CFS2 > Page 42
9.37Mb (135 downloads)
AI Alpha Xian H-6 version for use in missions
Posted Jan 27, 2011 17:16 by Pepe Rezende

0.66Mb (332 downloads)
This is an original set of textures by Bub, AKA Bob McGee, representing an aircraft of the 1st TFS, 413th TFW, 1957.
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required file
Posted Jan 26, 2011 15:08 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

0.08Mb (423 downloads)
This is an original dedicated set of droptanks for my TR_F-86H model. The download contains the BGL, BMP and DP for the tanks and a revised DP/CDP for the F-86H to place them properly.
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required file
Posted Jan 23, 2011 20:36 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

24.61Mb (1788 downloads)
The Tupolev Tu-4 (NATO reporting name: Bull) was a piston-engined Soviet strategic bomber that served the Soviet Air Force from the late 1940s to mid 1960s. It was a reverse-engineered copy of the U.S.-made Boeing B-29 Superfortress. Stalin tasked Tupolev with cloning the Superfortress and Soviet industry was to produce 20 copies of the aircraft in just two years. The three B-29s were flown to Moscow and delivered into Tupolev OKB.
Original package hugly modified, with new airfile, panel.cfg and DP with Soviet bombs, including an atomic device and AS-1 missiles made by Nole.
Posted Jan 23, 2011 14:28 by Pepe Rezende and Nole

0.04Mb (262 downloads)
This download contains a 'phantom sub' created by Larry Brown, AKA Oldwheat, during some research on the possibilities of using subs in CFS2. While I have created submerged versions of my complete submarines for use in sub hunts, Larry's 'phantom sub' is unique as it appears in CFS2 only as a shadow on the water with a very, very faint wake...though it does appear on 'radar' as a target. (Larry never published his sub, because he was disappointed that he could not make it impervious to surface weapons, while being vulnerable to depth charges.) I'm posting it on his behalf because it is a useful ship for use in Mission Builder, and a unique design idea that deserves recognition.
Posted Jan 22, 2011 13:17 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
13.50Mb (136 downloads)
Artificial intelligence version of Tu-16 package
Posted Jan 22, 2011 11:35 by Pepe Rezende

23.12Mb (660 downloads)
The first production Tu-16 was rolled out at the Kazan factory on 29 October 1953. NATO assigned the type the codename "Badger". The Kazan plant built the majority of Tu-16s. Acquisition of the Tu-16 was a high priority for the USSR, and so Kazan production was soon supplemented by manufacture of aircraft at State Factory 1 in Kuibyshev (now Samara). A number were also built at State Factory 64 in Voronezh from 1955. The last new-build Tu-16s were rolled out in 1963.Nole did the Soviet Missiles.
Posted Jan 22, 2011 11:20 by Pepe Rezende and Nole

0.02Mb (288 downloads)
This is an updated AIR file for the TRA_Meteor_F3 that eliminates a conflict in Aux Tank locations in the upgraded weapons pack/DP, which can cause CFS2 to CTD. Simply replace the original AIR file with this one.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 14, 2011 16:22 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

4.00Mb (1146 downloads)
This is a straightforward conversion of Giovanni Clemente's FS2000 Buccaneer for CFS2. It includes the original RN skin and an alternate Gulf War texture by Ed Snoad. The DP is mine. She has several payloads including MK84 bombs, rocket pods, the TR MK XIII torpedo and the US Harpoon anti-ship missile.
Posted Jan 14, 2011 02:17 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

0.09Mb (1147 downloads)
This package contains a means to create a full-scale nuclear blast in CFS2. The concept was developed by Bismarck13 during a joint bomber/missile project we were working on a couple of years ago, but has never been released. It is a very simple and easy to use system.
Posted Jan 10, 2011 17:14 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo