CFS2 > Page 86

1.34Mb (789 downloads)
of the default CFS2 B-25D to represent the navy version PBJ-1D.
I painted this to complement my B-24 depicted in the same navy scheme
( from this site. Damage skin included.
By Lindsay Watt. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.01Mb (811 downloads)
(Flight Handling) files for Dauntless, Avenger and Kate. New '.air'
files for the Dauntless, Avenger and Kate. These files add the tail
hooks to the planes so now they are carrier land-able. Also adds folderable
wings for the Avenger. All these planes in the Pacific Theartre were
carrier born aircraft. by Tim Fennell. 7K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.09Mb (715 downloads)
modification 1.0 for CFS2 stock P-38F Lightning by Mark Walsh.
These weapons can be used in the same way as the standard Extra Payloads
on Aircraft that support the use of Loadouts. The Loadouts are added
to the Aircraft`s DP file in the same way as the standard ones. Any
special DP requirements are listed in the descriptions of individual
Weapons. 89K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.74Mb (908 downloads)
Hayate ("Frank") The Ki-84 Type 4 Hayate (Gale) was "the most
outstanding Jap Army Fighter and far ahead of the Oscar, Tony and
Tojo... potentially the most dangerous Japanese army fighter plane"
according to a mid 1945 U.S. AAF evaluation. The Frank was one of
the most formidable Japanese aircraft of the war, being able to out
climb and out maneuver both the U.S. P-47N Thunderbolt and the P-51H
Mustang fighters. It was also employed as a fighter-bomber. 772K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.77Mb (231 downloads)
Repaint F4U-A1 Corsair "Curly". This is a totaly fictional
paint scheme. 819K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.36Mb (294 downloads)
Repaint of the "stock" Hellcat skin with a lovely lady and some
kills added for fun. 366K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.54Mb (200 downloads)
Repaint of the stock F4U-1A Corsair.This plane(BuNo 50007) was
a part of VMF-115 "Joe's Jokers". Rob Renner. 554K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

1.72Mb (1676 downloads)
kff_v1.2 OS2U Kingfisher of VS-64 stationed at Halavo Seaplane
Base on Florida Island in the Solomons chain. 43-44 This is a final
version including full Multi-Res modeling and fixes in responce to
feedback on the "beta" release. Kingfisher mission and Sea Plane base
for Free Flight included. CM Carlson. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

1.35Mb (453 downloads)
ONLY* Morane-Saulnier MS-500HS SUPER-CRIQUET One crazy & very
bad version of the Storch!!! 3500cv & missiles tiger & sidewinder.Included
little mission.. Multi-model Storch with panel. Upgrade of the Storch
with improved turning, fixed prop, Gunner added and improved markings.
Now updated with Dynamic Virtual Cockpit.Fun to fly & ideal for exploring
the CFS2 world.By Greg Law. Repainted by Jean-Jacques Parel. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.00Mb (678 downloads)
F4U-1A white 86 Lulubelle/ Major Gregory (Pappy) Boyington CO
of VMF-214 Blacksheep, Vella Lavella, 1943. (MOD).
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive