CFS2 > Page 40

2.80Mb (324 downloads)
RAAF No 77 Sqd "Elyana"; skin for TRA_Meteor_F8
Repaint By John Fortin (AKA Polar_Lion)
Gloster Meteor F.Mk.8 'Elyana', S.No. A77-15, 77th Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force. On 29th January 1953 this aircraft was lost during tunnel attack.
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Posted Feb 24, 2011 02:27 by John Fortin

2.69Mb (194 downloads)
RAAF No 77 Sqd "Elyana" skin for TRA_Meteor_F3
Repaint By John Fortin (AKA Polar_Lion)
Gloster Meteor F.Mk.8 'Elyana', S.No. A77-15, 77th Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force. On 29th January 1953 this aircraft was lost during tunnel attack.
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required file
Posted Feb 24, 2011 02:22 by John Fortin

2.39Mb (287 downloads)
Repaint- RAAF Lou Spence Skin for Alpha_TR P-51D By John Fortin (AKA Polar_Lion)
"On 9 September 1950 he led four Mustangs in an attack on storage facilities at An'gang-ni, South Korea, which had recently been captured by the communists. While he was operating at low level because of poor visibility, his aircraft failed to pull out of a steep dive and he was killed when it crashed into the centre of the town."
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Posted Feb 24, 2011 01:48 by John Fortin

0.50Mb (273 downloads)
For those of us who like just a little shine on our planes, the download contains a new MDL file. Just drop it into the Model folder of the TR_C131, allowing it to overwrite the original. It turned out better looking than I imagined.
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Posted Feb 23, 2011 04:07 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

0.34Mb (295 downloads)
This is just a final set of tweaks for this skin set (FS229) on the aircraft and TR's droptanks.
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Posted Feb 22, 2011 23:13 by Bob McGee, BUB

5.91Mb (551 downloads)
This is a conversion of the FS2002/4 CV440 by Greg Pepper & Tom Gibson to CFS2. The panels have also been converted as much as available gauges allow. She is wearing the skin of a MATS medical transport. The AIR, CFG and DP are mine.
Posted Feb 22, 2011 22:13 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

2.39Mb (125 downloads)
RAAF No77 Sqd Lou Spence; Skin for Alpha_TR P-51D
Repaint By John Fortin (AKA Polar_Lion)
"On 9 September 1950 he led four Mustangs in an attack on storage facilities at An'gang-ni, South Korea, which had recently been captured by the communists. While he was operating at low level because of poor visibility, his aircraft failed to pull out of a steep dive and he was killed when it crashed into the centre of the town."
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Posted Feb 22, 2011 22:13 by John Fortin

0.01Mb (466 downloads)
For captmercy's updated C-46 for CFS2:
Replacing the current Aircraft.CFG and DP files with the ones contained in the download will dramatically improve the flight characteristice of this aircraft.
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Posted Feb 22, 2011 22:13 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

5.86Mb (910 downloads)
This is a conversion of Jens Kristensen's FS2004 VER 2 aircraft to CFS2. The panels have been converted as well....including the DVC. The textures are the originals and there are two of them: Cabot & Clare. The CFG file is set to Cabot (bare metal) now, but the spare set, Clare (Camo), is included in the folder.
Posted Feb 22, 2011 04:09 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

1.88Mb (332 downloads)
For those of you who just 'need' to fly this airplane without the fixed wingtanks, here is set of alternate textures that 'remove' those tanks from the wings using the Alpha channel. Otherwise they are the same as the originals.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 20, 2011 19:22 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo