17.37Mb (1049 downloads)
The Focke-Wulf Ta-283 was a German swept-wing ramjet-powered interceptor aircraft during World War II. The project was developed at the same time as the Focke-Wulf Super Lorin and remained unbuilt before the surrender of Nazi Germany.
This is an FSX update for the TA-283, originally designed for FS2002 by Stephen Robinson. Amazingly, the aircraft works perfectly in FSX, but this update features both a revised VC and 2D panel with all German authentic gauges as well as corrected smoke, new burner effect and additional camera views. Thanks to Steve Robinson for the awesome original model, to Hauke Keitel for the Kedi gauges,to the unknown designers of the other great gauges and to Erwin Welker for the camera views. New panel and effect configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Apr 13, 2017 00:55 by Michael Pook

12.18Mb (917 downloads)
The Potez 540 was a French multi-role aircraft of the 1930s. Designed and built by Potez, it served with the French Air Force as a reconnaissance bomber, also serving with the Spanish Republican Air Force during the Spanish Civil War. Although obsolete as a bomber, it remained in service in support roles and in France's overseas colonies at the start of World War II. This is Paul Clawson's FSX Potez 540 with newly designed and reworked VC and 2D panel with now French
gauges for the most part. It also features smoke effect, slightly improved FDE and additional camera views for the co-pilot and rear seat. Original model by Paul Clawson and thanks to Restauravia for the great French gauges and to "Law Dog" for the sound. Panel updates by Michael Pook.
Posted Apr 9, 2017 05:22 by Michael Pook

18.00Mb (1072 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Vought VE-7FS Fighter
The fighter version of the VE-7 was designated VE-7S. It was a single-seater, the front cockpit being faired over and a .30 cal. machine gun mounted over it, on the left side and synchronized to fire through the propeller. Some planes, designated VE-7SF, had flotation gear consisting of inflatable bags stowed away, available to help keep the plane afloat when ditching at sea. Two variants, four textures. Work perfectly in FS9 and FSX. GMAX mdls by A.F.Scrub
Posted Apr 7, 2017 02:24 by A.F.Scrub

22.32Mb (2952 downloads)
The Yakovlev Yak-52 is a Russian primary trainer aircraft which first flew in 1976. It is still being produced in Romania by Aerostar as Iak-52. The Yak-52 was designed originally as an aerobatic trainer for students in the Soviet DOSAAF training organisation, which trained both civilian sport pilots and military pilots. Since the early 1990s and the fall of the Soviet Union, many Yak 52s have been exported to the west. Of the approximately 2150 produced to date, most now fly in the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and other western countries. This package is an FSX/Acceleration update of John Carter's FS9 VC model, featuring a highly detailed 2D panel by the designer himself and a new VC panel on the basis of the excellent 2D, both equipped with mostly Russian gauges. Included are three additional repaints by Mick Sinclair, slightly modified to eliminate some color and and caption issues on the fuselage. Thanks to John Carter for the original model and to Mick Sinclair for the repaints and Aaron Swindle for the sound, repaint modifications, new VC design and new gauge configuration by Michael Pook. Not sure if the the model runs in FS2004 .
Posted Apr 5, 2017 05:55 by Michael Pook

28.35Mb (2192 downloads)
FSX/P3D Spartan Executive 'American Flyers' (with moving canopy raindrops) package. The Spartan 7W Executive was an aircraft produced by the Spartan Aircraft Company during the late 1930s and early 1940s. The 'American Flyers' is of the world's few surviving Spartan Executives. This aircraft truly was the Learjet of it's time. NC17613 is an original, built in 1937. Package by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas and Urs Burkhardt. Textures by Eric Joiner. Added the VC rain effects (moving raindrops on canopy) originally included by Paly. Assembled and tested in P3D and FSX by Chris Evans
Posted Mar 28, 2017 12:39 by chris evans

2.56Mb (329 downloads)
PaintKit for Curtis F-11 Hawk II of Eduardo Padul. Include my own VCpanel.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 28, 2017 09:24 by Juan Villamor

1.53Mb (442 downloads)
Forgot to enclose some saved flights for utilizing the BAT, Tiny Tim and Torpedo equipped Helldivers (below). Also, notes on employment so you can
plink a ship at 20 nautical miles.
Posted Mar 27, 2017 16:40 by LLS

72.42Mb (2868 downloads)
2017 FSX A-25A, SB2C-1, SB2C-4,-4E,-5 Helldiver by Wolfgang "Wolfi" Faber
A classic from CFS2/FS8/FS9, for FSX only.
FSX native, MDL X materials and animations, several new models, radar options, bomb, rocket, torpedo and glide bomb features.
See readme for details, operational features and credits. Sound current aliased to Howard 500X-an excellent sound pack.
Posted Mar 27, 2017 05:05 by LLS

17.49Mb (1232 downloads)
In 1945, the German Air Ministry requested new designs for a new generation of jet fighters such as the Horten Ho 229 and Focke Wulf Ta 183. One of these designs was the Heinkel He P.1079. The initial design, known as the P.1079A, was a V-tail night fighter with wings that featured a 35 degree sweepback.The second and third designs were flying wings with a single vertical fin which replaced the V-tail of the P.1079A. The P.1079.B2 was a completely tailless flying wing. None of the three designs were ever produced, with development work ceasing at the end of World War II. This is an update of the Nightfighter, originally designed by Andreas Becker. The focus of this update lies upon the panels,now featuring mostly German gauges to give them a more authentic appearance, being that this aircraft was a German design. In adition, tha VC has been entirely reworked and now
contains some more gauges. All credits go to Andreas Becker for the original model, new panel updates by Michael Pook.
Posted Mar 25, 2017 11:56 by Michael Pook

27.78Mb (1131 downloads)
This is an FSX update for the Curtiss F-11 Hawk II, originally designed for FS2004 by Eduardo Padul, and features the original Columbian Army livery and two German textures. The latter depict two planes purchased by the German government in
1934 for the famous WWII pilot Ernst Udet. After a crash with the D-IRIK he used D-IRIS as his private aircraft until the outbreak of WWII. The package features both an entirely revised and enhanced VC and 2D panel. Thanks to Eduardo Padul for the original model, to Caz Dalton for the repaints, to Tim Dement for the sound file and Tom Eads for the engine model. New panels and smoke configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Mar 20, 2017 12:08 by Michael Pook