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FSX/P3D>v4 Airbus 380-800 Multi Livery pack
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
283.32Mb (10150 downloads)
FSX/P3D>v4 Airbus 380-800 Multi Livery pack (revised). Liveries include Lufthansa, Qantas, Emirates, China Southern, British Airways, Air France, DHL, Airbus House, 1st Flight, JAL, KLM, Korean, Lufthansa cargo, Malaysia, Singapore, Thai, UPS, Virgin.
Model by Project Airbus. Added the better Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. (FSX : Go to Views -Instrument Panel. P3D: Go to Vehicle - Instrument panel) I included the photo-realistic textures by many. RR engine sounds.
Includes built in FMC by Garret Smith. Original package by Larz. Custom revised package by Chris Evans
Posted Mar 25, 2018 17:21 by chris evans

FSX/P3D Airbus 320-212 Premiair OY-CNC package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
49.37Mb (611 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus 320-212 Premiair OY-CNC package. Premiair was a charter airline that was created by joining the older companies Scanair and Conair of Scandinavia. Premiair was wholly owned by Scandinavian Leisure Group.In 2002 Premiair changed its name to MyTravel Airways and later In 2008, was re-branded to Thomas Cook Airlines Scandinavia
Based off the Project Airbus A320 - Uses the default A321 VC with added FMC, CFM56 engine sounds. Jetway configured (CTRL+J). Fully compatible with GSX,(FSX/P3D)
Posted Mar 25, 2018 16:13 by bexel

Airbus A320-200 Spirit Airlines
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
58.79Mb (589 downloads)
Airbus A320-200 Spirit Airlines (N601NK). Model by Project Airbus, livery by Private Custard.
Posted Mar 25, 2018 02:51 by chrisE

FSX/P3D Airbus 320-200 Spirit Airlines package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
63.92Mb (1097 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus 320-200 Spirit Airlines package. Based at Miramar, Florida, Spirit Airlines is the US's 8th largest airline flying roputes throughout the US, South America and the Caribbean. As of March 2018, Spirit operate 52 A320 with a further 10 on order.
Model by Project Airbus. Added the better Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. (FSX : Go to Views -Instrument Panel. P3D: Go to Vehicle - Instrument panel) I included the photo-realistic textures by Private Custard and the A320 checklist by Werner Schott. A320 sounds by Abid Mounir.
Includes FMC by Garret Smith. A320 sounds and manual included. Custom revised package by Chris Evans
Posted Mar 24, 2018 12:43 by chris evans

HUEN, Entebbe Airport Uganda
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.18Mb (465 downloads)
HUEN, Entebbe Airport Uganda, for FSX.
New setup of this airport I came across in one of my virtual flights. Entebbe Airport is the principal international airport of Uganda on the shores of Lake Victoria. In 1976 the old airport was the scene for a remarkable rescue mission, dubbed as 'Operation Entebbe'.
Tim van Ringen
Posted Mar 24, 2018 06:03 by uploader

Bell 412 Venezuelan National Guard Special Operation Camo
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
136.33Mb (1337 downloads)
Bell 412EP Venezuelan National Guard in Special Operation Camo Hovercontrol Bell 412 Personal Edition version 1.0 By Jordan Moore. Textures by Brian Josep. Complete aircraft.
Posted Mar 23, 2018 19:53 by Brian Josep

FSX/P3D> v4 Airbus A319-100 British Airways package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
70.87Mb (2492 downloads)
FSX/P3D> v4 Airbus A319-100 British Airways package. British Airways currently (March 2018) fly 44 Airbus A319-100. The Airbus A319-100 is part of the A320 family carrying up to 160 passengers and with a range of up to 6900km/4300miles. High quality FSX native model by Project Airbus. Added the better Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. (FSX : Go to Views -Instrument Panel. P3D: Go to Vehicle - Instrument panel) I included the great textures by Mathieu Vos.
Includes FMC by Garret Smith. Airbus sounds and manual included. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Mar 23, 2018 06:35 by chris evans

FSX/P3D London Heathrow Terminal 5, UK
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
5.84Mb (3308 downloads)
London Heathrow Terminal 5 FSX scenery.
This Scenery for london Heathrow Airport
contains realistic renditions of
terminal 5A, 5B, and 5C, as well as the
new control tower. Also features the "HSBC"
jetways found at the real Heathrow airport.
Works well with the Project Airbus A32X
series and the world-of-ai British Airways
Traffic (and other airlines too).
By Dr. Macouglious
Posted Mar 23, 2018 05:17 by uploader

P3Dv4 WMKK - Kuala Lumpur Intl Airport, Malaysia.
(Category: Prepar3d > Scenery)
2.06Mb (676 downloads)
WMKK - Kuala Lumpur Intl Airport, Malaysia.
This is Ray Smith's 'FSX_wmkk_rs' file. Ray has given me permission to update this file and make it available for Prepar3Dv4. This file has not been tested in previous versions of Prepar. Runway 15/33 added with ILS and transitions also included for it, KLIA2 terminal included with the Main terminal and Satellite A terminal completely rebuilt, assigned parking as per their website with extra parking, five gates added for the A380, the old Low cost carrier terminal (LCCT) now the East cargo apron, lighted helipad with a start location, taxiways and taxi signs updated to the latest charts, drainage canals added, extra fuel trucks, support vehicle roads rebuilt, fuel tank farm and many other scenery improvements, airport views are from inside the new control tower west (when in tower view) please view the readme before installation. By Robert Catherall
Posted Mar 23, 2018 03:33 by uploader

Airbus A319-100 British Airways
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
12.31Mb (546 downloads)
FS2004/FSX British Airways Airbus A319-131, registration G-EUPX. Model included. Repaint By Mathieu Vos (APSS). Model By Project Airbus.
Posted Mar 23, 2018 03:28 by chris evans