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fs9gps Grey Blue Color
0.21Mb (559 downloads)
This is the standard fsgps in a nice grey & blue color to enhance aircraft like the Airbus series or the Dassault Falcon 7X which have a grey blue instrument panel for FSX. Please enjoy and may I wish you all a very happy 2023
Posted Jan 1, 2023 10:27 by Barivision
13.23Mb (156 downloads)
This is a repaint for Carenado's CT182T Skylane cockpit. You must own the payware Carenado CT182T Skylane for FSX. These textures have a carbon fiber panel with red lettering, as well as red backlighting at night. It also has a black leather interior with red leather accents, and grey plastics.
Posted Sep 30, 2022 17:07 by Mark Misek
GPS Panel in Brown
0.50Mb (275 downloads)
Standard fs9gps in brown for FS9 and FSX
Posted Sep 13, 2022 13:26 by Barivision
FSX SPB to XML Utility (spb2xml)
0.03Mb (181 downloads)
FSX SPB to XML (spb2xml) Utility, Release 1.2. This tool can decompile SimPropBinary (SPB) files as used in FSX and produce their corresponding XML source which can then be read and modified. SPB file format was introduced in FSX and is used instead of XML for Missions, Autogen description, Dialog localisation, and Living World configuration. Files in SPB are read quicker by the simulator than XML files, so when performance is an issue files can be compiled to SPB. Requires .NET framework 2.0. By Lamont Clark.
Posted Jul 28, 2022 00:49 by Lamont Clark
FSX/P3D Boeing 727 Panel and VC V2.0
FSX/P3D Boeing 727 Panel and VC V2.0
24.11Mb (1114 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 727 2D panel and VC V2. This is a panel package, based on the Thomas Ruth 727 VC interior model, contains a brand new wide 2D panel (1280px). The main features include: new day and night 2D panel background bitmaps (Main panel, Overhead, Throttles, Engineer, Autopilot and Radio), re-mastered day and night VC textures, updated set of xml gauges, fully integrated FMC, new popup windows and cockpit sounds. 6 VC camera views: First officer, Autopilot (centered), Center console, Overhead, Flight engineer and jumpseat. Fully working Auto-brake. Credits to Hiroshi Higami for the original Auto-brake gauge and Daniel Gauthier for the original Cockpit Sounds. The new panels are using the following extra gauges: FMC by Garrett Smith, TCAS V2 by Dietmar Loleit, and VSpeed, Altitude Callout, Icons32, Brake sound and new Cockpit sounds by me. Most of these gauges are using the FSX XML Sound gauge by Doug Dawson. Tested in FSX Acceleration (DX10) and FSX Steam Edition (DX9), on the Thomas Ruth 727. Not tested in P3D but should work correctly up to V3. Sound effects may not work in V4.
Posted Feb 13, 2022 10:28 by Philippe Marion
36.89Mb (289 downloads)
FSX Piper Cherokee 2K2X Dynamic Internal Panel. This optional upgrade kit for (LEGACY_CHEROKEE_2K2X.ZIP) contains both Panel and Model folders for the three Cherokee 2K2X projects, but with added dynamic interior instrument panel gauges. The internal static panel view is now a projected image of the 2D panel, that which Horst Paetzold's (HPCHEROK.ZIP) designed. I found during my development of the Piper XPA-35-470 Pocono, that my interior instrument panel was a lot nicer to fly than the static image I used in the PA-28-140 airplanes. I therefore found a way to place the FSDS VPanel into the 140 airplanes in separate folders (.1) so I could switch back at any time if the new panels didn't seem to work out. It's been weeks and I like the projections well enough to keep them. This kit also contains the model upgraded prop fixes and I included in the file the missing left widow portal. It is your option to add them if you want it as well. Simple copies of the \Panel.1 and \Model.1 folders will get you the projection screens and to activate them, tell your AIRCRAFT.CFG which folders to use, refer to the README.TXT file for details. Enjoy! A project by Ronald Prindle.
Posted Feb 12, 2022 01:28 by Ronald Prindle
FSX DC4 Panel 2D and VC
FSX DC4 Panel 2D and VC
21.20Mb (703 downloads)
This is a new panel for the DC4. The 2D panel is pretty good in appearance and functionality. The VC has quite a good appearance but functionality is limited. It is designed specifically for 1920X1080 screens and will not work well on smaller screens. A large monitor is recommended as the gauges are quite small. Please read instructions.
Posted Nov 26, 2021 02:49 by G. Munro
1.74Mb (299 downloads)
2D Six Engine Throttle Panel by Barivision for the Antonov-AN225 by Thomas Ruth & Alexander Kvitta
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 9, 2021 11:56 by Barivision
Embraer E190 Panel with VC
19.41Mb (1584 downloads)
This is a new panel for the Embraer E190. The gauges are pretty much identical to the real aircraft with all switches and dials working. It includes a FMC with flight plans, VNAV function, radio tuners, and maps. There is also a HUD which follows the Embraer specification. A detailed manual is included. Please at least read the installation instructions.
Posted Apr 18, 2021 02:27 by G. Munro
Boeing 747-8F Panel with VC
27.61Mb (1377 downloads)
This panel is identical to the original release on 7 April except the manual in the original release was corrupted. This release includes the full manual. This is a new panel displaying the complete width of the main panel for the Boeing 747-8F. At first sight it seems identical to the Boeing 747-400 however there are some small differences. Although this panel is for the Boeing 747-8F it could also be used on the passenger version and also on a Boeing 747-400. The main differences are in the air conditioning panel and the doors. It is meant for 1920X1080 screens and will not look good on smaller screens. Drawback of this panel is that the gauges are pretty small but still readable. It includes 2 FMCs and a VC with limited functionality which which is entirely 747-400. Manuals are included - please at least read the installation instructions
Posted Apr 11, 2021 03:21 by G. Munro
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