All Files > Page 607

FSX/P3D Hawker Tempest Panel and Interior Update
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
33.24Mb (1327 downloads)
This is a cockpit interior and panel update for the Hawker Tempest MKVI recently posted by A.F. Scrub. The package features four liveries, among them the beautiful display
bird Blue Thunder. The focus of this update lies on the enhancement of the cockpit interior, an entirely revised photoreal virtual cockpit and 2D panel with animated yoke. Almost all the original gauges have been replaced with new ones, now giving the panels a much more authentic appearance and making them almost look like the real panel.
Smoke effect added. Thanks to David Hanvey and Paul Barry for the original FS2004 model, to David Rickets, Jan Rosenberg, Dave Quincey and Matt Wynn for the repaints and
to Morton from SOH for the great photoreal 2D panel, which is the base for the VC. Also thanks to A.F. Scrub for his latest native FSX update, which has made it possible to implement this VC, Also thanks to Andre Ludick for his prop texture and some tweaks to the aircraft.cfg. New VC and gauge configuration for the panels as well as interior enhancements and smoke effect by Michael Pook. Flap fix by A.F.Scrub
Posted Jun 10, 2018 02:44 by Michael Pook

FS2004/FSX Guzman Lockheed L188 Electra Flight Dynamics
(Category: FSX > Props)
0.09Mb (712 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Lockheed L-188 Electra Flight Dynamics-JUNE-2018.-By Libardo Guzman. I find airplanes in fs9 and fsx look very unreal when flying slow and making closed curves (final aproach when landing at KAITAK, for example): fuselage doesn´t keep aligned to trayectory, tail seems to be hanging down, forward visual from cockpit doesn´t point to front..., so I modified air file and/or aircraft.cfg. Included in the modifications are smart changes made by Mr. Rodolfo Estrella: PROPS NOW START AMND STOP SLOWLY !!! Many thanks for his brilliant help! Required files: FS2004 / FSX Lockheed L-188 Electra - No VC Version (Category: FS2004 > Props) . By Libardo Guzman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 9, 2018 17:05 by LIBARDO GUZMAN

FSX/FS2004 Concorde Flight Dynamics
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
0.08Mb (2221 downloads)
FS9 / FSX Concorde Final version Flight Dynamics - JUNE - 2018. I find airplanes in fs9 and fsx look very unreal when flying slow and making closed curves (final aproache when landing at KAITAK, for example): fuselage doesn´t keep aligned to trajectory, tail seems to be hanging down, visual from cockpit doesn't point to front..., so I modified air file. Required files: FS9 / FSX CONCORDE FINAL VERSION-A 2011 Updated Version (Category: FSX > Civil Jets). By Libardo G
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 9, 2018 11:41 by LIBARDO GUZMAN

Default Boeing 747-400 - Flight Dynamics
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
0.10Mb (833 downloads)
FSx- Default Boeing-747-400-FSX --Flight Dynamics-JUNE-2018.-By Libardo-Guzman. I find airplanes in fs9 and fsx look very unreal when flying slow and making closed curves (final aproache when landing at KAITAK, for example): fuselage doesn´t keep aligned to trajectory, tail seems to be hanging down, visual from cockpit doesn´t point to front...also I find in some cases that landing requires too much power and speed to keep the airplane in the air and in correct angle when descenending, so I modified air file and/or aircraft.cfg. By Libardo Guzman
Posted Jun 9, 2018 11:40 by LIBARDO GUZMAN

FSX Default Boeing-737-800 Flight Dynamics
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
0.09Mb (651 downloads)
FSx default Boeing-737-800 Flight dynamics - June-2018. I find airplanes in fs9 and fsx look very unreal when flying slow and making closed curves (final aproache when landing at KAITAK, for example): fuselage doesn't keep aligned to trajectory, tail seems to be hanging down, visual from cockpit doesn't point to front...also I find in some cases that landing requires too much power and speed to keep the airplane in the air and in correct angle when descenending, so I modified air file and/or aircraft.cfg. By Libardo Guzman.
Posted Jun 9, 2018 11:38 by LIBARDO GUZMAN

FSX/FS2004 Guzman Boeing 707 Flight Dynamics
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
0.21Mb (683 downloads)
Flight Dynamics revision for the Guzman Arts Boeing 707 - JUNE - 2018. I find airplanes in fs9 and fsx look very unreal when flying slow and making closed curves (final aproach when landing at KAITAK, for example): fuselage doesn't keep aligned to trajectory, tail seems to be hanging down, visual from cockpit doesn't point to front..., so I modified air file and/or aircraft.cfg. Required files: FS9/FSx Boeing 707 -2014 Version (Category: FSX > Civil Jets) . By Libardo Guzman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 9, 2018 11:36 by LIBARDO GUZMAN

Boeing 737-800 United Airlines Split Scimitar Winglet
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
13.61Mb (992 downloads)
FS2004 United Airlines Boeing 737-800 Split Scimitar Winglet (N37277). Developed by Tenkuu Developers Studio (TDS). Model features high resolution textures, dynamic flexing wings, nose gear steering, rudder lock, ground spoilers, low speed aileron locks at high speed, fully animated control surfaces, fully independent suspension, trim animation, opening passenger doors, rolling wheels, animated thrust reversers with reverser block doors, detailed textures, full night lighting, ground service vehicles and more. Package contains model and all files necessary for immediate flight. Model design by Hiroshi Igami. Flight dynamics design by Nick Wilkinson and David Biggar. Master textures by Kyle Schurb. By David Biggar.
Posted Jun 9, 2018 04:18 by chrisE

TDS Boeing 737-700 Air Baltic Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
68.64Mb (1150 downloads)
TDS Boeing 737-700 Air Baltic. Air Baltic is a Latvian low cost airline based at Riga International Airport. Model Designer Hiroshi Igami/TDS. Interior VC by Microsoft and Alejandro Lucenda Rojas. Repaint by Jacques Louw
Posted Jun 9, 2018 02:00 by Jacques Louw

KBOI - Boise Airport/Gowen Field, Idaho
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
8.38Mb (378 downloads)
KBOI Boise Airport/Gowen Field airport, Idaho, updated for FSX.
The terminal is accurately represented as is the new fire station. Gates are assigned to the airlines that use them as of this writing.
I have added,
* the National Interagency Fire Center [NIFC]
(If you have the Neptune RJ85 Fire Bomber it will use a gate assigned on the NIFC pad.)
* SkyWest Maintenance Hangar and taxiway
* The Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) training strip south of Gowen Field
* the ASR9 radar facility (thanks to Jim Dhaenens for the radar!)
* the FBOs
* US Customs
* UPS and Fedex facilities
* Gowen Field apron facilities
Posted Jun 9, 2018 00:41 by uploader

FSX/P3D G-73AT Mallard v1.3
(Category: FSX > Props)
93.01Mb (2532 downloads)
FSX Native/P3D Grumman G-73AT Mallard v1.3
by Milton Shupe, Nigel Richards, Rachael Whiteford, Rui Cristina, William Ellis, Martial FERON, Roman Stoviak
Pkg incl custom model, panel and gauges, custom sounds, custom Flight Model, and 7 liveries.
Bump and spec map place holders can be found in the common texture folder.
The Paint Kit is here:
December 2017
Posted Jun 8, 2018 09:38 by Milton Shupe