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North American F-86E Sabre Upgrade Kit V.1.1 This package contains
a Damage Profile and new .AIR file intended for use with the F-86E
(f86ev01.zip) by Hayden Scott-Williams. This will convert the
aircraft for use in CFS2. This DP features proper gun positions
as well as lit engine flames and exhaust. DP file by Chris Coarse
.AIR file by Jim Coarse. 210K
RAF CH1 Chinook A twin-turbine, tandem-rotor, heavy-lift transport
helicopter. Model includes an opening loading ramp, moving parts night
textures and more. Panel by Michael Vader. Model and sound by Shlomo
'Slo Mo' Hakim. 3.2MB |
F-15E Strike Eagle for CFS2.
The F-15E can reach speeds exceeding Mach2 It can carry up to 23,000lbs
of payload, including Dumb/Smart air-to-ground weapons and guided
air-to-air weapons. This F-15E is textured for the 391st "Bold Tigers"
of the 366th Composite Wing. Features moving parts, Working A/B,
working A/B visuals, DP, weapons , moving nozzles, 3d pilots and
a DVC. Model by Kotaro Akikawa. 3.6MB
Note: As CFS2
has no default Jets - requires Jet sounds available from Sounds
or CFS2 Jet pack
FAP North American F-86F Sabre The F-86F Sabre served with the
PoAF from 1958 to 1980, with 65 units. Many PoAF Sabre fought in the
Colonial war, with the Fiat G.91, T-6, Allouette II and III. This
particular F-86F is currently at the Alverca air museum. features
full moving parts including rotating wheels and steerable nose gear.
CFS2 files included. Model and panel by: Hayden Scott-Williams (Fang
V^V) Repainted by: Joćo Corredeira. 2.3MB |

- Lockheed-Martin SR-71a "BLACKBIRD" SR-71: Features all the
usual animation plus: Working 8-STAGE afterburners, braking parachute,
and for the first time - contrails are produced at the tips of the
wings in HIGH-G pull-up and roll-departures. Real MACH 3.2 stability
at 80,000ft. Model, textures by RICHARD BARKER. 3.3MB
Panel below::::
RAFALE Marine (Navy). NOT FOR FS2000! Dassault Rafale Marine,
tail number M02, delivered to the French Navy in 2000. Original
DP file and weapons pack. True CFS2 air file (including Afterburners)
and lots of moving parts. All parts, textures and weapons by Chris
weapon pack for the Rafale.
Added MU 90 torpedoe and center line drop tank.
New dp and air file included.
Needs Rafale_m.zip. 77K
YB-49A Version 1.0 The
Northrop YB-49 was seen as a giant leap forward in technology. Unfortunately,
stability problems prevented the YB-49 from reaching fruition. This
"what if" version looks at what could have been if the stability problems
could have been fixed. Original aircraft by Paul Clawson. Modified
for CFS2 by Chris Coarse. 157K |