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FSX Bristol Britannia
FSX Bristol Britannia
FSX Bristol Britannia (Category: FSX > Vintage)
51.71Mb (1369 downloads)
The Bristol Brittannia was one of the first airliner powered by turboprops. It went in competition with the first jet airliners so commercial success was not there. Original model by Jens B. Kristensen. VC modifications, 2D panel for wide screen and gauges by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file. Enjoy!
Posted Nov 4, 2018 10:47 by Philippe Wallaert
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-900 Delta Connection package
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-900 Delta Connection package
56.13Mb (2456 downloads)
FSX/P3D Bombardier CRJ-900 Delta Connection package. Delta Connection is a subsidiary of Delta Airlines and operates through various regional airlines around the USA. Delta Connection operate a total of over 150 CRJ-900 (Nov. 2018) This is the FSX Native AI model by UTT with added upgraded VC by David Hoeffgen , includes built in FMC, working wipers and more (see VC docs in folder). This is a basic AI exterior model and looks good and has a great VC! Thanks to Kyle Meeks for the great textures. Put together and tested in P3Dv4 by Chris Evans. Should work in FSX and all P3D versions.
Posted Nov 4, 2018 10:13 by chris evans
Sukoi SU-9 FSX Update
Sukoi SU-9 FSX Update
Sukoi SU-9 FSX Update (Category: FSX > Military)
8.40Mb (529 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the SU-9 by Brett Hoskins taken from the FSX Sukoi package by Michael Pook. I have updated the flight dynamics; fixed the contact points and engine position; changed the afterburner effects because the original effects were not with the package I downloaded; and given it the panel updates that I did for the SU-7. It has a working VC, but other than the main VC panel does not look to be made to be used to fly with. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Nov 4, 2018 07:02 by Bob Chicilo
FSX Fictitious Textures For the Boeing 737-600 Westjet Package Enhanced by Chris Evans
7.05Mb (181 downloads)
This is a texture pack for the Boeing 737-600 Westjet package enhanced by Chris Evans (found like, akin to our series for the Cantu/Kittyhawk-type 737-200/Adv. It will allow, after some text-editing work, for several small independent, fictitious airline companies. Textures available for following regions: Europe, Middle East, U.S.A., Central America, South America, Lebanon, Israel. Comes too with a improved aircraft.cfg file. Comes with a French readme too. by G. Guichard
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 4, 2018 06:56 by G. Guichard
FSX Ultralights Airfield Paimpol France
FSX Ultralights Airfield Paimpol France
FSX Ultralights Airfield Paimpol France (Category: FSX > Scenery)
58.42Mb (488 downloads)
ULM-Paimpol -FSX Ultralights field, Kerfot south of Paimpol. Version 1, only day summer season. This is a small airfield, on the French Bretagne North Shore. Perfect for VFR flights along this famous area.
Posted Nov 4, 2018 04:46 by Jacky
Appalachian Trail Adventure New York
Appalachian Trail Adventure New York
Appalachian Trail Adventure New York (Category: FSX > Missions)
24.83Mb (283 downloads)
Appalachian Trail Adventure New York. Fly the historical Appalachian Trail by each state. This is long distance hiking trail from Georgia to Maine. Along your flight look for each of the shelters were thru hikers sleep on the trail along with many landmarks on the trail. In this mission you will be flying the New York section.
Posted Nov 4, 2018 02:42 by uploader
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 AtlasGlobal package
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 AtlasGlobal package
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 AtlasGlobal package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
47.97Mb (911 downloads)
FSX/P3D (up to v4+) Airbus A321-200 AtlasGlobal package. Turkish airline AtlasGlobal is based in Istanbul and flies passenger flights to destinations around the Middle East, Europe, Eastern Europe and Russia. As of November 2018, Atlas Global operate 14 A321-200. Native FSX model by Project Airbus. I added the high quality textures by Torsten Maertke. Includes enhanced Thomas Ruth/Frank Dore Airbus VC with updates by Phillip Wallaert, Louis Quintero and some further edits by Chris Evans. Fixed wheel levels. Fixed jetway codes. Tested in P3D v4 and should be ok in FSX and other P3D versions. Airbus sounds included. Zip preview for images. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Nov 3, 2018 13:47 by chris evans
Dassault Falcon 20E v1.1
Dassault Falcon 20E v1.1
Dassault Falcon 20E v1.1 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
39.77Mb (3065 downloads)
Dassault Falcon 20E for Prepar3D V4 and FSX. Version 1.1 with accumulated fixes such as FSX interior glass, panel cfg and gauge fixes. 3 different models and 6 liveries. Models: Business Jet, ECM and Cobham Electronic Warfare Training Aircraft. Liveries: Royal Norwegian Air Force, Royal Norwegian Air Force ECM, French Air Force, Cobahm, HB-VDZ and White. Custom flight dynamics and gauges. It has a working VC but uses the Lear 45 2D panel and sounds. See Readme for installation and options. Pilot Notes are included.
Posted Nov 3, 2018 08:55 by uploader
Eastern Oregon Regional, Pendleton, OR
Eastern Oregon Regional, Pendleton, OR
Eastern Oregon Regional, Pendleton, OR (Category: FSX > Scenery)
8.93Mb (280 downloads)
Eastern Oregon Regional, Pendleton, OR for FSX. Yee haw! Don't forget your cowboy boots and hat. All new. R16/34 converted into taxiway G. Thanks to: Jon "Scruffyduck" Masterson for his wonderful Airport Design Editor X and other tools, Arno Gerritson for his wonderful Model Converter X and other tools, and the folks at Trimble for the free version of Sketchup. By Sidney Schwartz
Posted Nov 3, 2018 06:19 by Sidney Schwartz
Cathay Pacific Airbus A350-1000
Cathay Pacific Airbus A350-1000 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
10.55Mb (704 downloads)
FSX Cathay Pacific Airbus A350-1000 AGS V6. Mainly the version 6 is for the new ground animations. New animations and static display has been added from previous versions, including multiple animation effects to one object. Aircraft wingspan / newest winglets have been upgraded, also featuring a new 2D panel. Note: all CamSim aircraft models include exclusive Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) and static displays. 2d panel but no VC. Not compatible with P3D4+. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Nov 3, 2018 06:16 by Camil Valiquette