CFS2 > Page 50

1.90Mb (720 downloads)
Cleaned up the VC and added some navaids. for the TR_F80C captmercy
Posted May 2, 2010 11:13 by captmercy

0.05Mb (802 downloads)
This is the original wingtip tank for the P-80/F-80 Shooting Star, as opposed to the 'Misawa' tank first packaged with the Massimo Taccoli model. Texture by BUB, Bob McGee. Included in the package along with the tank, textures and DP is a new DP/CDP for the aircraft. To install simply place all files from the download into the corresponding folders/subfolders of your CFS2 directory. The download is specifically for the TR_F-80C package available here: Page 22, CFS2 New Downloads
Required files:
required file
Posted May 1, 2010 00:10 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

0.45Mb (683 downloads)
This is an upgraded MDL file for the TR_F-80C (available on page 20) by Larry Brown, AKA Oldwheat, which corrects the 'milky' texture of the canopy glass. I'm just doing the posting. Nice job Larry!
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 30, 2010 00:30 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

8.26Mb (875 downloads)
CFS2 version of AF Scrub Curtiss P-6E Hawk biplane fighter. Curtiss-built biplanes that equipped fighter units of the Air corps and Navy during the 1920's and 30's were inspired by the air racing during the early 1930's. The most famous of the Hawks was the P-6, first flown in 1929. The P-6E had a modified fuselage, single strut landing gear with stylish wheel fairings and a 700 hp engine with Prestone cooling. A total of 46 production P-6E's were delivered to the three fighter squadrons, the 17th, 33rd and the 95th. The last eighteen P-6E's were retired from the service in 1939, mostly donated to flying schools as non-flying training aids.
Posted Apr 29, 2010 00:10 by Pepe Rezende

0.85Mb (567 downloads)
Hi All,
These textures are for the F-80C by Massimo Taccoli. They include, Evil Eye Fleagle, Saggin' Dragon, Salty Dog, 44th Vampires and a blank so you can do your own. Also a set of wings. Plese read all the readme's.
A comlete aircraft done by Tango_Romeo, exceptionally well done, should be used as a basis for these textures. Thanks to all who helped make this possible.
Have fun,
Posted Apr 27, 2010 18:36 by Bob McGee

2.98Mb (2241 downloads)
This is a completely updated version of Massimo Taccoli's F-80C in an all-inclusive extensive panel and DVC, new DP and weps by FDG. The texture is by Bub, Bob McGee. Flight model is by Dan Nole. The sound is aliased to Lear45, which is also included.
Posted Apr 27, 2010 04:30 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

0.03Mb (703 downloads)
Included are instructions for programing and operating the radio CD player and corrected install instructions for the plane in case its not showing up in the game. captmercy
Posted Apr 26, 2010 13:17 by captmercy

8.36Mb (1244 downloads)
Here's a ground attack version of the VB Planes P-51B. Thanks to Chuck "Led" Shelby for his P-51B Heavy Hitter to Sergey "Araks" Golovchev for his panel and David Slaski for helping out in general on all issues.
Posted Apr 26, 2010 09:44 by Peter Mercy

3.48Mb (643 downloads)
Berlin airlift textures for the JBK DC-4 conversion for CFS2 by Dvslats. Also includes are some unmarked textures for creating your own schemes.
Have fun,
Posted Apr 23, 2010 15:22 by Oldwheat

0.01Mb (732 downloads)
The contents of this file will correct some issues from the initial release.
Proper naming of in the Aircraft.cfg to use the player air file. Night lighting for the Virtual Cockpit. A missing effects file used in the .dp.
Also the missions by Captmercy from his 2006 release of a similar aircraft have been updated to this one. There are two.
You can choose taking off from the CFS2 stock Port Moresby or Pen32Win's 12 Mile Berry.
Posted Apr 22, 2010 07:04 by Dave Slaski