CFS2 > Page 78

3.56Mb (1488 downloads)
D.VI for CFS2 WWI fighter with 110 hp rotary engine in four-color
"Knowlton" lozenge camoflage. This aircraft painted in colors of Oblt.
Spiedel of Jasta 80b. Fully animated prop, motor and control surfaces.
Sound aliased to stock CFS2 A6M2 Zero. By Mark W. Steckel. 3.7MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

5.71Mb (1156 downloads)
Bf-109F Español (Spanish Bf-109F, Spanish Army Air Force, 1944)
Credits: Authors: Repainted by Rafael Furio according to a
profile of a Spanish Bf-109F drawn by Luis Fresno Crespo. Panel
adapted for CFS2 by Angel Morata (FAE_Cazador) and thanks to Luis
Soriano (FAE_Aguila) who found the necessary information. 5.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
6.66Mb (3886 downloads)
P-40N WARHAWK This Aircraft represents the P-40N that
was used in the Pacific Theater just after the Attack on Pearl Harbor.
The model has full moving parts including drop tank, night lights,night
gauges,movable pilots head and glowing exhausts. .9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

1.32Mb (793 downloads)
2 P400 AIRCOBRA from Portuguese Air Force - Portugal Marks
of Portuguese Air Force Squad and Repaint created by Luis Faria aka:
_306TigerLima Model and airfiles by Daniel DiBacco. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.59Mb (1014 downloads)
Spitfire XIVe 132 squadron South East Asia Command, Kenneth
Charney, Malaya 1945 designed by Paul Rebuffat, texture by Alessandro
Biagi. 605K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.62Mb (871 downloads)
Spitfire XIVe "Brümhilde", pilot Flt Lt johnson ,91 squadron
West malling july 1944 , during the "Diver campaign". designed by
Paul Rebuffat, texture by Dan Swart. 632K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

4.05Mb (2700 downloads)
Supermarine Spitfire MkIIa. Single seat, single engine fighter
aricraft of the RAF during WW2. Finished as a typical machine of 1941
belonging to 19 Squadron, based at Fowlmere. This pack includes aircraft
by VB PLanes, panel, sounds by By Dan Hopgood (from Mike Hambly originals)
and repainted textures by Barry Bromley. 4.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

1.87Mb (443 downloads)
2 Hurricanes of RV and VX Squad. from Portuguese Air Force
- Portugal Marks of Portuguese Air Force Squad and DP of mk2b.Created
by Luis Faria aka: _306TigerLima Primary texture by Dan Swart Model
and airfiles and DP of mk2c by VB_Team. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

1.26Mb (1118 downloads)
DEWOITINE D-510. French low-wing monoplane fighter with
fixed landing gear developed from D.501, replacing the engine with
the more powerful 860 hp Hispano-Suiza 12Ycrs in 1936. The D.510
was the first production fighter to reach an operating speed of
250 mph. Paint scheme represents a D.510c of 41st Sqdn, Chinese
Central Government Air Force, Yunan-fu, autumn 1938. By CM Carlson.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

1.19Mb (895 downloads)
OnlyDEWOITINE D-510. French low-wing monoplane fighter with
fixed landing gear developed from D.501, replacing the engine with
the more powerful 860 hp Hispano-Suiza 12Ycrs in 1936. The D.510 was
the first production fighter to reach an operating speed of 250 mph.
Paint scheme represents No219 of 3eme Escadrille, GC II/1, Etampes,
1938. By CM Carlson. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive