FS2004 > Page 377

29.33Mb (5142 downloads)
FS2004 Air France Breguet 763 Deux Ponts, registration F-BASQ. An updated set of textures for the Breguet Deux Ponts. Photorealistic textures where applicable, new metal textures too. Original model by Barney Bigard. Repaint by Rui Cristina.
Posted Sep 6, 2010 04:59 by Uploader

2.36Mb (1580 downloads)
FS2004/2002-S.I.A.I. S65 Shneider Trophy
Aircraft developed between 1929 and
1931 for a successful race in Schneider
Trophy, but never did due to insufficient
radiator area for cooling both engines
at the same time. Model, texture, panel
by F.Giuli. Gauges by different authors (see panel fix below)
Posted Sep 5, 2010 03:14 by FRANCESCO GIULI

3.81Mb (753 downloads)
IRIS T-6A Texan II - FS9 - Fictional British Royal Navy attack aircraft of the 1950s.
Texture colours are Fictional British Royal Navy attack aircraft from the 1950s
This repaint requires the payware IRIS T-6A Texan II. Repaint by Dave Gore fooflyer
Posted Sep 4, 2010 21:38 by Dave Gore fooflyer

2.52Mb (623 downloads)
IRIS T-6A Texan II - FS9 - RAF T6 Black Linton textures.
Texture colours are based on RAF Tucano at Linton On Ouse UK Code EGXU Web www.raf.moduk/raflintononouse.
This repaint requires the payware Iris T-6A Texan II. Repaint by Dave Gore fooflyer
Posted Sep 4, 2010 21:08 by Dave Gore fooflyer

40.52Mb (9950 downloads)
FS2004 DSB Freeware - NORTHROP F-5A Philippine Air Force 6th Tactical Fighter Squadron Liveries The F-5 Freedom Fighter, a supersonic fighter combining low cost, ease of maintenance, and great versatility. More than 2,000 F-5 aircraft have been procured by the USAF for use by allied nations. The F-5, which resembles the USAF Northrop T-38 trainer, is suitable for various types of ground-support and aerial intercept missions.MULTI-ROLE By DSB Design. Repacked by Keith Moore Thanks to Komiks of PFSG for the other PAF Liveries. Original Aircraft by David S.Brice, D (2005) Config update by Misko for F-5A Freedom Fighter by Tim Conrad Repainted & compiled by Gerard G. Olvis
Posted Sep 4, 2010 14:35 by Gerard G. Olvis

1.49Mb (562 downloads)
This is a repaint of the default DC-3 in a specially commissioned livery for the 2010 DC-3 World Rally, organised by the team at DC-3 Airways VA. Visit www.dc3airways.com for information about this exciting event commencing on October 2, 2010. Thereafter, you can keep this lovely lady as a souvenir of how well you flew! This livery is also available for FSX as wr10_fsx.zip and for the MAAM-SIM FS2004/FS2002 Passenger DC-3 as wr10_maam.zip. By Mark Beaumont, VP Fleet, DC-3 Airways.
Posted Sep 4, 2010 09:27 by Mark Beaumont

3.85Mb (372 downloads)
This is a repaint of the FS2004/FS2002 donationware MAAM-SIM Passenger DC-3 in a specially commissioned livery for the 2010 DC-3 World Rally, organised by the team at DC-3 Airways VA. Visit www.dc3airways.com for information about this exciting event commencing October 2, 2010. Thereafter, you can keep this lovely lady as a souvenir of how well you flew! Requires a base install of the FS2004/2002 R4D-6/DC-3A package available from Mid-Atlantic Air Museum Simulations at www.maam.org. Can be used in FSX with the upgrade files available from the same site. This livery is also available for the default FS2004 DC-3 as wr10_fs9.zip, and for the default FSX aircraft as wr10_fsx.zip. By Mark Beaumont, VP Fleet, DC-3 Airways.
Posted Sep 4, 2010 09:25 by Mark Beaumont

5.47Mb (605 downloads)
Singapore Airlines textures only for the payware Overland/Simmer's Sky Boeing 737-900.
Posted Sep 4, 2010 05:50 by Alvin, Of AlvinRepaints

3.92Mb (427 downloads)
IRIS T-6A Texan II - FS9 - RAF T-6 Linton Red and White
Texure coulours are based on RAF Tucano at Linton On Ouse UK Code EGXU Web www.raf.moduk/raflintononouse
This repaint requires the payware IRIS T-6A Texan II.
Repaint by Dave Gore fooflyer
Posted Sep 3, 2010 20:50 by Dave Gore fooflyer

6.89Mb (1162 downloads)
FS2004/FSX REPAINT ONLY DC-7C Seven Seas (CalClassic) - SPANTAX dark blue. Original Aircraft by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson. Repainted by Enrique Medal.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 3, 2010 17:00 by Enrique Medal