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FSX > Scenery > Page 287
12.98Mb (1197 downloads)
This Scenary is good for missions, packaged with a Naval Task Force/Battle Group off the Coast of Clile. The airport name is Terrorists SCUD. Site/Airstrip(SLLB). The airstrip is 83 NM. North-West of El Astro Intl., Bolivia(SLLP). Or 161 NM. North-East of ColCarlos Ciriani Santa Rosa, Peru(SPTN). ILS Added for RW-1 109.95Mhz. RW-19 closed. 9000 FT. Rw, 2000 FT. over run. Has scuds mobile launchers, and S.A.M.S around it. This small base posses a threat to the surrounding area. (Arresror Cables Work, No ILS) The airport name is NavalTaskForce/Battle Group(NTFC). Has NBD-(non directional beacon),and Frequency is 364.0. 100 NM. Range Naval Task Force is 10 NM. South-West off the coast of Chacalluta Intl.(SCAR) Chile. Or 189NM. South-West of Terrorists SCUD. Site/Airstrip(SLLB). NO PIC. LATE NIGHT.
Posted Jul 23, 2008 04:10 by archive
Chile V.1
0.05Mb (2603 downloads)
Posted Jul 21, 2008 20:40 by archive
Updated Carrier group Miramar V2.0 scenery from FSXF
13.02Mb (4109 downloads)
Updated-Carriers/Cruisers(Arrestor cables work), Choopers on decks, (Added LOC/DME Carrier1 CAT II Ident IABC-RW 1 108.55 Mhz, Carrier2 CAT III Ident IABB-RW 2 108.10 Mhz. NO BACK COARSE,OR GLIDE SLOPE) This is for the FSXF-Carrier Group Miramar, The airport name is FSXF-CarrierGroupMiramar.(FCBG) The NDB(none directional beacon) frequency is 235.0, NDB Range is 100 NM. carrier Group is 60 NM. west of Miramar MCAS. You can't spawn on the decks of the Carriers.
Posted Jul 18, 2008 11:24 by archive
0.03Mb (2142 downloads)
- RWY 28/10 and surrounding taxiways - Jetways added to Piers B and C where necessary - Some previous glitches fixed. Requires Dublin 2008
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 18, 2008 06:51 by archive
Montserrat Island Scenery
11.63Mb (2722 downloads)
Montserrat Island Scenery Includes: redrawn coasts and land class BRAMBLE (Montserrat (Destroy airport) GERALD'S(Montserrat new airport) Observatory (Monserrat heliport) Roads and traffic updated with land class Ruins of Plymouths City (Churchs , War memorial) Volcano LA Souffriere with effects JL Valladier
Posted Jul 17, 2008 06:42 by archive
Updated Carrier Group Oceana V2.0 from FSXF
12.92Mb (8514 downloads)
(Updated-Carriers/Cruisers/Destroyers,(Arrestor cables work) Added Choopers on decks, Added LOC/DME Carrier1-R1 108.95Mhz Ident IABA Cat II, Carrier2-R2 109.30Mhz Ident IABB Cat III, NO BACK COARSE OR GLIDE SLOPE) This is for the FSXF-Carrier Group Oceana, The airport name is FSXF-CarrierGroupOceana.(KNTC) The NDB(none directional beacon) frequency is 401.0, NDB Range is 100 NM. carrier Group is 12 NM. North-East of Oceana NAS. You can't spawn on the decks of the Carriers.
Posted Jul 16, 2008 06:41 by archive
FS2004/FSX                    Las Vegas, Nevada (NV) Area Scenery
80.59Mb (5437 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Las Vegas, Nevada (NV) Area Scenery. This package contains photo-scenery for the greater area of Las Vegas, covering an area of 3.250 sq km. It reaches from the foothills of Mt. Charleston to Lake Mead (partly covered). The scenery in standard FS2004-resolution of 4.7m/pixel. It works equally well in FS2004 and FSX. By Gottfried Razek/ 82.5MB
Posted Jul 15, 2008 14:42 by archive
                  Araxos Airforce Base, Greece, Scenery
0.18Mb (2066 downloads)
FSX Araxos Airforce Base, Greece, Scenery. Revised accurate afcad and Scenery for Araxos Airforce Base, Greece. B - 116 Combat Wing 335 Mira "Tigris" (Tigers) and 336"Olymbos" (Hawk) Served by A-7E TA-7C. Thanks to Google Earth for imagery. Alan Mccarthy. 190K
Posted Jul 15, 2008 14:42 by archive
                    CFB North Star (CYNS) Scenery.
1.63Mb (1705 downloads)
FSX CFB North Star (CYNS) Scenery. This is a completely fictional scenery project intended to serve military traffic in the Canadian Arctic region, as well as acting as home base for 409 Squadron. Features three 12500' runways, navaids, AI parking, and night lighting. Don't stick your tongue to anything metal out here! Project is entirely Freeware, created by Brian Sturton. 1.6MB Terrain patch. 417K
Posted Jul 15, 2008 14:42 by archive
                  Honolulu Yacht Harbour
0.52Mb (4734 downloads)
FSX Honolulu Yacht Harbour. Add some boats, docks and birds to Flight Simulator X's Honolulu! This adds birds, boats and docks to the yacht harbor in Flight Simulator X. 530K
Posted Jul 15, 2008 14:42 by archive