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FSX > Vintage > Page 82
FSX Messerschmitt Me-108 Taifun (Fixed)
FSX Messerschmitt Me-108 Taifun (Fixed)
31.21Mb (3308 downloads)
Guenther Kraemers great FS9 Messerschmitt Me-108 Taifun updated for FSX. I put in 4 different panels with full working VC's, extra Shift+panels and all the liveries I could find (11). Enjoy! (Now includes missing gauges. Apologies)
Posted Dec 22, 2014 03:32 by erik hertzberger
FSX Fokker D.21 Package V1.00
FSX Fokker D.21 Package V1.00
85.34Mb (2118 downloads)
This is the FSX native Fokker D.21 fighter, created by Dutcheeseblend. It comes in two variations: an early (1938) and a late (1940) model, painted in the Dutch LVA registration 213. Version 1.00
Posted Dec 18, 2014 22:58 by Daan Kaasjager
FSX Acceleration Aero A 102 Prototype
FSX Acceleration Aero A 102 Prototype
4.20Mb (1029 downloads)
FSX Acceleration Aero A 102 Gullwing Fighter Prototype. The Aero A.102 was a Czechoslovakian gull winged fighter aircraft that flew in prototype form in 1934. Climb rate, top speed and manoeuvrability proved good but landing speed was considered to be too high and no production followed. Original FS2002 mdl by Milan Lisner, upgraded to FSX Acceleration (only) by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Dec 17, 2014 15:02 by A.F.Scrub
FSX/FS2004 Messerschmitt BF 109 G 10
FSX/FS2004 Messerschmitt BF 109 G 10
9.46Mb (4405 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Messerschmitt BF109G10 The Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10 'Gustav' was the most numerous German fighter in service with the Luftwaffe during the last years of WW2. By early Spring 1944, the Bf.109G-10 variant had replaced the Bf.109G-6 in mass-production, being powered by the DB 605D engine with an improved supercharger. Without external pylons, the G-10 was the fastest Bf-109G variant, with a top speeds of 550 km/h at sea level and 680 km/h at 7,400 m. Four mdls, clean or with guns/rocket launchers. Tested in FS2004/FSX/FSXacceleration, windows 7/8. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Dec 16, 2014 13:33 by A.F.Scrub
FSX McDonnell FH-1 Phantom updated
FSX McDonnell FH-1 Phantom updated
59.75Mb (1115 downloads)
The FH-1 Phantom was an American jet fighter developed by McDonnell towards the end of WWII, whose first flight took place in January 1945. It was the first pure jet fighter to be used on aircraft carrier decks. The package features both a completely re-modelled vc and 2D panel. It also includes new smoke effects. Original model by Paul Clawson, new panel and smoke effect configuration by Michael Pook
Posted Dec 14, 2014 11:53 by Michael Pook
FSX Saunders Roe SR-A1 updated
FSX Saunders Roe SR-A1 updated
21.56Mb (1153 downloads)
The Saunders Roe SR-A1 was a British single-seat, twin-jet fighter flying boat, developed towards the end of WWII. The package features FSX compatible gauges for the 2D panel, a static vc (non-functional gauges) and smoke effects. Original FS2002/2004 model by Kazunori Ito, new configurations by Michael Pook.
Posted Dec 10, 2014 04:58 by Michael Pook
FSX/FS2004 Heinkel He 59 Floatplane
FSX/FS2004 Heinkel He 59 Floatplane
5.82Mb (1150 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Heinkel He 59 Floatplane In 1930, Ernst Heinkel began developing an aircraft for the Reichsmarine. The He 59A floatplane prototype paved the way for the He 59B initial production model, of which 142 were delivered in three variants. The Heinkel He 59 was a pleasant aircraft to fly; deficiencies noted were the weak engine, the limited range, the small load capability and insufficient armament. This model depicts a Heinkel He59 B2 of the 3/KurFLGr 106 (Kustenfliegergruppe 106), stationed at Borkum, Nov 1939. Tested in FS2004/FSX/FSX Acceleration, Win7/8.1. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Dec 10, 2014 03:03 by A.F.Scrub
FSX Grumman F7F 300 Package
FSX Grumman F7F 300 Package
45.74Mb (4160 downloads)
FSX Grumman F7F 300 with Virtual Cockpit and FSX Gauges. The Grumman F7F Tigercat was the first twin-engined fighter aircraft to enter service in 1944 with the United States Navy. Original by Milton Shupe. Great Radial Engine Vintage Propliner! Uploaded by request. Jetranger
Posted Dec 9, 2014 05:32 by Jetranger
FSX Douglas XB-19 with updated panels
FSX Douglas XB-19 with updated panels
21.91Mb (2347 downloads)
The XB-19 was the largest airplane in the world when it first flew in 1941. The package features a new vc and 2D panel as well as smoke effects. Gunners and pilots are animated. Original model by A. F. Scrub and Paul Clawson, new VC, 2D panel and smoke effect configuration by Michael Pook
Posted Dec 7, 2014 06:31 by Michael Pook
Douglas DC-3 Interflug Textures
Douglas DC-3 Interflug Textures
12.06Mb (541 downloads)
Interflug textures for the default FSX Douglas DC3. (fictional). Interflug GmbH was the national airline of East Germany from 1963 to 1990.
Posted Nov 23, 2014 07:05 by archive