CFS2 > Page 44
92.22Mb (709 downloads)
This is the set of airplanes I sent out with the "American Campaign Advanced Nav Upgrade." There were a few things that were not up to my standards so I repaired those planes. It bothered me alot that I did not include an historically accurate loadout for the Bf 109 so here have I made my amends. This set is all inclusive of the first in case some might be interested in just the planes. The list includes panel reworks for the stock American fighters. The British Hurricane IIB&C, Typhoon and Tempest, also the Martlet created with Korey's really cool repaint with the spec loadout. It's a Wildcat with rockets. The German Bf 109, FW 190A-8, HE 100D with two skins. All of them have AUTOPILOT and GPS. I'd been having some trouble with the CGI for a couple of these planes and I worked all that out, now I'm redistributing these amazing looking planes, so amazing they justify the two days I put into them. Included is all the info from the ACANU pack. I reorganised the gunstations info to make it more readable, and updated some of the engine specs for my birds in the reference doc. Also, I changed the amounts of rounds on two models because I had an attack of conscience. This set is now completely and utterly historically accurate. (CROSSED FINGERS.) I'm leaving the F6F-3 an F6F-5N NIGHTFIGHTER gunout. Two 20mm cannons, I'm sure you understand. My email is inside the "how to." Anything good can be better, I welcome your ideas.
Posted Nov 26, 2010 05:22 by vincent farnham
0.01Mb (531 downloads)
This is a comprehensive explanation of Gunstations for the Aircraft DP file for CFS2.
Posted Nov 25, 2010 08:53 by vincent farnham
106.51Mb (667 downloads)
In this file:
1) Fitted the stock Amwerican aircraft with advanced navigation gear. (GPS and Autopilot)
2)Updated the Campaign Mission information to include LAT/LON Location and Runway/Heading information for bases and carriers.
3) Made some slight tweaks to the flight dynamics of the stock planes to make them perform according to spec and made these seperate aircraft from the shipped versions.
4)As a bonus- I created a set of German and British aircraft that represent (in my opinion) the best visual models I could find of these ships, all credits are in the file also.
**included in a file marked reference fighters is detailed specs on each aircraft.
5)Another bonus- There is some very detailed explainations of gunstations in a file marked Gunstations Explained. I included this because I made some tweaks to help the wingmen perform better. (F4F-4 only) This was to give you the option of seeing for yourself, then alternately removing from the Wildcat only, or adding this adjustment to all the other planes in this mod.
6) This file contains a detailed "How to" that has step-by-step instructions for installation. (compiled as "program files folder"/all you do is drop.)
7)"How to's" includes: Explanations of changes made to the original planes and the why's. Also a section saying thank you to the originators of the CGI models.
8)'Wildcat Notes' has all my discoveries from my research on it's overall performance. Things such as, range at throttle/rpm settings, speeds at those settings, and mixture settings for every 2000 feet increment up 12,000 feet.
There are a total of 10 birds: 3 American/4 British (3 actual but hurri IIB&C)/3 German.
Posted Nov 23, 2010 22:10 by vincent farnham

0.09Mb (570 downloads)
This download contains a new DP/CDP and weapons for the TR/Alpha Meteor F3. Installing these will give you six loadouts:
Guns, Guns (Long Range), Rockets, Rockets (Long Range), Bombs and Bombs (Long Range).
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 19, 2010 18:30 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

3.19Mb (305 downloads)
The texture.616 folder in this download contains the alternate textures for the TR Alpha Meteor F3....the camo textures shown in the download thumbnail. These were intended to be included with the aircraft download. but were overlooked. To use these textures simply replace the contents of the current F3 texture folder with the files from the texture.616 folder.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 18, 2010 22:21 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

7.50Mb (1357 downloads)
This is my adaptation of AlphaSim's freeware FS9 Meteor F8 to CFS2. While she retains her original textures (85 and 245 Sqdrns), she has new AIR, DP and CFG files which allow her to perform properly in CFS2. (She's 'Warp Bug Proof' and will dogfight aggressively.) And while she is not multi-LOD, she gives high FPS performance. The downside to this aircraft is that her belly and wing tanks are part of the model, as opposed to payloads. The spoiler key (/) operates the airbrake. The sound is aliased to Lear45, which is included.
Posted Nov 17, 2010 23:13 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
1.21Mb (434 downloads)
Lear45 Panel and Sounds for CFS2 Jet Files. For jets that use the Lear 45 Panel or Sounds.
The Lear45 folder which should be placed in your CFS2/Aircraft folder along with your planes. It contains jet sound files used in aliasing the sounds and/or panels of jets in CFS2.
Posted Nov 16, 2010 12:37 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

2.02Mb (658 downloads)
This pack contains 5 textures for the aircraft, from my previous upload, of the FM-2 Aces. They are:
LT Ralph Earle Elliott Jr, VC-27, USS Savo Island, CVE-78, 9 victories
LCDR Harold Nathan Funk, VF-26, USS Santee, CVE-29, 6 victories, 1 with VF-23
ENS Joseph Dennis McGraw, VC-10 & VC-80, USS Gambier Bay, CVE-73, 5 victories
LT Kenneth George Hippe, VC-3, USS Kalinin Bay, CVE-68, 5 victories, Ace in a day
LT Leo Martin Ferko, VC-4 & VC-20, USS White Plains, CVE-66, 5 victories
Also included is a replacement US_Pilot and the files to make him visable.
Thanks to all who assisted me in this project. Please read the ReadMe.
Thanks and have fun,
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 16, 2010 12:06 by Bob McGee

2.97Mb (844 downloads)
This is my adaptation of AlphaSim's freeware FS9 Meteor F3 to CFS2. While she retains her original textures (616 and 42 Sqdrns), she has new AIR, DP and CFG files which allow her to perform properly in CFS2. (She's 'Warp Bug Proof' and will dogfight aggressively.) And while she is not multi-LOD, she gives high FPS performance, and has a nice DVC.
Posted Nov 16, 2010 04:33 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

0.54Mb (1026 downloads)
This is a high-framerate AI aircraft by Bismarck13, Bill Dickens, with six multple-bomb ai bomb loadouts. It can be used in large formations while maintaining framerates. The lanc_ai_bombs and tallboy were done by Bill, while the MC500, MC1000, Blockbuster and BlockbusterAP are by Tango_Romeo, Tom Sanford. The special ai bombs are single weapons bgls that visually appear to be multiple bombs dropping from an AI bomber. The DPs carry the effectiveness of the number of bombs represented visuallly, not a single bomb.
Posted Oct 31, 2010 14:24 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo