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CFS2 > Page 96
            Curtiss XP-40
2.93Mb (503 downloads)
CFS2 Curtiss XP-40 Origanally for FS 2000 This FSDS project includes full moving parts, a transparent sliding canopy, reflective surfaces and a P.Casey P-40 panel.The XP-40 flew for the first time on October 14, 1938, with test pilot Edward Elliot at the controls. Armament was two 0.50-inch machine guns located in the upper fuselage deck and synchronized to fire through the propeller arc, standard armament for US pursuit aircraft at the time. Wing racks could be fitted for six 20-pound bombs. By Paul Clawson, Converted to cfs2 format and Dp made by Steve Butzer (SBFightinFalcon). 3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Nieuport 17 for CFS1 and CFS2
0.27Mb (387 downloads)
Belgian Nieuport 17 for CFS1 and CFS2 Repaint and modified files A.F.Scrub Many of the French, British and Belgian aces began their careers flying the Nieuport 17. The highly manoeuverable "Superbébé" was a larger, improved version of the Nieuport 11. This plane is remade as one of the airplanes from the Comet squadron, flown by Belgian ace Edmond Thieffry. You have 2 differently flying models. The Belgian Nieuport 17 flies realisticaly and the Belgian Nieuport 17c (for Combat) is optimized for multiplayer combat with superb manoeuvrability and good guns. 274K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Flight Sim 2 F4U-4B of VMA-332 from the USS Bairoko off Korea, July
            1953.- Repainted Textures only.
0.86Mb (319 downloads)
Combat Flight Sim 2 F4U-4B of VMA-332 from the USS Bairoko off Korea, July 1953.- Repainted Textures only. This download includes 2 folders with textures for the F4U1A_Corsair. 1 folder contains just a texture file painted for the standard Corsair(F4U-1A) from the CD. The other folder has a texture file and a .dp file with cannons added. I have seen pictures of F4U-4Bs with cannons and machine guns so it's up to you which you prefer. Rob Renner. 885K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
              Tempest II fighter for CFS2
0.50Mb (413 downloads)
Hawker Tempest II fighter for CFS2. An orginal multi-resolution design by Gerald Lindell. 512K Patch 9K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Commonwealth Aircraft corporation ca-15
3.04Mb (808 downloads)
CFS2 Commonwealth Aircraft corporation ca-15 On the afternoon of May 25 1948 a silver aircraft flew over Melbourne at an unprecedented 502mph.The brain child of Lawrence Wackett, head of the Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (C.A.C.) it was totally Australian in design and manufacture. It was the CA-15. This is a detailed model by looseKannon aka nicholas McColl Features full animations weapons loadouts and virtual cockpit. 3.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Bf 109 G-4 trop I./JG77 SCASM version,
1.40Mb (986 downloads)
CFS2 Bf 109 G-4 trop I./JG77 SCASM version, multires model with breaking parts and full AI animations. Animations include rolling wheels, opening canopy and radiator flaps. Model by Paul Rebuffat, textures by Dan Swart. Dp, panel by Bruno Duffort /Philippe Méhard. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            CAC Wirraway
1.69Mb (668 downloads)
Australian CAC Wirraway for CFS2 the prop texture by Bruno Duffort: Panel provided courtesy of Johan "VIPER" Lemmers. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            B-36B "Peacemaker"
2.34Mb (2678 downloads)
CFS2 B-36B "Peacemaker" The B-36 was origninally conceived as the ultimated bomber for WWII. As Maj. Gen. Henry "Hap" Arnold described it, it would be the plane that could "fly the skin off any rivals." The new techonogy and formidable size of the project led to delays,however, the B-36 instead became the first Cold War Bomber. This FSDS project has moving parts, transparent windows.A panel by Curt May.Paul Clawson. Plane converted to CFS2 format and given proper DP file. Also has an accurate sound file. DP file, Plane convertion, and sound file all done by Steve Butzer(FightinFalcon). 2.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Nieuport-Delage NiD.52
1.94Mb (1271 downloads)
CFS2 Nieuport-Delage NiD.52 The NiD-52 was the first type of aircraft to see aerial combat during the Spanish Civil War on 20 July 1936. The NiD.52 was a development of the NiD-42 but with metal fuselage and wing construction. The NiD-52 was not accepted by France, but license-built in Spain. About 100 of these planes were produced in the Hispano-Suiza factory in Guadalajara. This FSDS model is represented in both Republican and Nationalist colors. Includes full moving parts and working VC. Model, textures, and DP files by CM Carlson. Flight Dynamics by James Banks. 2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            CFS 2 Corsair repaint.(textures only)
Default CFS 2 Corsair repaint.(textures only) "Black Dog" is my fictional paint of the MS CFS 2 Corsair. Feel free to do whatever you want with it! Just injoy it! Repaint Joseph H. Nageotte. 577K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive