FS2004 > Page 375

3.12Mb (1850 downloads)
Sofia Airport in Bulgaria created for FS2004. By Emil Baruhov
Posted Sep 26, 2010 09:08 by Emil Baruhov

8.58Mb (2345 downloads)
This is an update for FS2004 of the B-45A Tornado by David Wooster using the reflective textures by Mick Morrissey. I have updated the flight dynamics, put in the 4th wheel, added gauges to the panel, added vclights, added smoke, and adjusted the contact points.
Posted Sep 24, 2010 09:12 by Bob Chicilo

0.16Mb (1196 downloads)
FS9 - Beriev Be-200 Altair v1.1 Multirole amphibious aircraft FIX! Correct contact points to fix steering of the model in water. Filename: Be200fs9_v11.zip Original file by Massimo Taccoli & Dennis Seeley Fixes upload by massimo Taccoli
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required file
Posted Sep 23, 2010 09:58 by Massimo Taccoli

5.14Mb (1024 downloads)
FS2004 Glass Cockpit Mini Panel that many of you requested is intended to replace the global default minipanel or my previous analog mini panel. The mini panel is made up of mostly Glass Cockpit LCD instruments. This gives the pilot a common set of LCD type gauges to use on multiple aircraft. Many pop-up windows available to keep the main mini panel uncluttered. Additional navigation and control surfaces gauges are provided. Information is provided for wind direction, drift, ETA, ETE, direction, distance and information on the nearest airport; direction and distance to the next waypoint set in the GPS; and radar/absolute altitude. Lee Hetherington excellent TCAS gauge is also available. Karol Chlebowski’s TFR gauge is included that allow flight at extremely low altitudes. Extensive tooltips have been provided on most gauges.
Posted Sep 23, 2010 09:22 by Bill McClellan

3.13Mb (821 downloads)
This fix contains amendments to issues that others are experiencing. See readme for more info. And also corrects the missing DI adj. knob.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 23, 2010 08:59 by Ron Watson

0.31Mb (1377 downloads)
FS2004 Naples Italy - Capodichino LIRN
Update of Naples Capodichino airport, LIRN. Expanded ramp area and added highspeed taxiway on southwest side of the airport. Repaired some taxiway surface that was missing.
Posted Sep 23, 2010 08:44 by R.E. Wyman

5.85Mb (28392 downloads)
This package is an update of the 18 ArrestorCable Nimitz Class aircraft carriers by Javier Fernandez & Richard Hogan, with all new Afcad runways and NAV aides as well as AI aircraft traffic files, plus, the "Sinking Carrier Deck Fix". For clearest Instructions see the "Carriers 2006 Instructions.doc"
Compiled by R.A.[Lightning]Baum.
Posted Sep 21, 2010 12:41 by archive

5.16Mb (1450 downloads)
Registration XY-AGG and XY-AGI. Complete model of the Airbus A320-231 in Myanmar Airways International livery and full range of animation. This two aircrafts are the newest and biggest in there fleet. With this two Airbus they fly outside Burma (Myanmar) starting from the end of 2009. Thanks to Hla Myo Kyaw and ProjectAirbus for permission. For FSX please download mai322x.zip. By HOUSE-RP and ProjectAirbus
Posted Sep 18, 2010 12:30 by HOUSE-RP

4.76Mb (553 downloads)
Continental Airlines textures only for the FS9 VBF Convair 240 by Hans Hermann and team CV-240. Continental purchased 5 Convair 240s in 1948 for postwar expansion. These were sold 5 years later to Canadian Pacific and replaced by Convair 340s.
Textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 16, 2010 10:49 by Gary Harper

3.86Mb (1570 downloads)
Grumman AA1-C T-Cat
Model for FS2004
By Ron Watson
This model was built with GMAX. Lowpoly and frame rate friendly.
This aircraft is based on the realword ZK-FVR. Owned and operated by the Auckland Aero Club based at Ardmore, New Zealand.
The Grumman AA1-C model was produced from 1971 to 1978 and marketed in two versions. The AA1-C Lynx was targeted at private owners while the AA1-C T-Cat was a flying school trainer.
Posted Sep 16, 2010 10:01 by Ron Watson