145.70Mb (277 downloads)
Conair CV-580 fleet includes all the Convair's operated by Conair aviation and a fictional Buffalo airways tanker version. This Pack is dedicated to Captain Tim Whiting and First Officer Brian Tilley.
Posted Jul 13, 2024 01:03 by Adriana Friesen
36.05Mb (442 downloads)
FSX (Accelleration) Vintage German fast prewar light bomber or reconnisance aircraft. The Heinkel He-70 Blitz (Lightning) was 1933 the fastest passenger plane, carrying 5 passengers and 1 pilot. The He-70F was the military version with a crew of 2 men. Fought f.i. in the Spanish War. The aircraft should fly probably in FS2004 and also in P3dV3 but this is not tested. FSDS 3.5 model made by Erwin Welker
Posted Jun 27, 2024 10:28 by Erwin Welker

11.38Mb (661 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3,v4 North American P-51D Mustang Early
The P-51D Mustang remains to this day the most widely recognized and deeply revered propeller driven fighter aircraft ever built. Originally designed for the RAF and equipped with an Allison engine, the Mustang was later fitted with the Packard-Merlin, which provided superior high altitude performance. With long range tanks, the Mustang could escort bombers to Berlin and still have time to fight. FSX/P3D native mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Apr 5, 2024 20:18 by A.F.Scrub

3.53Mb (382 downloads)
This will correct the two RPM Eng missing gauges on the Vc.
Option 1. Just place the content of "gauges" into:Lockheed Martin/Prepard3D v4/gauges...
Option 2. SimObjects/Airplanes/Convair 580/panel...
Thanks Simmers of Simviation!
Juan Carlos Brizuela_Johnny2024
Posted Apr 5, 2024 09:12 by Juan Carlos Brizuela_Johnny

66.47Mb (777 downloads)
CALCLASSIC´S CONVAIR 580 Retextured VC for P3D V4 (should work in other P3D and FSX)
The classical prop airliner from the 70´s brought to new life.
For those simmers (me included), who love to fly these long gone birds.
Gave it a new fresh look to the VC...
AutoAltimeter, Visual Throttle, AltCallouts, Display Inf.
For Prepar3D V4, not tested on FSX.
This is the complete aircraft, installations is the usual:
Place the Convair 580 folder into: SimObjects/Airplanes...enjoy it!
Juan Carlos Brizuela_Johnny2024
CalClassic's Convair 580.
Bjoern Kesten
Posted Apr 5, 2024 00:00 by Juan Carlos Brizuela_Johnny

11.49Mb (426 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3,4,5 Yak-7
The Yakovlev Yak-7 was developed from the earlier Yak-1 fighter, initially as a trainer (Yak-7UTI) but converted into a fighter. As both a fighter and a trainer, the Yak-7 proved to be a capable aircraft and was well liked by air crews. The Yak-7 was simpler, tougher and generally better than the Yak-1. FSX/P3D Native models by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Mar 28, 2024 18:01 by A.F.Scrub

12.19Mb (340 downloads)
FSX /P3dv3,v4,v5 Arsenal VG 33
The Arsenal VG-33 was one of a series of fast French light fighter aircraft under development at the start of World War II, but which matured too late to see extensive service in the French Air Force during the Battle of France.
Native mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Mar 16, 2024 09:55 by A.F.Scrub

24.03Mb (538 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3,v4,v4.5 Yak-12
The aircraft was used for transport, glider towing, pilot training, parachute training and also was used as an air ambulance and an agricultural workhorse. Apart from the Soviet Union, different modifications of the Yak-12 (R/M/A) were used in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, China and other countries. Upgrade to native FSX/P3D by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Feb 11, 2024 10:57 by A.F.Scrub
23.83Mb (238 downloads)
Nose art pack for Milton Shupes A-26 invader. Original base textures belong to him and John Terrell, I simply added the art and added the corresponding registration. You will need the original base pack for these to work.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 29, 2023 01:25 by Delta

101.73Mb (985 downloads)
1946 Northrop XB-35 Flying Wing
for Flight Simulator Ten
(May be compatible with P3D3-4 32-64 bit gauges)
The story of the XB-35 is well known, and the details of this 200,000 lb
Strategic Bomber is easily found online.
Trivia: The XB-35 and the B-2 have the same wingspan of 172 ft.
The FSX Flying Wing is the last Piglet Peculiar Plane, a developmental
model Warchild was flying to set up the FS flight flight dynamics.
This un-finished model was retained by Pam after Tim retired. Some years latter,
Y.T. had a look at it, sorted out some issues, got things working and serviceable.
And stuff sat for a few more years. It has a static, which needs(Scrubby? Erwin?}
further disassembly and development.
I did get a panel in, using Davids XB-35 gauges and cfg, with Manfred's C-97G
Turbocharger and smoke gauges, DSD squeaky brakes, and the sound file - R4360's!
Door 0 - crew hatch
tailhook - bomb doors
Full exterior animations for cooling system, slats.
Model by Tim 'Piglet' Conrad
Flight model: Pam "WarChild" Brooker
Trouble shooting, digi-AME, VC bodge, finalize cfg, fix exterior ect,
-Yours Truly-
Dec24 2023
Merry Christmas
Posted Dec 25, 2023 02:42 by Good Olde General Hand Grenade