201.65Mb (705 downloads)
FSX/P3D/Xplane/FS9 Flight Simulator First Officer (FSFO) V3.1
Flight Simulator First Officer (FSFO) V3.1 is a generic copilot designed to work with aircraft that conform to Xplane (via XPUIPC), FS9, FSX and P3D SDK; in short, it adds a touch of realism while providing a copilot to share cockpit responsibilities. FSFO V3 does not require strict adherence to Standard Operating Procedures (i.e. scripts), reading lengthy manuals or precise speech. To that end, it can be as complex or simple as you want; for example, FSFO can complete the entire Before Start Checklist, or only those functions you chose not to accomplish. Regardless, he will check every switch to ensure it's placed in the correct position. Just hit connect and fly with confidence that your First Officer is helping you fly your complicated aircraft. By Matthew King. LATEST FREEWARE VERSION.
Posted Jul 20, 2023 13:41 by Flanker256

8.69Mb (441 downloads)
Small addition to have a checklist on any fsx plane using the Kneeboard. works exclusively with JPG images...... you can add checklist, MAPS, and any useful information in jpg format. credits to RESTAURAVIA for the idea. Original upload was empty. Apologies
Posted Jun 21, 2023 20:15 by Delta Tango Nine Two

0.54Mb (357 downloads)
Flightplan BGL converter: a tool to convert FS9 Traffic BGL files to FSX format. Useful to avoid format mixing that are often sources of conflicts. By Lamont Clark.
Posted Jul 28, 2022 01:58 by Lamont Clark

0.01Mb (173 downloads)
This is a little tool that decompiles and extracts bitmaps from Mission Rewards files (RWD) of FSX. A source XML file is generated and can be recompiled to create a (theoretically) identical file. See the manual of bglcomp and mission creation kit in the FSX SDK. Release 2 (20 January 2007) fixes a missing libraries bug. By Lamont Clark.
Posted Jul 28, 2022 01:14 by Lamont Clark

0.50Mb (226 downloads)
FSX Log book Editor is a graphical editor for FSX log book files. It can edit all entries in it and modify fields not editable within FSX (including flight durations and landing airports). Broken logbook files can be repaired you can also add or remove existing entries. The contents of your old FS9 logbook can be imported and you can also export the logbook to HTML or MS Excel-compatibles files. Requires Java Runtime Environment. By Lamont Clark.
Posted Jul 28, 2022 00:53 by Lamont Clark

0.03Mb (178 downloads)
FSX SPB to XML (spb2xml) Utility, Release 1.2. This tool can decompile SimPropBinary (SPB) files as used in FSX and produce their corresponding XML source which can then be read and modified. SPB file format was introduced in FSX and is used instead of XML for Missions, Autogen description, Dialog localisation, and Living World configuration. Files in SPB are read quicker by the simulator than XML files, so when performance is an issue files can be compiled to SPB. Requires .NET framework 2.0. By Lamont Clark.
Posted Jul 28, 2022 00:49 by Lamont Clark

0.50Mb (107 downloads)
FSX Log book Editor is a graphical editor for FSX log book files. It can edit all entries in it and modify fields not editable within FSX (including flight durations and landing airports). Broken logbook files can be repaired you can also add or remove existing entries. The contents of your old FS9 logbook can be imported and you can also export the logbook to HTML or MS Excel-compatibles files. Requires Java Runtime Environment. By Lamont Clark (lc0277).
Posted Jul 28, 2022 00:07 by Lamont Clark
6.86Mb (565 downloads)
In this Package I have created the ground service vehicles that serve the ELAL Boeing 737-900 based at Israel's Ben Gurion airport.
Posted Nov 23, 2021 13:36 by Barivision
7.50Mb (461 downloads)
EL AL Catering Trucks and Stairs Textures for the Posky Boeing 747-400 by Project Open Sky.
EL AL Artwork by Barivision 2021.
Posted Nov 22, 2021 06:08 by Barivision
3.98Mb (402 downloads)
Global Classic A.I. Ship traffic V1, ship locator.
This is a data program to help you locate the
vessels in Henrik Nielsen's wonderful 'Global Classic A.I. Ship traffic V1' program.
My locator program contains:
A folder for Google Earth with the routes shown, the number of the route
and what ships are on that route.
A sailings list with departures and arrivals of each route.
A list of all the ships names and the routes you can find them on.
This program isnt FSX or P3d dependant.
by Carl Vokes
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 6, 2021 13:53 by carl vokes