CFS2 > Page 60

1.43Mb (635 downloads)
Two US Skins for the Stock CFS2 P-39. The zip contains two US textures, one without (Texture) the 8/11 Corbra insignia and one wtih (Texture2. Whether you fly the stocker or just use it as an AI in missions, she can use some new threads.
Posted Nov 1, 2009 02:17 by Tom Sanford

1.32Mb (1408 downloads)
This is yet another skin for TR's B-25C/D....available here on page 5. It's a simple drop-in texture folder to replace the original in your TR_B25cv aircraft folder.
Posted Oct 30, 2009 04:04 by Tom Sanford

0.42Mb (1528 downloads)
Translucent and Transparent Grass Textures for Steve McClelland's Far East Scenery Package and Williamtown RAAF Scenery, but they can be used in any scenery package by simply renaming the files appropriately.
These were created by Kelticheart for the purpose of 'blending' the airfields in older non-GSL scenery into the parent scenery more effectively. I am just doing the posting on these with Kelti's blessing. Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo, Whether you use the translucent grass textures, which still outline the grass area of each airfield, but in a 'blended' way, or chose the transparent textures for the 'no grass' look(my preference), you will find that your old airfields take on a new look of realism.
This is freeware and subject to then normal conditions.
Installation is simple for the Far East and Williamtown. Simply paste the appropriate texture files into the texture folders for each scenery package. Backup your originals in case you want them later.
Posted Oct 27, 2009 22:22 by Tom Sanford

0.10Mb (1108 downloads)
This file contains a simple scenery addon which gives you an authentic Australian base at Williamtown. This base can be used in WWII and modern scenarios. Williamtown is the closest airbase to the Allies main fleet anchorage in the southwest Pacific.
Posted Oct 27, 2009 22:18 by Tom Sanford

4.67Mb (1444 downloads)
This is a conversion of the latest upgrade of the Fox Four F-86E to the Avon Sabre. The Australian built Avon CA-27 varied from the standard Sabre in her armament of 30mm Aden cannon and her higher thrust engine. The texture is by BUB, AKA Bob McGee. An alternate skin is included in the Green Texture folder. Sound is aliased to Lear45 which is included in the download. Please read the panel instructions in order to fully utilize the complex multi-screen panel. Functioning droptanks are also included.
Posted Oct 27, 2009 21:51 by Tom Sanford

0.39Mb (639 downloads)
These wave files were taken from the Italian Radio Chatter package and modified. I like them so much I use them in my American install and pretend my pilot is an Italian immigrant. I got the Idea from Nibbio's PilotKill effects. I always loved his effects, but I think these are slightly more realistic. I love it when a pilot is wounded and you hear him cry "Mio Dio!" (my God). The intent of these sound files is to increase player immersion by providing more feedback whenever the player, a friend, or a foe is injured or shot down. Dandolo513 recorded the originals.
Posted Oct 26, 2009 03:07 by Ed Rufle

2.63Mb (932 downloads)
These are replacements for the FU-298 and NY ANG SEA Camo textures that came with Tango_Romeo's, tr_f86h Sabre. Just delete the old and replace with these.
Thanks to TR, Tom Sanford for this aircraft.
Thanks and sorry for the confusion with the originals.
(Bob McGee)
Posted Oct 1, 2009 23:08 by Bob McGee

7.06Mb (3897 downloads)
This is an upgrade/update/completion of an original unfinished work by Hayden Scott-Williams (Fang_VV). The aircraft carries a complete cannon, missile and bomb armament. Weapons and sound file (Lear 45) included. Weapons are AlphaSim with the exception of the AIM_9L, which I have modified to an 8-second airburst missle. The panel is by Mike Eustace (Indioblack). The default texture is VN camo USAF, but an alternate Luftwaffe skin is included.
Posted Sep 27, 2009 02:00 by Tom Sanford

4.32Mb (1021 downloads)
This is a straight forward development of my Fox Four AI 'Annie' to a much-improved player version. 'Annie' is a real treat to fly with exceptional low-speed and short-field capabilities. The AN-2 went into service in 1946, and remains in service to this day. She is the largest single-engine aircraft ever put into production. Textures by the Bob McGee (Bub). Panel by Matthias Lieberecht.
Posted Sep 26, 2009 22:57 by Tom Sanford

5.07Mb (6324 downloads)
This is the stock Alpha A4E Skyhawk modified for correct Wingman/AI performance and Afterburner Takeoff from the Catapult start position on aircraft carriers. There are no other downloads required. The aircraft uses the Alphasim Modern Weapons pack, included. The Panel is by Mike Eustace, IndioBlack, and contains the VN_GPS100A Gauge which can be called up using SHIFT+5(window 5) on your panel. This gauge is programmed for Korean and Vietnam airfields. Channels 1-40 for Korea, 45-60 for Vietnam
Posted Sep 26, 2009 22:25 by Tom Sanford