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CFS2 > Page 27
USS Saratoga CV3
6.41Mb (560 downloads)
An historical (with one "what if" mission) battle history of the USS Saratoga throughout the course of WW2. The player will find himself flying a fighter, divebomber or torpedo plane in randomly selected missions. Also, he may find himself randomly flying as a wingman, rather that the leader of the flight of bombers (but not fighters).
Posted Dec 29, 2012 13:02 by Gregory "Shadow Wolf 07" Baskin
USS_Essex CV9 Campaign revision 3
5.34Mb (556 downloads)
This campaign is a mostly historical commentary of the World War 2 exploits of the USS Essex. The US and Japanese task force compositions, ship names, dates, and most locations are as accurate as possible. In this campaign, the USN is on the offensive. Out of all the actions in which she participated, I chose a good, representative sampling of the major engagements of this great ship from her first action until near the end of the war in the Pacific. Random choice will have you flying either a fighter, dive bomber or a torpedo bomber or maybe as a wingman.
Posted Dec 29, 2012 12:44 by Greg "Shadow Wolf 07" Baskin
CFS2 WWI-AI UpgradeV1
CFS2 WWI-AI UpgradeV1
0.48Mb (349 downloads)
WWI AI Handling Upgrade Version 1.0 By John P Fortin (AKA Polar_Lion) In an attempt to improve the handling of the AI aircraft, I have made some modifications. I have thoroughly researched every aircraft. Using books and internet sites to obtain my data. I have even calculated such things as the CID of each engine. All to give the best performance of every aircraft while staying as close to historic as possible. The .cfg and .air files were made to help the AIs dogfight better but still retain the players handling. So the Stock Aerocrate's Nieuport 17 will handle the same as my edit for the player. The AIs should fly with less crashing and a bit more responsiveness. I only changed the entries in the DPs that effected the AIs. That means the Damage profile is unchanged. Enjoy This download requires the Aerocrate's aircraft available here:
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 1, 2012 15:32 by John P Fortin
Alphasim Gloster Meteor F8 Update
Alphasim Gloster Meteor F8 Update
21.21Mb (1489 downloads)
Following the F3, here's then the upgrade of the Alphasim Gloster Meteor F8 with 8 new skins and new panel.
Posted Oct 15, 2012 16:30 by Morton
Alphasim Gloster Meteor F3 Update
Alphasim Gloster Meteor F3 Update
16.30Mb (727 downloads)
These textures will give your Meteor a much more realistic and detailed look than the old originals. And a new widescreen monitor panel is included as well.
Posted Oct 14, 2012 20:01 by Morton
Battle of Britain Spitfires
Battle of Britain Spitfires
9.36Mb (2191 downloads)
The Aeroplane Heaven Spit MK1 really needed some new skins and a better panel. So here it is: 9 new skins New 1680x1050 widescreen 2D panel Reworked dynamic shine, weapons etc
Posted Oct 14, 2012 16:37 by Morton
Royal Navy Queen Elizabeth Class Carrier
7.36Mb (882 downloads)
A double pack of the UK's future carriers for use in CFS2 as AI ships. Based on a variety of press release images from the past few years two versions are included: HMS Queen Elizabeth in STOVL configuration with ski jump, and HMS Prince of Wales as and angled deck 'cat and trap' CTOL configuration. Includes sample mission and SDK (FSDS source files and textures for editing).
Posted Oct 5, 2012 17:55 by Mark Walsh
Royal Navy Type 26 Global Combat Ship for CFS2
0.50Mb (400 downloads)
A re-modeled Type 26 Frigate for use in CFS2 as an AI ship. Based on 2012 press release images she is very different to my previous Type 26 release. Fully landable and sinkable. Includes sample mission and SDK (FSDS source files and textures for editing).
Posted Sep 16, 2012 10:39 by Mark Walsh
Albatros D V Sachsenberg
1.21Mb (441 downloads)
Repaint- Albatros DV Sachsenberg Skin for Aerocrate's Albatros DV By John Fortin (AKA Polar_Lion) The repaint is of Gotthard Sachsenberg Albatros D V of mid 1917. Original Aircraft: Gary Aumaugher and Model by David Eckert This download requires the Aerocrate's Albatros D.V aircraft available here:
Posted Aug 26, 2012 14:33 by John P Fortin
Albatros D V Osterkamp
1.16Mb (567 downloads)
Repaint- Albatros DV Osterkamp Skin for Aerocrate's Albatros DV By John Fortin(AKA Polar_Lion) The repaint is of Theo Osterkamps Albatros D V of 1917. As there are no pictures, this is a fictional texture based on two descriptions of his aircraft. "Albatros D.V from July 1917 had mauve /green wings and horizontal stab. The fuselage natural wood stippled with mauve/green. Two black fuselage bands with thin white edges. Yellow spinner and forward cowling. Black(?) wheel centres and the serial number D.2130/17 with a small 24 above serial number." "Theo Osterkamp painted a Maltese cross and two black strips on his D.V D.2130/17 which then looked like a wasp." Original Aircraft: Gary Aumaugher and Model by David Eckert This download requires the Aerocrate's Albatros D.V aircraft available here:
Posted Aug 26, 2012 14:29 by John P Fortin