CFS2 > Page 97
2.02Mb (1285 downloads)
"Super" A6M5 Zero This plane is a Modified normal A6M5
Zero. The engine provides twice as much power. Also I made it so that
the cannons and bullets are a powerful as a 1000-pound bomb. Not to
mention that they fire about 12000 rounds per minute. Just like the
stock A6M5, it has all full moveing parts etc. Made by: Frederick
Meyers. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.88Mb (384 downloads)
Corsair repainted texture files represents F4U-4 no.97264 of the Naval
Air Reserve Training unit
at NAS Olathe, Kansas, March 1956. Textures only. Rob Renner. 902K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

Republic F-47N Thunderbolt 142nd FS (SE) Delaware Air National Guard
Version 1.0 Release date 21 Feb 02 The 142nd Fighter Squadron
(Single Engine) of the Delaware Air National Guard flew the F-47N
from 1947-1951. This was the first aircraft flown by the DE ANG. Original
Aircraft by Bill "Razor" Ross Repainted by "Stretch". Damage Profile
by Chris Coarse. 436K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
2.00Mb (1255 downloads)
Ki-61 Ia 'Shinten' Hien. A single seat, single engine Japanese
WWII fighter airplane. Includes true CFS2 compatible aircraft with
LOD model, functional 3D cockpit and 2D panel. By Vladimir Kochmarsky,
Rob Cox, Kevin Bacon and Steve Seybolt. 2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
2.04Mb (1085 downloads)
Ki-61 Ia Hien. A single seat, single engine Japanese WWII
fighter airplane. Includes true CFS2 compatible aircraft with LOD
model, functional 3D cockpit and 2D panel. By Vladimir Kochmarsky,
Rob Cox, Kevin Bacon and Steve Seybolt. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
2.05Mb (1964 downloads)
Ki-61 Ib Hien. A single seat, single engine Japanese WWII
fighter airplane. Includes true CFS2 compatible aircraft with LOD
model, functional 3D cockpit and 2D panel. By Vladimir Kochmarsky,
Rob Cox, Kevin Bacon and Steve Seybolt. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.67Mb (2394 downloads)
Weapons Pack 2 - Bombs 25 new bombs for Imperial Japanese
Army and Navy, including general purpose, bacillus, chemical, smoke,
thermite and phospherous incendiary, fragmentary, anti-aircraft, anti-submarine,
armour piercing. Shapes, colours and nose markings are accurate. New
DPs for stock and MD aircraft included as bonus. By Carlos Magalhaes,
Alex Brenzinger and Eric Cretaz. 686K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

2.25Mb (553 downloads)
DR1 Dreidecker was flown Oberleutnant Erich Löwenhardt, the
third-ranking German ace of the war, with 54 victories. He was assigned
to Jasta 10. One thing for he didn't have much trouble
finding his plane in the parking lot! Original made by M.Steckel,dp
file by F.Green, air file by Michael Priester, and repaint by Romulus
111VADT. 2.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

57.17Mb (600 downloads)
DR1 Dreidecker no. 1516/17 was flown Oberleutnant Ernst Udet,
the second-ranking German ace of the war, who survived the war with
62 victories. He was assigned to Jasta 4. The picture in the cockpit
is of Ernst Udet and his girlfriend Lola Zink. Udet had his Fokker
painted with "Lo" - in honor of her. Redesigned panel that more closely
resembles the real aircraft in it's layout. Redesigned Machine guns.
Original made by M.Steckel, dp file by F.Green, air file by Michael
Priester, and repaint by Romulus 111VADT. 2.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

1.78Mb (1004 downloads)
P-39D Airacobra. Miss America repaint. CFS2 Repaint of "stock"
Bell P-39D Airacobra in MISS AMERICA colors. Textures by: Felipe Belalcazar
Air Files by:Ernie Sire Panel by: Dan Griffen
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive