CFS2 > Page 16

11.96Mb (96 downloads)
Messerschmitt Bf109G-6
by Design Team Daedalus
Unit: Stab I/JG52 Russia, winter 1943-44
Pilot: unknown
Unit photos around this time show no drop tanks or ordinance were carried. Because the Luftwaffe fighter units were based so close to the front in the East, they regularly flew without a drop tank. The .dp file reflects this.
There is no "standard" Bf 109G-6, as the production run spanned 2 years, it underwent many modifications and updates along the way. So each model we have created has it's own unique features.
Pstrany developed the models using Paul Rebuffat's Messerschmitt model - with permission - as a starting framework and updated the shape, and added a plethora of details, new parts, and ideas. Pstrany also developed the models for the drop tanks, weapons and racks.
Captain Kurt created paints for each, the 2D instrument panel, the individual .dp files, the air files and the aircraft.cfg files.
Mav SCASM edited each model so that they have animated wing slats, drop tanks, and other features, as well as optimizing models for the best possible framerates. Mav also developed the idea for the 2d panel to be offset for the Revi gunsight to match the CFS2 reticle.
We have all benefited from the assistance and guidance of others in the community, Special thanks to Wolfi and Huub Vink for their kind assistance and to all who have contributed their knowledge directly and indirectly.
Posted Oct 28, 2018 17:19 by Design Team Daedalus

52.72Mb (255 downloads)
Kaman Seasprite SH-2G. This package contains Nigel Booth & Adrian Brausch’s for use in CFS2. Everything needed is included, weapons profile, weapons, textures, air file, Aircraft configuration file, sound, and panel with gauges. The damage profile includes the AGM-65G. The textures were done by me with an included paint kit. (if you want to call it that) but hey, it’s my first. The paint on this bird is fictitious in a way because these are from a SH-2F. Converted to CFS2 by Dvslats
Posted Jun 18, 2018 14:43 by Dvslats Dave

5.35Mb (417 downloads)
Tempest Mk.VI, originally a FS9 AC by David Hanvey and Paul Barry
"Le Grand Charles", pilot Pierre Clostermann, 3 sqn RAF, march 1945.
Posted Jun 3, 2018 15:10 by Morton54

5.41Mb (281 downloads)
Tempest Mk.VI originally a FS9 AC by David Hanvey and Paul Barry.
W/Cdr Roland P. Beamont, CO of No.150 Wing, Castle Camps, Early 1944
Posted Jun 3, 2018 15:06 by Morton54

8.44Mb (483 downloads)
A complete package for this very nice freeware Thunderchief.
You get:
- 4 new bare metal texture versions
Posted Mar 9, 2018 14:42 by Morton

5.70Mb (338 downloads)
Here's a complete package for the freeware Thunderchief.
-2 new improved camo texture versions
-new panel for widescreen monitor
Posted Mar 9, 2018 14:38 by Morton

12.16Mb (477 downloads)
This is a conversion of Pierre Marchadier's FS2004 Mig-21bis model. 6 new textures, panel and weapons.
Posted Mar 8, 2018 16:41 by Morton

8.89Mb (517 downloads)
Complete AC with 5 textures, widescreen panel and Falcon missile. Based on the FS9 model by Ito Kazunori.
Posted Feb 3, 2018 15:13 by Morton

17.69Mb (850 downloads)
5 versions of the B-29 Superfortress. Original model by Tom Kohler with package by Andrew D. Mylander "Ghostrider". Includes atomic effects.
Posted Jan 7, 2018 11:47 by Morton54

84.06Mb (291 downloads)
Conversion Of Milton Shupe's Grumman C-1A COD for CFS2 By Dave Slaski Pete Mercy Chris Westervelt
This FS2004 flight simulation aircraft is designed by Milton Shupe, panel by Scott Thomas, flight model by Tom Fliger, textures by Marcel Ritzema, John Humphries, pilot figures by Jan Visser and Sounds by Nigel Richards with alpha and beta testing, feedback, and input by seasoned SOH flightsimmers and real world pilots. There may be other copyright files by other authors denoted in their respective readme's.
Functional VC model included; Pkg incl one Aircraft with textures, a great flight model, authentic radial custom sounds, and features custom panels with aircraft specific easy-to-read gauges, virtual cockpit only, and beautifully crafted exterior textures.
Enjoy, Dvslats
Posted Dec 24, 2017 04:06 by Dave Slaski