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FSX > Vintage > Page 76
FS2004/FSX/Acceleration Heinkel He-280 Photopanel Upgrade
FS2004/FSX/Acceleration Heinkel He-280 Photopanel Upgrade
6.88Mb (1219 downloads)
FS2004/FSX/Acceleration Heinkel He-280B photopanel upgrade. This rare model of a German WWII jetfighter was originally made for CFS2 by JR Lucariny. My upgrade provides a converted model for FS9/FSX-use with a semi realistic photo panel with a matching static VC and a weapon effect configuration. Of course the panel can be used also in CFS2 or FS2000/2002 but I can't test the gauges. This is a complete aircraft. Model conversion and Panel by Erwin Welker.
Posted May 5, 2015 02:44 by Erwin Welker
Delta C&S Convair 340 Textures
Delta C&S Convair 340 Textures
4.64Mb (545 downloads)
FS9/FSX Delta C&S Airlines Convair 340 textures. Requires Convair 340 aircraft by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson. Textures by Gary Harper
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Posted May 3, 2015 21:08 by Gary Harper
Fokker D.21 V2.00 TacPack Package
Fokker D.21 V2.00 TacPack Package
97.09Mb (2445 downloads)
This is the second version of the freeware Fokker D.21, made by Dutcheeseblend. Complete detailed exterior and VC. Included are seven variations and two models. With respect to V1.00, the FD, liveries and model have been updated. New variations added. Equipped with TacPack. See the accompanying manual for detailed information. Version 2.00 (2-May-15)
Posted May 2, 2015 14:11 by Daan Kaasjager
DC-3 N3006 "Esther Mae" Textures and Historic Flight Plans
28.86Mb (777 downloads)
Repaint for Manfred Jahn's C-47v2 in N3006 "Esther Mae" livery, clean and silver in color also with this paint you get exhaust effects and the A2A Shockwave light configuration for this great add-on for FSX. There are exhaust and flame effects with this package, photo of real aircraft included. "Around the World in Esther Mae" Flight plan added in this package starting at Alliance Airport Ft Worth, TX and return to Meacham Field Ft.Worth, TX. This an airport to airport VFR flight with waypoints set on average every 300nm, some shorter, some longer. The flight it will take you westward to California, then north into Canada. From there to Alaska then crossing the bearing straight to Russia and into Asia, you will fly into Indo-China and the Middle East across Africa and into Europe. Crossing the English channel into the UK and north to Iceland, Greenland, Nova Scotia, and back to the United States and down to Fort Worth some 20,000 plus miles in the flight.
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Youtube video
Posted Apr 28, 2015 19:46 by David Robles
Fix for the FSX Sikorsky S-38
0.17Mb (1052 downloads)
This is a fix for the Sikorsky S-38. Some simmers seem to have problems with the aircraft leaning left while standing still on water. Also, the aircraft is not controllable during take-off from land. Sorry for the inconvenience. Fix by Michael Pook.
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Posted Apr 28, 2015 02:14 by Michael Pook
FSX Boeing KC-97L Stratotanker Updated
FSX Boeing KC-97L Stratotanker Updated
34.40Mb (3189 downloads)
This is an FSX update for the Boeing KC-97L Stratotanker and includes three Airguard textures (Arizona, California and Utah). The package features a reworked and enhanced VC with many more (FSX compatible) gauges than the original VC had as well as a 2D panel matching the VC. In addition, the aircraft has new smoke effects and additional cabin views. Original model by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson, KC-97L mods by A. F. scrub, flight dynamics/ textures by James Craig and original ANG textures by Dave Mcqueen. New camera views by Erwin Welker, adaptation for FSx, new VC configuration and enhancement as well as new smoke effects by Michael Pook.
Posted Apr 24, 2015 16:15 by Michael Pook
Kamov A-7-3 Gyrocopter
Kamov A-7-3 Gyrocopter
9.39Mb (1490 downloads)
Kamov A-7-3 Gyrocopter, another nice CFS2-model now updated for FSX Acceleration. 2 Models (wheels and skis) and 2 liveries (summer and winter). Acceptable 2D- & VC-panels with full working Russian gauges (all included), a minipanel with Russian gauges and gun-effects for fun. Full credits are for Baldy, who kindly gave me permission for uploading on SimV, for his great model, and Gary Morrow who managed to put in the pilot and the gunner, for which he used Wolfi's great models, and for updating the aircraft.cfg. Please read the original readme. All I did was putting things together and making it flyable for FSX. Hope you enjoy flying this bird as much as I enjoyed updating it.
Posted Apr 24, 2015 14:12 by erik hertzberger
Sikorsky S-38 Updated for FSX
Sikorsky S-38 Updated for FSX
19.63Mb (2139 downloads)
This mega package is an FSX update for the FS2002/2004 twin-engine-prop amphibious Sikorsky S-38 by George Diemer. It features all the textures, which are available on the internet and which could be made usable in FSX. The package features 3 entirely reworked and enhanced VCs for the different models as well as a matching 2D panel. The US Army model and the Carnauba were both originally FS2002 models and totally uncompatible with FSX, hence, quite a few of their texture bitmaps nad to be newly designed from scratch to be compatible with the newer models. In addition, the packge features new smoke effect and cabin camera views. Be sure not to confuse this model with the latest update of the Sikorsky S-39, which is a single-engine-prop and was falsely titled "S-38". Original model and textures by George Diemer, camera views by Erwin Welker and new VCs, 2D panel and smoke effect by Michael Pook.
Posted Apr 23, 2015 10:19 by Michael Pook
Douglas TBD-1 Devastator red tail (AIRFIX)
Douglas TBD-1 Devastator red tail (AIRFIX)
1.29Mb (759 downloads)
Texture for FSX Douglas TBD-1 Devastator Updated Package, by Michael E. Roberts, to the Paul Clawson Douglas TBD1 Devastator.(file needed: Texture by Enrique Medal. This archive contains a texture that depict red section leaders of Torpedo and Bombing Squadron Five (VT-5), which was part of the Yorktown Air Group aboard the USS Yorktown (CV-5) in the late 1930s.
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Posted Apr 19, 2015 14:18 by Enrique Medal
Sikorsky S-39 (Fixed)
Sikorsky S-39 (Fixed)
7.09Mb (1565 downloads)
This is an important fixed version for the FS2002/ 2004 amphibious aircraft single-engine-prop Sikorsky S 39 by George Diemer. The first FSX update featured faulty contact points, which caused the aircraft to sink under water during take-off and landing. Sorry for the inconvenience. Corrected contact points by Michael Pook. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Apr 17, 2015 04:56 by Michael Pook