FS2004 > Page 376

2.61Mb (5910 downloads)
FS2002/2004 Grumman F-14B Tomcat "GIJOE SKYSTRIKER". An accurate Gmax model with full moving parts and photoreal textures. 2D panel included. Original 3D Gmax model by Jeff Dobbing. Gmax model rework, panel, etc. F-14 by Dino Cattaneo. Texture by Joao H B Leitao.
Posted Sep 14, 2010 07:28 by Joao H B Leitao

2.30Mb (2296 downloads)
FS2002/2004 Grumman F-14B Tomcat "Comandos em Acao". An accurate Gmax model with full moving parts and photoreal textures. 2D panel included. Original 3D Gmax model by Jeff Dobbing. Gmax model rework, panel, etc. F-14 by Dino Cattaneo. Texture by Joao H B Leitao.
Posted Sep 14, 2010 07:26 by Joao H. B. Leitao

1.22Mb (333 downloads)
Repaint textures for the default Caravan Amphibian in the colors of a sportsman's lodge in Maine. Repaint by Don Brynelsen
Posted Sep 13, 2010 13:27 by Don Brynelsen

3.98Mb (3520 downloads)
Philippine Air Force repaint package for Tim Conrad's OV-10A V2 models. Whole aircraft includes VC. Repaints by Bernie Stockwell. This package contains 3RD Philippine Air Force livery repaint of Tim Conrad's OV-10A V2 aircraft ranging from the mid 1990s to the present day. * 15th Strike Wing, 16th Strike Squadron OV-10, Danielo Atienza Air Base (RPLS) * 3rd Tactical Operations Wing, Tactical Operations Group 9, Edwin Andrews Air Base (RPMZ) Multi-role : Close Air Support (CAS), Counter Insurgency (COIN), Recon, Forward Air Control (FAC), Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Crew: 2 pilots Max speed: 244 kts. Range: 198nm radius Armaments: Internal: 4x 7.62mm M60C MG Hardpoints: 7 Max Weapon load: 3,600 lbs. Load : AIM-9 AAM, Mk 80, FFAR pods, Gun pods, External Fuel tanks. Features: Twin boom tail; podded fuselage; Engine: 2x Garrett T76 turboprops; fuselage stores sponsons NOTE: While these repaints are generally accurate and based of as many photos as I could find I did exercise some artistic licence. CREDITS: A huge thanks to Tim Conrad for the excellent model and the base texture which I used to do these repaints. Also thanks to Martin Wright for the freeware image conversion tool DXT/BMP. Repaint created with PSP8. Compiled by: Gerard G. Olvis
Posted Sep 12, 2010 13:26 by Gerard G. Olvis

9.49Mb (2496 downloads)
RUTAN Long-EZ HB-YCT "Millennium Flight" Patch.
According to all your comments and feed
back, please find here attached the Patch 1
including the major bug fixes and some
additional features (mainly a new model under
standard configuration, without wing pods and
without auxilary center tank). You must
install the original package HBYCT_V1.ZIP
before. By Olivier Marechal from DESIGNAIR.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 11, 2010 10:36 by admin

13.03Mb (1160 downloads)
"Aeroclube de Pernambuco" is based in Recife city (SNEM), Brazil. Aeroboero AB-115 was made in Argentina and is one of the most popular trainers for basic instruction in Brazil. Includes a Panel made by Leonardo Moura and five textures (PP-FHK, PP-GCS, PP-GFB, PP-GHE and PP-GMT)painted by me. Model by J R Lucariny model
Posted Sep 10, 2010 09:01 by Joao H. B. Leitao

4.12Mb (2109 downloads)
FS2004 Convair CV-240 VBF CB-16
Base pack for the “Convair CV-240 VBF reloaded”
in CB-16 version, the famous American short haul
airliner from the fifties. This is a reloaded Gmax
rendition based on the Calclassic Convair (by Greg
Pepper and Tom Gibson), but it is no longer compatible
with that model. Base for further CB-16 add-ons
prepared by VBF. Includes visual model and textures
for a Convair CV-240-1 of Western Airlines, registration
N8404H, with ventral staircase. Panel and sound must be
installed separately (see User Manual). Flight dynamics
by FSAviator. By Virtual Birds Factory (Hans Hermann
and Georg Hauzenberger)
Posted Sep 10, 2010 08:45 by Virtual Birds

4.33Mb (2374 downloads)
FS2004 Convair CV-240 VBF CA-18 Base pack for the 'Convair CV-240 VBF reloaded' in CA-18 version, the famous American short haul airliner from the fifties. This is a reloaded Gmax rendition based on the Calclassic Convair (by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson), but it is no longer compatible with that model. Base for further CA-18 add-ons prepared by VBF. Includes visual model and textures for the first CV-240 ever built in 1947 (Reg.-ID NX90846) and painted in the house colors of Consolidated Aircraft. Panel and sound must be installed separately (see User Manual). Flight dynamics by FSAviator. By Virtual Birds Factory (Hans Hermann and Georg Hauzenberger)
Posted Sep 10, 2010 08:15 by uploader

0.95Mb (1325 downloads)
With its rugged construction, STOL capabilities, and adaptable passenger/cargo compartment, the Airvan is the ideal aircraft for the bush operator. This package presents you with two American liveries for this Aussie workhorse. Original aircraft by Mike Stone with repaints by Don Brynelsen.
Posted Sep 8, 2010 12:19 by Don Brynelsen
1.05Mb (329 downloads)
FS2002-S.I.A.I. S65 Shneider Trophy
Panel and gauges for the S65
Shneider Trophy. You must have the file
gius65.zip (above). Sorry for the inconvenience.
F. Giuli
Posted Sep 8, 2010 05:24 by FRANCESCO GIULI