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FSX > Vintage > Page 54
FSX Native Douglas C-74 Globemaster I Package
FSX Native Douglas C-74 Globemaster I Package
35.57Mb (1977 downloads)
The C-74 was planned during World War 2 as a much bigger successor to the C-54 Skymaster. An airliner version was also planned, and PanAm actually ordered it as the 'DC-7'. After the war it became obvious that a better design could be made, so only 14 C-74 Globemasters were built. With Jens kind permission: FSx native, MDL X materials and animations, 3D props &c. C-74 model and a late second block (cancelled) C-74A with nav radar, models with loads and no loads.
Posted May 16, 2017 02:11 by LLS
FSX/P3D Douglas C-124 Globemaster II X Package
FSX/P3D Douglas C-124 Globemaster II X Package
44.26Mb (2606 downloads)
FSX/P3D Douglas C-124 Globemaster II By Jens B. Kristensen. Version 2.0 FSX and P3D (up to v4) only. The C-124 Globemaster II was the standard USAF strategic transport during the 1950s and 60s, until it was replaced with the Lockheed C-141 Starlifter. The C-124A and C-124C are both included in this package. With Jens gracious permission, updated to FSX, MDL X animations and definitions, some added features, see readme.
Posted May 15, 2017 07:49 by LLS
FSX Native Douglass C-133B Cargomaster V2 X Package
FSX Native Douglass C-133B Cargomaster V2 X Package
51.10Mb (2416 downloads)
Douglass C-133B cargomaster long-range strategic airlifter by Tim Conrad, version 2 FSX native conversion,updates materials, adds a load of pallets on weight visibility condition, some attention given to improving the paintwork, bunch of new skins.
Posted May 14, 2017 15:47 by LLS
FSX/P3D Fiat G.12 version 2.0
FSX/P3D Fiat G.12 version 2.0
36.70Mb (2311 downloads)
Recompiled the 3D models for FSX/P3D. Revised virtual cockpit and some gauges. The Fiat G.12 was an Italian trimotor military/civil transport plane of the 1940s and early 1950s designed by the prolific engineer Giuseppe Gabrielli. This archive installs different MDLs for five different types of Fiat G12. They each have custom animations, sounds, engines, cockpit layouts, gauges, flight dynamics and on screen handling notes. All components are closely based on the original manuals. A detailed history and explanation of how to fly the five different versions of G.12 is included. Seven different liveries are supplied: Two Regia Aeronautica, one post war Italian Air Force (AMI), one Avio Linee Italiane (ALI), one Airone and two Alitalia ("Alcione" and "Regolo"). Models by Stefano Meneghini, liveries by Manuele Villa and Stefano Meneghini, original FS9 flight dynamics and handling notes by FSAviator.
Posted Apr 29, 2017 17:27 by Stefano Meneghini
52.38Mb (2275 downloads)
FSX Gloster Meteor F MkIII Upgrade Package V1.0 V1.0 Upgrade package for the Gloster Meteor by Robert Richardson. You need to have installed "Gloster Meteor F Mk 3" available from List of what's updated: The Update includes 22 subtle improvements, which taken together have, in my opinion, helped transform the accuracy of the plane, making it now fly as realistically as it looks. • Rudder made more effective. • Aileron and elevator effectiveness increased. • Brakes weakened realistically. • Reduced yaw stability. • Increased roll stability. • Refined elevator-trim effectiveness. • Flaps deployment lengthened. • Reduced flap drag slightly, added a little pitch. • Better sound effect for landing. • New soundset constructed. WIP. • Rudimentary compressibilty effects added. • Added VC light. • Corrected red nav light. • Weight corrected from the previous F8 weights: Empty: 8,810 lb (3,996 kg); loaded Weight: 13,300 lb (6,032 kg). • Fuel load reduced to 324 imp gal + 100 gal ventral tank, from 695 imp gal. Provision is made to swap to the 180 gallon drop-able ventral tank within the aircraft.cfg – but the plane in this configuration is not cleared for even limited aerobatics. • Drag and engine power adjusted to create the correct Max Speed and Max Ceiling • Fuel consumption corrected by 35%, the Meteor was heavy on fuel. • Altered Meteor Reference and Checklist to load in correctly. It was previously referencing the Meteor MkVIII. • Ceiling Height for the MkIII. Adjusted ceiling from 40K to 33,500ft – • Max speed from 580kts to 412-415kts flying level. • Altered the payload in the cfg file from 400lbs to 800lbs, the weight of the ammunition for the 4 cannons. • Aircraft cfg cleaned up: Folding wings removed, removed reference to the F8 in the UI details etc. (C) Warbird Warrior 201
Required file (external site. Please report if broken)
Posted Apr 29, 2017 08:48 by Peter J. Forster
Nakajima B6N2 Tenzan X
Nakajima B6N2 Tenzan X
9.71Mb (1579 downloads)
Nakajima B6N-2 Tenzan in FSX native. updated to MDLX animations, materials, glass, discrete interior model, 3D prop disc. Type 91 torpedo on dropped object visibility condition, from saved flight (included) Model by Thicko, FSX panel by Hetzi, FSX flogging, Type 91 torpedo/with airtail, incidental bits by Y.T.
