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FSX Douglas C-54
FSX Douglas C-54
FSX Douglas C-54 (Category: FSX > Vintage)
18.45Mb (1848 downloads)
The Douglas C-54 was a quad engines military transport massively used during WWII. The package contains several liveries (Sabena Qantas, SAS, etc). Original model by Jens B. Kristensen. New VC, panels and gauges by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions for installation and configuration in the readme.txt file. Credit Jens B. Kristensen for the original and spendid aircraft.
Posted Jul 4, 2018 01:47 by philippe Wallaert
Hawker Hurricane Updated
Hawker Hurricane Updated
Hawker Hurricane Updated (Category: FSX > Vintage)
33.69Mb (3696 downloads)
Hawker Hurricane Package for FSX and P3D. Revised version of the Aeroplane Heaven GMax model converted to FSX native by A.F.Scrubb. Fixed VC and 2d panel with working gauges. Added 2 extra textures, Canada and Tankbuster. The Hawker Hurricane is a British single-seat fighter aircraft of the 1930s–1940s that was designed and predominantly built by Hawker Aircraft Ltd for the Royal Air Force (RAF). Although overshadowed by the Supermarine Spitfire, the aircraft became renowned during the Battle of Britain, accounting for 60 percent of the RAF air victories in the battle. It served in all the major theatres of the Second World War. FSX/P3D native GMAX model. Danny Garnier
Posted Jul 3, 2018 11:50 by GARNIER D
Garry Smith archive files: Boeing 377 Stratocruiser Panam and BOAC Textures
Garry Smith archive files: Boeing 377 Stratocruiser Panam and BOAC Textures
7.38Mb (263 downloads)
Garry Smith archive files: FS2004 Boeing 377 Stratocruiser BOAC and Panam textures. These files are being posted so the community does not loose access to Garry Smith's files after his website went down. Model by Mike Stone. Textures by Garry Smith. Assembled with the kind efforts of Ronald Falzon.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 3, 2018 05:25 by Ronald Falzon
FSX/P3D  Boeing 737-800 Virgin Australia Package
FSX/P3D  Boeing 737-800 Virgin Australia Package
68.60Mb (2031 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 737-800 Virgin Australia Package. Virgina Australia is Australia's 2nd largest airline with destinations all over Australia as well as Indonesia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and South Africa. Native FSX model by Project Opensky. With advanced 737-800 VC added. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing sounds included for that extra realism. I have added the HQ textures by Gabe Beirbach. Model is not modified in any way. VC added and aircraft.cfg edited to allow correct VC views. Fixed sinking wheels. See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC. Assembled and prepared for FSX and P3D (all versions) by Chris Evans
Posted Jul 2, 2018 10:39 by chris evans
4 more Red Bull Air Race missions
4 more Red Bull Air Race missions (Category: FSX > Missions)
1.11Mb (274 downloads)
In time for the USA 4th of July. Here are 4 more Red Bull Air Races to try using the Extra300S. Locations are: (1) Ascot, UK, (2) Perth, Australia, (3) Sydney, Australia, and (4) Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Each should be able to be completed in nearly 2 minutes of course time. Each course needs to be downloaded from Simviation. Very small downloads of less than 1mb each. Decided not to include rewards. Your reward is just to complete the races...I have made it easier than the MS courses with no penalties & you can hit pylons. Look at each course to get a feel for the route before trying the missions.
Posted Jul 2, 2018 09:50 by Don Olsson
FSX Douglas X-3 Stiletto
FSX Douglas X-3 Stiletto
FSX Douglas X-3 Stiletto (Category: FSX > Military)
23.02Mb (902 downloads)
The X-3 was a prototype developped by Douglas in the fifties to beat the sound barrier what it never does because it was underpowered. Credit: Kazunori Ito for the original model E.J. Wells for his texture enhancements Erwin Welker for the 2D panel yoke Michael Pook for panel configuration, vc light and smoke and burner effects. Panels and gauges for wide and standard screen, VC modifications by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file.
Posted Jul 2, 2018 05:40 by philippe Wallaert
FSX/FS2004 Martin PBM Mariner
FSX/FS2004 Martin PBM Mariner
FSX/FS2004 Martin PBM Mariner (Category: FSX > Vintage)
35.66Mb (1266 downloads)
Updated version of Alphasim's PBM Mariner. New VC with new gauges, and some re-texturing. Also included is a brand new 2D panel. File description and instructions are in the read me file. Enjoy!-Bob Erwin
Posted Jul 2, 2018 02:23 by Bob Erwin
FSX Mikoyan Gurevich MIG-31 Firefox
FSX Mikoyan Gurevich MIG-31 Firefox
FSX Mikoyan Gurevich MIG-31 Firefox (Category: FSX > Military)
6.76Mb (1846 downloads)
The MIG-31 Firefox is a fictionnal aircraft visible in the Clint Eastwood's movie. Original design by Owen Smoot. Panels for wide and standard screen (no VC) by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file.
Posted Jul 2, 2018 02:04 by philippe Wallaert
KGRB - Green Bay Wisconsin Austin Straubel Airport
1.93Mb (219 downloads)
KGRB - Green Bay Wisconsin Austin Straubel Airport For P3D. This is the eleventh airport I designed for FSX that I have converted to work in P3D. There will be more to follow. The airport is named for Lt. Col. Austin Strabel, who was the first aviator from Brown County, where Green Bay is located, to sacrifice his life in the service of his country on February 3, 1942. It is the third largest airport in the state of Wisconsin. The airport is served by the following airlines: American Airlines, Delta Airlines, United Airlines. By Patrick Finch
Posted Jul 2, 2018 01:03 by uploader
FSX/P3D>v4 Bombardier CRJ-200 Lufthansa Cityline package
FSX/P3D>v4 Bombardier CRJ-200 Lufthansa Cityline package
130.11Mb (2046 downloads)
FSX/P3D>v4 Bombardier CRJ-200 Lufthansa Cityline package. Lufthansa Cityline is a regional airline owned by Lufthansa and operates 10 CRJ200 mainly to destinations around Europe. Bombardier CRJ-200 converted from FS2004 model to native FSX and native P3Dv4 with permission from Mitsushi Yutaka with new upgraded VC by David Hoeffgen. Includes built in FMC, working wipers and more (see VC docs in folder). High quality model. Fixed views and wheel levels. All credit to the fantastic talents of the Posky team and David Hoeffgen. Thanks to Alex Siu for the great textures. Other updates by Chris Evans.
Posted Jun 30, 2018 07:37 by chris evans