the old file with this new one. make share that you back up the old just incase you do not like the look of the new. J Stucki. 164K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:25 by archive