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Hawker Hurricane MKII " Sir Iain "
Hawker Hurricane MKII " Sir Iain "
12.36Mb (980 downloads)
This aircraft is the Mac Roberts Sir Iain, It was one of four Hawker Hurricanes Donated by the Mac Roberts family and each were named after the Mac Roberts sons. This simulation is set up with all the possible combinations of armaments and has fairly high detail for CFS2. I wanted to share a test build that I had completed for a rough draft of one of my pay ware models. This aircraft has two versions...The MKIIB with 8 .303 caliber hispano guns and the MKIIC with four 20mm Hispano cannons
Posted Jul 19, 2013 01:23 by vincent farnham/
F Giulli Caproni Ca309 Ghibli
15.12Mb (360 downloads)
Designed by engineer Cesare Pallavacino, the Ca.309 was a low wing twin-engine monoplane. The fuselage was of welded steel frame. With the outbreak of World War II, 53 aircrafts were in service used for reconnaissance and interdiction operations against British forces. At the end of 1942, with the loss ofLibya, the last aircrafts were repatriated and were used at transport and communication missions.
Posted Jul 14, 2013 10:15 by Pepe Rezende
Martin Baltimore MK.V
Martin Baltimore MK.V
17.66Mb (677 downloads)
MARTIN BALTIMORE MK.V for CFS2. From an original FS2004 model by Francesco Giuli. Textures can of course be adopted for the FSX and FS9 model.
Posted Jul 13, 2013 13:57 by Morton
F80 - Shooting Star Textures
F80 - Shooting Star Textures
12.70Mb (411 downloads)
4 textures for the Alphasim F80 with all necessary files.
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required file
Posted May 4, 2013 10:35 by Morton
MK Balkan Hurricanes Package
10.82Mb (380 downloads)
Seven new skins New 1680x1050 widescreen 2D panel with gauges Reworked dynamic shine. Uses the Aeroplane Heaven Hurricane. Morton
Posted Apr 13, 2013 22:38 by Morton
RAF Gladiator Skins
4.18Mb (409 downloads)
Gladiator Skins for thicko's Mk. II Gladiator model. While obsolete in the European theatre, the Gloster Gladiator played a major role for the Royal Air Force in North Africa and in Greece. The Gladiator proved, especially when flown agressively, an equal of the Italian biplane fighters, and could also handle some Italian monoplanes, such as the Fiat G-50 Freecia. In Albania, RAF 33, 80, and 112 Squadrons were primarily resonsible for offensive fighter sweeps and bomber escort until February 20th, 1941. On this day, Hawker Hurricanes equipped the pilots of RAF 80 Squadron, allowing for the Hurricanes to engage newer Italian monoplanes, such as the Macchi Mc-200 Saetta, and later German fighters, such as the Messerschmitt Bf-109 and Bf-110. These skins represent some of the aircraft flown by these brave pilots, including Nigel Cullen, Richard Acworth, and "Pat" Pattle.
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Posted Apr 13, 2013 11:43 by Smashing Time
RAF Blenheims Greece Textures
3.45Mb (342 downloads)
Five repaints for Thicko's wonderful Blenheim Mk. I, Mk. IF, and Mk. IV-I. These repaints are from the Greek campaign 1940-41. I have only included those that I have repainted so you will need the original texture folder and allow mine to overwrite them. I have also included a slightly revised DP For the Mk. IF so that it acts as a fighter not a bomber. One is for a Mk. I (Fighter) of 30 SQN RAF The other is for a Mk. IV-I of 84 SQN RAF. The only profile I could find for this machine showed it in temperate Dark Green/Dark Earth/Sky Type S. I believe that it should have the Mediterranean scheme. If anyone can find out definitely I can change the colours easily. The Mk. I is from 211 Sqn RAF in late 1941. The Mk. IV-I is from 113 Sqn RAF in March 1941. The Mk. IV-I is from 11 Sqn RAF. The colours are Light Earth/Dark Earth topsides and Light Mediterranean Blue under surfaces. My reference is Scale Aircraft Modelling Magazine April 1985, drawings by Mike Keep. These textures are freeware but not to be used in any payware release. Use at your own discretion. Watchdog 22
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required file
Posted Apr 13, 2013 11:41 by watchdog22
Battle of Britain Hurricanes MK1
Battle of Britain Hurricanes MK1
10.78Mb (1487 downloads)
Complete package with 7 skins for the Aeroplane Heaven Hurricane Mk1. Widescreen panel etc
Posted Mar 10, 2013 05:05 by Morton
Martin P4M Mercator
Martin P4M Mercator
32.72Mb (650 downloads)
The Martin P4M Mercator was a maritime reconnaissance aircraft built by the Glenn L. Martin Company. The Mercator was an unsuccessful contender for a United States Navy requirement for a long-range maritime patrol bomber, with the Lockheed P2V Neptune chosen instead. It saw a limited life as a long-range electronic reconnaissance aircraft. Its most unusual feature was that it was powered by a combination of piston engines and turbojets, the latter being in the rear of the engine nacelles.
Posted Jan 22, 2013 18:35 by Pepe Rezende
Desperate Battles
12.67Mb (714 downloads)
This is meant to be an historical campaign, based on the carrier battles of the Battle of the Eastern Solomons (22-25 August 1942) and the Battle of Santa Cruz (25-27 October 1942. I named the campaign “Desperate Battles” because at this stage of the war the US Navy was fighting uphill. That is, they had fewer resources than the Japanese, in many ways inferior aircraft and less experienced pilots. In both battles, the Japanese are the attackers and the USN has to fight a defensive struggle. The dates, times and locations of each engagement (mission) are as close as possible to the actual ones. Ship names, locations and courses as well as aircraft numbers and types are as accurate as possible. Attack angles and targets are set up to give historical results, but you, the player can change history (slightly). The campaign consists of various missions; recon, strike, defensive and land based as well as carrier based. Random chance plays a big role in the numbers of defensive aircraft and in some cases, whether or not a target will be there at all. Call signs and aircraft skins however are not historical. Carrier task forces are set up to sail into a 15 knot wind on takeoff and landing. Using the alternate dps provided for the Usio ships and the FDG alternate files for US aircraft should make this campaign even more realistic and challenging.
Posted Dec 29, 2012 13:08 by Gregory "Shadow Wolf 07" Baskin