Posted Apr 26, 2017 01:21 by LLS
DC-3/C-47  Bonanza Air Lines Textures
DC-3/C-47  Bonanza Air Lines Textures
4.43Mb (336 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Manfred Jahn C-47/ DC-3 v3 in Bonanza Air Lines livery. Bonanza was the first all-jet powered airline in the United States. It was based in Las Vegas. They operated from inception in 1945 until merging into Air West in 1968. Their DC-3s were phased out in 1960. You need the C-47 v3 (DC-3) by Manfred Jahn. This aircraft was tested on FSX-SE & P3D v3.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 25, 2017 00:12 by Ted Giana
FSX Update for the XF-84H Thunderscreech
FSX Update for the XF-84H Thunderscreech
6.57Mb (1018 downloads)
The Republic XF-84H "Thunderscreech" was an experimental turboprop aircraft derived from the F-84F Thunderstreak. Its maiden flight took place in July 1955. Powered by a turbine engine that was mated to a supersonic propeller, the XF-84H had the potential of setting the unofficial air speed record for propeller-driven aircraft, but was unable to overcome teething aerodynamic deficiencies, resulting in the cancellation of the program. The aircraft was named "Thunderscreech", because it was quite possibly the loudest aircraft ever built. This is an FSX update for the XF-84H, designed by Kazunori Ito for FS2002. It features a new 2D panel with FSX compatible gauges as well as a highly detailed static VC (non-functional gauges) and the FDE has been changed to make it flyable in FSX. Original model by Kazunori Ito and camera views by Erwin Welker, all FSX updates, smoke configuration and improved FDE by Michael Pook.
Posted Apr 17, 2017 16:12 by Michael Pook
FSX Heinkel He-1079BC Prototype
FSX Heinkel He-1079BC Prototype
29.76Mb (1407 downloads)
This was the second design for the He P.1079B all-weather heavy fighter. The wings were swept back sharply and contained six fuel tanks. A crew of two sat back-to-back in the cockpit, and armament was to be four MK 108 30mm cannon. No evidence has been found that the P.1079 projects were ever submitted to the RLM, but it is known that designer Siegfried Günter, along with his engineers Eichner and Hohbach, were working on these designs under U.S. supervision during the summer of 1945. This is an FSX update for the He-1079, originally designed for FS2002 by Stephen Robinson and updated for FSX by Keith Hackett in 2010. This new update features a new gauge configuration for the VC and a 2D panel has been added as well, both with now all German authentic gauges. Furthermore, smoke, burner effect and new camera views have been added also. The new livery (green camo) has been made by myself. Thanks to Steve Robinson for the original model, to Keith Hackett for the earliar FSX update, to Hauke Keitel for most of the gauges and to Mark Cranston for the sound. New 2D panel and gauge configuration, new livery and smoke and burner effect as well as additional camera views by Michael Pook.
Posted Apr 13, 2017 08:06 by Michael Pook
FSX Update for the Henschel HSP-87 Prototype
FSX Update for the Henschel HSP-87 Prototype
13.41Mb (1054 downloads)
This project was Henschel's design for a fast bomber to be powered by a single 2200 horsepower Daimler Benz DB 610 engine. A "Entenbauform" (built like a duck) design was used, with the tail in front and the wing to the rear. Vertical fins were located at the wingtips. The cockpit was in the forward fuselage with accomodations for a crew of three or four. The prototype construction was not begun, and the further development of tail-first aircraft was not pursued due to lengthy development time and design cost. This is an FSX update for the HSP-87, originally designed for FS2004 by Stephen Robinson. The aircraft works perfectly in FSX, but this update features a new 2D panel, smoke effect and additional camera views. Thanks to Steve Robinson for the awesome original model. New 2D panel, smoke configuration and additional camera views by Michael Pook.
Posted Apr 13, 2017 02:30 by Michael Pook