CFS2 > Page 81

1.97Mb (943 downloads)
SCHEME - Beaufighter Mk X, of 30 Sqdn, RAAF, New Guinea, August
1944. (This texture is recommended for use with "Beaufighter Mk 21
") Installation Simply extract to the required Beaufighter variant's
texture folder, and this will overwrite the default textures. C.Muir.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

2.00Mb (627 downloads)
SCHEME - Beaufighter TF. Mk X, of 236 Sqdn,
North Coates, England, June 1944. (This texture is recommended for
use with "Beaufighter TF.Mk X ") Installation Simply extract to the
required Beaufighter variant's texture folder, and this will overwrite
the default textures. C.Muir. 2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

2.00Mb (743 downloads)
SCHEME for - Beaufighter Mk 1C of 252 Sqdn, RAF Coastal Command,
Edcu, Egypt. Mid 1942. (This texture is recommended for use with "Beaufighter
Mk I or MK21 ". C.Muir. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

2.95Mb (1655 downloads)
Beaufighter TF. Mk X, of 489 Sqdn, RNZAF, Dallachy Strke Wing, Moray,
Scotland, Mid-1944. (This is the Default texture for the
"Beaufighter TF.Mk X ") Copyright The enclosed textures are the
work of C.Muir, who retains full copyright over their replication
and use. They may be adapted for use with this aircraft, but I would
appreciate notification of this occuring, and would require some
credit for the original design. C.Muir. 3.1MB
Paint Schemes below...
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

2.74Mb (2070 downloads)
Beaufighter Mk 21,
an accurate historic paint scheme and an appropriate pilot texture.
Air files are generic but the different variants do have DP files
to match their historic armament and payloads. They all feature;
Multi-resolution models, highly detailed exteriors, full moving
gear, props, crew members and control surfaces, lights, 3D virtual
cockpit with moving yoke, detailed interiors with night lighting
and functional bomb, torpedo or rocket payloads. The 3D pilot figure
is freeware by David Eckert. The Airfile is by Gryphon Aviation.
The panel and sounds are CFS2 default ones. . Further Skins for
these aircraft will be released shortly, including U.S nightfighter,
RAF desert, and RAAF Pacific schemes NB I have is given. Missions,
particularly historic ones incorporating this aircraft, are encouraged
wholeheartedly. Colin Muir. 2.6MB
Paint Schemes below...
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.02Mb (294 downloads)
Sound: These files is an attempt at a realistic gun (GAU8-Avenger)
for the A10-Thundebolt in so far the sound and position is concerned.
Willem Smit. 22K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

1.23Mb (437 downloads)
North American B-25J 5117 Brazilian Air Force. (Brazilian B-25J
5117) Textures remade by Rafael Anthony. 1st Brazilian Fighter Squadron
- Senta a Pua!. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

1.20Mb (439 downloads)
North American B-25B "LÉRO LÉRO" Repaint Brazilian Air Force.
All historical brazilians repaints made by the 1st Brazilian virtual
Fighter Squadron - Senta a Pua! are named in te selection menu as
"Brazilian...", and the fictious are named as "BRA..." Some of the
instructors that taught our pilots to fly the first airplanes B-25
had belonged originally to the equipagens by Lieutenant-colonel James
H. Doolittle to bombard Tokyo. The surviving crews of the bombing
of Tokyo, besides the own commandant of the mission, Lieutenant-colonel
James H. Doolittle, they went by Parnamirim Field, coming back to
USA in May-June of 1942. Textures repainted by Rafael Anthony. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

2.27Mb (1385 downloads)
Lancer....CFS2 only
History: Built by Republic, the P-43 was a modification of
the P-35. It had an early turbocharger and was quite fast for it's
day. Roll was good but turn rate was poor. The turbocharger was not
especially reliable and the fuel tanks were quite vulnerable, particularly
in early models without self sealing tanks. The model was eventually
dropped in favor of an all new model - the P-47B. 51 aircraft were
eventually delivered to China under lend-lease and a few saw limited
operation with the American Volunteer Group. Also added sound by Bruce
Thorson. Credits: Flight dynamics by Bob Boudoin and Bruce Thorson.
* Re-Painted by Duff A.K.A. _51st_Pipester from a Dave Eckert original.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

1.02Mb (1748 downloads)
Grumman F2F-6 Duck. One of the US Navy's most enduring and popular
multirole airplanes. Includes both Wheel and Float versions. All moving
parts. By Tom Schaad. Features panel by John McGUIGAN. 1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive