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FSX > Scenery > Page 269
Fernando de Noronha Island off Brazil
3.63Mb (3997 downloads)
This is a scenery package for the Atlantic Oceanic Brazilian island of Fernando de Noronha. The island is now a hot destination for sea activities enthusiasts, some 200 nautical miles from the northeastern coast of Brazil. By Jorge Amengol with just a little help from his friends.
Posted Jan 26, 2009 16:50 by Fern
Louisville PhotoReal Scenery Section F
86.85Mb (979 downloads)
FSX Louisville PhotoReal Scenery Section F This is high resolution, 1Meter/Pixel, terrain scenery for Louisville, Ky. This section, F, features farmland in Floyd and Clark County IN. This photoscenery is for DAY USE ONLY and will work for any season, but shows only the USGS aerial photo data taken in April 2002. The default FSX mesh works well with this photoscenery and no additional mesh for the area needs to be purchased. This scenery was designed to work with an earlier release of FSX 3D scenery available on this site named LouX0R and LouX1R. By Jim Jones.
Posted Jan 25, 2009 09:32 by Jim Jones
Louisville PhotoReal Scenery Section K
88.66Mb (1052 downloads)
FSX Louisville PhotoReal Scenery Section K This is high resolution, 1Meter/Pixel, terrain scenery for Louisville, Ky. This section, K, features the I64 and I265 interchange in Floyd County IN. This photoscenery is for DAY USE ONLY and will work for any season, but shows only the USGS aerial photo data taken in April 2002. The default FSX mesh works well with this photoscenery and no additional mesh for the area needs to be purchased. This scenery was designed to work with an earlier release of FSX 3D scenery available on this site named LouX0R and LouX1R. By Jim Jones.
Posted Jan 25, 2009 09:31 by Jim Jones
Val d'Aosta, Italian Alps,  High Resolution Mountain Scenery  Package Part 2
448.39Mb (9704 downloads)
The Aosta Valley (Italian:Val d'Aosta) is a mountainous autonomous region in north-western Italian Alps. It is bordered by France to the west, Switzerland to the north and the region of Piedmont to the south and east.By Frank Dainese
Posted Jan 23, 2009 15:38 by Frank Dainese
Val d'Aosta, Italian Alps,  High Resolution Mountain Scenery  Package Part 1
373.61Mb (8811 downloads)
The Aosta Valley (Italian:Val d'Aosta) is a mountainous autonomous region in north-western Italian Alps. It is bordered by France to the west, Switzerland to the north and the region of Piedmont to the south and east.By Frank Dainese
Posted Jan 23, 2009 14:42 by Frank Dainese
AI F-16
7.06Mb (6052 downloads)
FSX AI RNLAF F-16AM And BM. AI F-16AM and BM fighters in 23 different Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) liveries. They represent different F-16MLU aircraft currently operated by the RNLAF. The package contains the original AI aircraft models by Henry Tomkiewicz (with permission) so therefore no additional aircraft downloads are necessary. It is highly recommended that you read the included readme document for needed/suggested scenery (generating enough military parking spaces). Also included are basic flight plans for the F-16's flying in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the USA. The package has a self-installer for your convenience. By Rene Spaan.
Posted Jan 23, 2009 04:03 by Rene Spaan
Freedom Tower, Manhattan, NYC
Freedom Tower, Manhattan, NYC
0.44Mb (7152 downloads)
Freedom Tower, Manhattan, NYC for Flight Simulator X. Day/Night/Specular textures.
Posted Jan 21, 2009 03:36 by Cliff Crane
Turweston aerodrome (EGBT), UK
Turweston aerodrome (EGBT), UK
0.97Mb (1773 downloads)
FSX scenery of Turweston aerodrome (EGBT). Mike, one of the instructors is pictured by the cafe/ flight school. By Tim Dale.
Posted Jan 21, 2009 03:33 by Tim Dale
FSX/FS2004 Cuenca, Ecuador 2009
4.30Mb (2799 downloads)
Cuenca Scenery 2009 for FSX, FS2004, FS2002. After many years in development and few months in construction, the "Corporacion Aeroportuaria de Cuenca" has made de additions to the "Mariscal Lamar" Airport in Cuenca. The passengers terminal now can serve around 300 passengers simultaneously; a new building in aluminium and glass design, a panoramic view of the runway and new security services has been added. Installation >> extract the Cuenca 2009 folder to the Addon Scenery in FS, than activate it using the settings >> scenery library >> add area and choose Cuenca 2009 Enjoy the scenery, nice flights PD: after the instalation is complete some Boris Forrero BGL`s files could be added. Adonis Martínez.
Posted Jan 20, 2009 12:09 by Adonis Martinez
Ants Aussie Airports Vol 6
56.66Mb (1575 downloads)
Ants Aussie Airports Vol 6 : NT 8 Photoreal strips near Darwin,Australia PR scenery blends best with payware FTX textures. 98% of the 3D objects have been custom made. Includes Albany Park, Batchelor, Coomalie Cr, Crab Claw Is, Delissaville, Dum in Mirrie Is, Dundee Beach and Emkaytee. Goes great with Ants Aussie Airports Vol 4 : Darwin By Anthony Lynch.
Posted Jan 20, 2009 04:53 by Anthony Lynch