9.53Mb (1349 downloads)
FSX Grumman Avenger TBM-3U
The Grumman Avenger made a major contribution to the outcome of the Second World War as a carrier-based naval aircraft. Procured in large numbers, the type saw action with Allied Forces in virtually all theatres of operation. Robust and reliable, the Avenger survived in large numbers into the post-war period and was adapted to a wide variety of uses.The -3u was a general utility and target towing variant and remained in service until the mid 1950. GMAX model, tested in FSX/FSXacceleration/Fs2004 Win7/8 by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Mar 24, 2015 04:18 by A.F.Scrub

36.42Mb (3241 downloads)
This is the whole Ford Trimotor package for FSX, compiled and updated for FSX by David Grindele.The focus of this upload is on an enhanced VC, because the ugly default VC design doesn't do it justice at all and doesn't contain all the gauges a Trimotor Prop should have. So the new VC now both displays more gauges and a major improvement
of the VC's appearance in general. However, the gauges added are there just for appearance and are non-functional, as the VC structure unfortunately is not set for
a configuration of more functioning gauges. Also, all the textures have new thumbnails added, because the default ones don't really depict the colors of the paints in most cases. In addition, new smoke effect and camera views have been added as well. Original model by Microsoft, FSX update and texture compilation by David Grindele, new camera views by Erwin Welker and new Vc design, new thumbnails as well as smoke effect by Michael Pook.
Posted Mar 21, 2015 02:58 by Michael Pook

13.16Mb (1217 downloads)
This is a panel update of A. F. Scrub's Bell XP-77 recently uploaded. It features both an entirely newly designed VC and 2D panel as well as new smoke effect. In addition, flying at night, the VC is now illuminated as well.
Original model by A. F. Scrub, new panels, smoke effect and VC light configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Mar 19, 2015 05:11 by Michael Pook

4.94Mb (948 downloads)
FSX/FSX Acceleration XP77 lightweight fighter.
The Bell XP-77, was an all-wood lightweight fighter made from Sitka spruce, patterned after racers of the 1930s. The idea was initially, to produce a small, cheap, all-wood fighter built with few strategic materials . In May 1943, the USAAF decided that the XP-77 had no operational utility as a lightweight fighter and the program was cancelled. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Mar 16, 2015 09:28 by A.F.Scrub

4.26Mb (268 downloads)
FS9/FSX PCA Textures for the JBK DC-4. These textures depict a PCA DC-4 in 1947.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 15, 2015 21:08 by Gary Harper

16.04Mb (1082 downloads)
The SBU-1 first entered service in 1935. It was the first scout bomber to exceed 200 mph and the first US Navy plane to use cowl flaps for better engine cooling. This is the SBU-1 Saratoga by Paul Clawson. The package features an entirely re-worked and enhanced vc and a new 2D panel added as the original model didn't have one. This is the whole aircraft. Original model by Paul Clawson, VC configuration and new 2D panel by Michael Pook.
Posted Mar 13, 2015 05:28 by Michael Pook

10.63Mb (2535 downloads)
The Douglas Boston MKIII was an American attack, light bomber, intruder and night fighter aircraft of World War II. It served with several Allied air forces, principally the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF), the Soviet Air Forces (VVS), Soviet Naval Aviation (AVMF) and the Royal Air Force (RAF) of the United Kingdom.
This is a panel update for the Alphasim Douglas Boston. It features the FSX update by Enrique Medal who designed a great 2D panel with compatible gauges. However, the VC side sections only displayed non-functional gauges. Now these sections have also functional and re-organized gauges, which makes it look fairly authentic to the real panel. In addtion, as a choice There are two panel options. The readme text explains how to change from one to the other.
Original model by Alphasim and FSX update and new 2D panel by EnriqueMedal, new VC and smoke effect configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Mar 9, 2015 07:01 by Michael Pook

13.36Mb (1252 downloads)
The Yakovlev AIR-7 was a prototype Soviet high performance light aircraft of the 1930s. It was a two-seat single-engined monoplane, which demonstrated excellent performance during testing.
This is a panel update for the Yak Air-7 Racer by A. F. Scrub. The package features both a new enhanced VC and 2D panel with re-organized gauges. The aircraft has colored smoke effect as contrails (red and white), but as an option you can choose from five different colors. The readme text describes how to do it. Original model by A. F. Scrub, new panel design and configuration as well as new smoke effect configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Mar 7, 2015 09:46 by Michael Pook

15.31Mb (2984 downloads)
This is a panel update for the Waco UPF-7 Biplane by Tim Conrad. The package features a new 2D panel as the original model just had just a minipanel instead of a real 2D panel. Both panels are matched perfectly and are equipped with David Eckart's gauges he used for his FSX update of the Boeing Stearman Biplane, which are perhaps a little more authentic than the
original ones. Also, the VC has been slightly enhanced. Included in the package are three beautiful paints. Original model and FSX update by Tim Conrad, new 2D panel and other panel configurations as well as new smoke effect by Michael Pook.
Posted Mar 6, 2015 09:37 by Michael Pook

7.33Mb (1280 downloads)
This is a panel update for the Curtiss F8C Helldiver by K. Furuya. The package features both an entirely re-worked and enhanced VC and 2D panel. The panels are based on Erwin Welker's earliar "yellow panel" modification for the Boeing Stearman. The panels also contain David Eckart's gauges he used for his FSX update of the Stearman, which are perhaps a little more authentic than the ones of the earliar FSX update by A. F. Scrub. Original model by K. Furuya and FSX update by A. F. Scrub, new panel configurations and design as well as new smoke effect by Michael Pook.
Posted Mar 4, 2015 06:31 by Michael Pook