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CFS2 > Page 84
            Lockheed P-38L-5-LO
0.36Mb (535 downloads)
CFS2 Lockheed P-38L-5-LO. The definitive Lightning, in factory-fresh, bare metal textures. By David C. Copley. 365K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            ONLY and FS2000 only!
2.71Mb (1575 downloads)
CFS2 ONLY and FS2000 only! Mike Pupich purchased this aircraft from Paramont Studios after it was in the film "Catch 22". Later after beginning the resotoration work he met some original crewmembers of the 390th Squadron, 42nd Bomb Group "Crusaders", of the 13th Air Force who were originally stationed in the South Pacific theater during the War. Mike decided then and there to re-do the aircraft just like the original. The original aircraft was flown by Charlie Wells. He flew four missions with the original "Heavenly Body" as copilot and 38 missions as pilot. The stellar moment for this aircraft was when "Heavenly Body" roared off the deck of the USS Ranger on 21 April 1992 to honor the 50th anniversary of the Doolittle raid on Tokyo. Today she does airshows nationwide and it looks like there will be many years of pleasure from her to come. This original model was done by Roger Dial, Mike Hambly and Bruce Thorson. Re-paint by J-P "Gray Wolf" Demmerle. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            B-17F ROYAL AIR FORCE
0.63Mb (1044 downloads)
CFS2/FS2000 B-17F ROYAL AIR FORCE This is a Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress painted to look like an RAF Mk.IIAA (equivalent to the B-17F) that served with British Coastal Command as a long-range maritime reconnaissance aircraft in the European theater 1942-1945. CFS2 and FS2OOO separate configuration Original AD2000 plane by Hervé Devred. B17F repaint Contest candidate. Repaint by Walter Myers. 650K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.16Mb (1233 downloads)
CFS 2 Total Weapons Modification- upgraded weapon capacity and combinations for all (well nearly) stock CFS2 aircraft.Note:since their first release, some of my fighter .dps have been modified so that torpedoes and rockets may be carried so even if you have my previous upgrades youll want to replace them with these. There is also a small possibility that all the available loadouts are not listed in this readme as i updated some of the .dps after its writing so don't worry if you get a couple of extra loadouts on some aircraft. By Mark Walsh. 292K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Boeing B-17F "Lucky 7"
1.06Mb (2085 downloads)
CFS2-FS2000 Boeing B-17F "Lucky 7" This is a bare metal Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress painted to look like an earlier model E appropriate for the Pacific Theater in 1941-42. Two version are include. CFS2 (by default) & FS2000. B17F contest candidate. Original build with AD2000v2.0 by Hervé Devred - Michel Melchior A.C.T. publishing. Repaint job by Walter Myers. 1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            of default CFS2 Corsair as Nightbaron's Historical "Virgin Jacky"
            FG-1A , VMF-222 Phillippines,1945
0.28Mb (325 downloads)
Repaint of default CFS2 Corsair as Nightbaron's Historical "Virgin Jacky" FG-1A , VMF-222 Phillippines,1945
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Historical VF-17 "Jolly Rogers" Lt.JG.Killefer F4U-1A Bougenville
0.28Mb (785 downloads)
Nightbaron's Historical VF-17 "Jolly Rogers" Lt.JG.Killefer F4U-1A Bougenville,Repaint of default CFS2 Corsair - 1944 This skin potray the aircraft markings of Lt.JG.Killefer One of the Aces from the famous VF17 squadron (the most famous US squadron in the Pacific Theatre.... Besides The Blacksheep). 292K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            ONLY* Ki-61 Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien (Swallow)
0.34Mb (1329 downloads)
*CFS2 ONLY* Ki-61 Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien (Swallow) Allied code name "Tony" New multi-model design By Andrew C Wai. 347K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            AI-aircraft . Mitsubishi KI-30,
0.33Mb (927 downloads)
CFSII AI-aircraft . Mitsubishi KI-30, Allied code name "Ann". Japanese Army light bomber. S.Seybolt. 335K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            *CFS2 ONLY* Mitsubishi J2M3 Raiden
0.36Mb (1381 downloads)
UPDATED *CFS2 ONLY* Mitsubishi J2M3 Raiden VERSION 1.01 The Raiden (Thunderbolt) was designed as a land based successor to the legendary A6M Riesen (Zero). Update adds animated wing flaps & reduced model 4 to 3 polygons to speed up performance. By Andrew C Wai. 367K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive