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FS2000 > Civil Jets > Page 48
                  B737-500 Maersk Air,
0.67Mb (302 downloads)
Boeing B737-500 Maersk Air, OY-APD Aircraft design by Darren Wilden Nighlighting modifications by Darren Wilden Textures by Darren Wilden. 683K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Avioimpex Airlines Boeing 737-400
0.15Mb (177 downloads)
FS2000 Avioimpex Airlines Boeing 737-400 FYRO Macedonia Updated repaint of the default Boeing 737-400 in Avioimpex colors. by Abdurrahman Gundogmus. 158K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Boeing 737/400 textures for FS2000 default
0.16Mb (216 downloads)
USAir Boeing 737/400 textures for FS2000 default. Painted to match the paint scheme USAir had in the mid 90's. Features exact chrome and paint patterns matched from over 30 photos of real aircraft. Exact original paint pattern for wings with chrome leading edges, including continuation of 2 engine mounts across wing. Everything matches correctly with real aircraft down to the non-chrome cargo doors and nose cone. No logo on tail because of mirror on reverse. Created by Nick Dobda. 168K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  A 320-232, D-ALTA
0.42Mb (440 downloads)
LTU A 320-232, D-ALTA This aircraft features fully moving/animated landing gear, moving fan blades, 3D engines, moving flaps, elevators, ailerons, airbrakes and realistic lighting. FS2k only. Model By Andrew Richards Paint By Ch. Klose. LTU Repaint by Thorsten Loth. 435K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Swissair Boeing 737-400 Updated repaint
0.12Mb (214 downloads)
FS2000 Swissair Boeing 737-400 Updated repaint of the default Boeing 737-400 in Swissair colors. by Abdurrahman Gundogmus. 122K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Varig 767-300.
0.48Mb (512 downloads)
Brazil Varig 767-300. Highly detailed model. THIS AIRCRAFT IS FOR FS2000 This is a jet for fs2000 only it is a 767-300 painted in the colours which were used for the Brazillian worldcup football team. It has all moving parts and it has full nightlighting . Also the air file has been updated for a more realistic flight. The textures and nightlighting were done by : MARK HARRISON and are photo realistic. 505K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Boeing 737-400 32 side fuselage
0.26Mb (268 downloads)
FS2000 Boeing 737-400 32 side fuselage. New original design. Fuselage and engines are made with a 32 side section which gives them a real round shape. Engines have 3D air intake and animated fan blades. Illuminated tail logo, landing light "splash" on fuselage and illuminated cabin windows. Wings design highly detailed and you can see them from inside the airplane too. 3D textured flaps move as in real life, in fact they rotate and slide backwards, including moving flap hinge fairings.Moving outboard and inboard textured slats, 3D moving textured ailerons, moving textured spoilers, 3D moving elevators, 3D moving textured rudder, 3D moving landing gear,also textured, turning nosewheel and full moving gear doors. Smoke system for contrail effect. By Sandro Bernardini. 268K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Emirates Airbus A330-200
0.18Mb (573 downloads)
FS2000 Emirates Airbus A330-200 (ProMaxLT) Features new lighting textures including the 3D engine nacelles and full moving parts and engine fans. Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. 180K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Gulf Air Airbus A330-200
0.19Mb (416 downloads)
FS2000 Gulf Air Airbus A330-200 (ProMaxLT) Features new lighting textures including the 3D engine nacelles and full moving parts and engine fans. Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. 191K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Austrian Airlines Airbus A340-300 (
0.22Mb (351 downloads)
FS2000 Austrian Airlines Airbus A340-300 (ProMaxLT) Features new night lighting textures for the fuselage and tail with exclusive lighthen engine nacelles. Full moving parts including 3D engines with moving fans. Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. 227K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive