25.02Mb (2262 downloads)
Deutsche Luft Hansa put a request for a long-distance commercial aircraft as early as 1933. When the Ju 89 program was abandoned, the third prototype was partially completed and at the request
of Lufthansa, it was rebuilt as an airliner, retaining the wings and tail of the original design but incorporating a new, wider passenger-carrying fuselage.
The new design was designated the Ju 90.
The package features 4 civil and 1 military
models and both a completely re-worked and enhanced vc with as many German gauges as possible. Also, the 2D panel matches the VC. Original FS2004 model by Hauke Keitel, Rolf Uwe Hochmuth and Claudio Mussner, earliar FSX update by A.F. Scrub. New VC and 2D panel configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Feb 9, 2015 08:09 by Michael Pook

4.99Mb (440 downloads)
Found this livery thanks to Jetranger here at Simviation. Had very little to go on with only maybe a half dozen photos available on the net, including their Facebook page. Thought I would give it
a try. Don't own the Just Flights model, so I opted for Calclassics DC-6 CB17. Results in the enclosed file. The Cloudmaster DC-6 is kind of a time share, available in one eighth shares or multiples thereof. Use is offered in days rather than hours. Enjoy your vacation.
here (external link - please report if broken)
Posted Feb 5, 2015 00:06 by Dave Rocholl

31.83Mb (1495 downloads)
The Junkers K 47 designed by Dipl-Ing Karl Plauth and Hermann Pohlmann was
intended primarily as a two-seat fighter monoplane, but following the standard Junkers
practice of the period, an ostensibly civil counterpart was evolved in parallel as the A 48.
Work on the K 47 was begun in 1927, and in order to overcome the restrictions imposed
on the development of combat aircraft in Germany appertaining at that time, the
prototype was assembled in Sweden by the Junkers subsidiary, A.B Flygindustri at
Limhamn-Malmo, although on 1 November 1927.
The package features a new VC design and a 2D a photorealistic panel added, both with FSX compatible German gauges. Original model for FS2004 by Classic Wings(Craig Richardson), new VC and 2D panel by Michael Pook.
Posted Jan 31, 2015 09:57 by Michael Pook

7.11Mb (3117 downloads)
This package is an update of my earliar FSX update of the Ju-87 Stuka. It features a completely re-modelled and enhanced VC as well as a new 2D panel, which matches the VC. The VC background has now been sharpened and more detailled. The fuselage textures have been sharpened as well as they looked somewhat blurred. Original model by Alphasim, new configuration and enhancements by Michael Pook.
Posted Jan 30, 2015 09:48 by Michael Pook

0.12Mb (809 downloads)
This is a texture fix for the Martin Mercator. One of the textures reveals a problem with a horizontal stabilizer.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 28, 2015 05:56 by Michael Pook

28.39Mb (2447 downloads)
First flown in 1946, the P4M lost the competition to be the Navy's next maritime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft to the smaller and less expensive Lockheed P2V Neptune. Unlike the Neptune, which had its auxiliary jet engines tacked on as an afterthought on later models, the Mercator was designed as a four engined aircraft and it's jets were integrated into the engine nacelles.
Procured in small numbers, the Mercator had a distinguished career in the electronic reconnaissance or "ferret" role, in which it made close approaches to, or actual penetrations of, potentially hostile territory in order to provoke defensive systems reactions that it could measure and record. One patrol squadron (VP-21) operated the P4M-1 for a brief period, and the P4M-1Q was frequently marked in imitation of the Neptune's or other VP squadrons to disguise its ferret role. At least two Mercator's were shot down in the performance of the ferret mission.
The last Mercator's were withdrawn from service in 1960.
The package includes four models and seven textures. It features an entirely re-worked
enhanced VC and 2D panel. The original FS2004 model displayed problems with transparent fuselage parts, which has been remedied as well. The aircraft may also work in FS 2004.
Original model by David Wooster, FSX update
and new panels by Michael Pook.
Posted Jan 26, 2015 06:56 by Michael Pook

13.29Mb (1290 downloads)
This is A. F. Scrub's Avenger TBM3W with a new VC and modified 2D panel to match the VC.
The package features more gauges added, i.e.
radios in the center console as well as a radar screen. It also features smoke effect added. This is the whole aircraft. Original
model by A.F. Scrub, updated VC. 2D panel and smoke effect by Michael Pook.
Posted Jan 26, 2015 04:24 by Michael Pook

3.63Mb (277 downloads)
Nicknamed the "Tin Goose",the Ford 4-AT Tri-Motor pioneered early airline and air transport routes.In 1925, the Ford Motor Company bought the Stout Metal Plane Company to gain rights to the Tri-Motor design.In all,198 Ford Tri-Motors were built.During its years of regular service in the late 1920s and early 1930s,the Ford Tri-Motor helped popularize commercial flight and promote the safety of flying to travelers.This textures set in "Il Messaggero/Addis-Abeba" livery (FICTIONAL) requires a working copy of an FSX conversion of the Default Microsoft Ford Tri-Motor. Installation instructions are included. Repaint by Manuele Villa, January 2015.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 25, 2015 11:23 by Manuele Villa

2.47Mb (366 downloads)
In the hands of pilots such as Amelia Earhart and Wiley Post, the Vega set many flying records during the 1930s.Wiley Post flew his Vega "Winnie Mae" around the world in 1931.In 1932 Amelia Earhart,piloting a Vega,became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.The Vega's power and speed also made it a top choice for early commercial airline operations.This textures set in "Gondrand/Milano" livery (FICTIONAL) requires a working copy of an FSX conversion of the Default Microsoft Lockheed Vega.Installation instructions are included.Repaint by Manuele Villa,January 2015.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 25, 2015 11:21 by Manuele Villa

16.72Mb (2116 downloads)
The package features the two models recently posted by Mark Rooks with an enhanced VC and a different 2D panel, which matches the VC for the most part. New smoke effect has also been added. Original model by Tim Conrad, new textures by Mark Rooks and original VC design by Alphasim. The designer of the 2D panel is unknown.
New VC design and smoke effect by Michael Pook
Posted Jan 25, 2015 04:42 by Michael Pook