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TRA Bristol Beaufort
TRA Bristol Beaufort
11.04Mb (1322 downloads)
The TRA Bristol Beaufort is a conversion of the AlphaSim FS9/FSX aircraft. She is armed with my MC500 and MC1000 bombs, as well as my MK_XIII_Torpedo. Modifications to the MDL, CFG, DP, panel and textures are by myself. She has a full DVC, and all panels have been converted to CFS2 gauges. She has the European GPS gauge, but that can be swapped-out for the Paciifc gauge. All weapons are included.
Posted Mar 17, 2011 06:39 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
0.04Mb (346 downloads)
The enclosed AIR/CFG files are tweaked to eliminate some pitch instability (shaking) in certain flight circumstances. It also changes the display name of the aircraft to TRA B-57.
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required file
Posted Mar 16, 2011 13:43 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
Giulli Breda Ba88T Trainer
4.50Mb (373 downloads)
The Breda Ba.88T was a training conversion of the Ba.88 Lince, a sleek all metal shoulder wing monoplane. In 4/37, the Lince established two world speed records. The Ba.88 was regarded as a ground-attack and long-range reconnaissance aircraft. Powered by 2 1,000-hp Piaggio radial engines, top speed was 304 mph with a service ceiling of 26,245 feet and a range of 1,019 miles. Armament consisted of 3 fixed forward firing 12.7mm machine guns in the nose and a flexible 7.7mm machine gun in the rear cockpit. A bomb load of 2,204 pounds could be carried.
Posted Mar 16, 2011 01:57 by Pepe Rezende
13.83Mb (1084 downloads)
This is a conversion of the AlphaSim (now Virtavia) Martin B-57B to CFS2. She is armed with 4x20mm cannon and two bomb payloads, 13xMk84 Salvo and 13xMk84 Paired. US Modern Weapons pack included. The aircraft comes with 5 texture sets, of which texture.1 (Cold War Non-Camo) and texture.3 (SEA) are the most attractive (just my opinion). The CFG file is set to texture.1 by default. The textures are the originals from AlphaSim. Modifications to the MDL, CFG, AIR, and DP are mine.
Posted Mar 15, 2011 20:33 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
TRA MB-5  Droptanks
TRA MB-5  Droptanks
0.10Mb (338 downloads)
This download contains custom functioning droptanks for the CFS2 version of the AlphaSim MB.5 (, and all associated files required for them to work properly. There are new AIR, DP, CDP files, as well as the mb5_tank.bgl, MB5_tank.BMP texture and the mb5_tank.DP.
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required file
Posted Mar 14, 2011 13:02 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
TRA MB.5 DVC Upgrade
0.06Mb (339 downloads)
The enclosed panel.cfg file will upgrade your TRA_MB5 VC to a DVC with functioning gauges. To install simply replace the existing panel.cfg file in the TRA_MB5/panel.2 folder with this one. That's all there is to it. Enjoy! REQUIRES: TRA_MB5.ZIP
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 13, 2011 06:45 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
TRA_MB5 Alternate Skins
TRA_MB5 Alternate Skins
7.28Mb (307 downloads)
This download contains fourteen skins for the TRA_MB5, an AlphaSim FS9/FSX MB.5 that I have converted to CFS2. All but the PROTOTYPE are the aircraft never went into production. However, the squadron skins are authentic, even if in reality used on other aircraft types. REQUIRED FILE: TRA_MB5.ZIP These repaints are by AlphaSim and Nick Bradin (except those noted), and were converted for CFS2 by Rich Ruscoe. I am just posting them.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 13, 2011 06:45 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
TRA Martin-Baker MB.5
TRA Martin-Baker MB.5
5.27Mb (996 downloads)
The TRA_MB5 for CFS2 is a conversion of the AlphaSim ( FsX freeware version. Modifications to the original MDL, DP, AIR, CFG, textures and panel files are mine. The aircraft is presented in operational RAF colors and armed with Guns Only, as opposed to the unarmed prototype. The panel includes autopilot,ECU and European GPS windows, SHIFT+2, 4 and 5.
Posted Mar 13, 2011 05:46 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
Giulli SAI S403 Dardo
Giulli SAI S403 Dardo
2.60Mb (383 downloads)
SAI.403 Dardo (Dart) derivative. This essentially was a more sophisticated version of the SAI.207.
Posted Mar 12, 2011 13:41 by Pepe Rezende
12.78Mb (398 downloads)
The TRV EB-66B is a complete conversion of the FS2004 aircraft by Virtavia ( This includes the original textures. The 2D and DVC have been re-gauged as close to the original as available CFS2 gauges will allow. The DP, CFG and AIR files and the pilot figure (SID) are by myself. Sound is aliased to Lear45, which is included. Like most large aircraft, careful use of pitch (elevator) trim must be exercised on takeoff, for cruise and landing. The aircraft is totally unarmed.
Posted Mar 12, 2011 00:46 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo