Every effort has been taken to ensure this project is as easy to install & bug-free as we can make it. Our campaigns have been exhaustively beta tested before posting & there should be no problems - providing you read the instructions & follow them carefully. These have been kept as brief & simple as possible.
Please read the FAQ page & Pilot's Notes on this site before asking questions.
If you run into problems please contact Tom Sanford at the link below.   We will get a solution for you as soon as possible.  Be as specific as you can in describing the difficulty.  If you enjoy our work please drop us a line. Positive feedback is always welcome.

Campaigns/Missions/General advice/Webmaster - Tom Sanford

Aircraft/General advice - Hayden Scott-Williams

Panels/General advice - Mike Eustace

Webmaster - Doug Attrell

Future Campaigns
The Crew

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© Grumpy's Lair 2005