FS2000 > Civil Jets > Page 55

0.37Mb (353 downloads)
only Southwest Airlines 737-200Adv. Full moving parts aircraft
with night lighting. Smoke system is turned on for contrails
effect. Made with 512X512 textures with 16-bit colors. 737-200Adv
Original flight model by Jorge Oppenheimer. REPAINT By: Shawn
Anderson. 380K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

0.18Mb (225 downloads)
Sabena Airbus A330-300 (ProMaxLT) Features new night lighting
textures for the fuselage and tail with exclusive lighthen engine
nacelles. Full moving parts including 3D engines with moving
fans. Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. 185K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

0.20Mb (251 downloads)
Sabena Airbus A340-300 (ProMaxLT) Features new night lighting
textures for the fuselage and tail with exclusive lighthen engine
nacelles. Full moving parts including 3D engines with moving
fans. Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. 208K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

0.19Mb (779 downloads)
Garuda Indonesia Airbus A330-300 (ProMaxLT) Features new
night lighting textures for the fuselage and tail with exclusive
lighthen engine nacelles. Full moving parts including 3D engines
with moving fans. Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. 190K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

0.11Mb (313 downloads)
737-500 Rio-Sul This is a repaint for FS2k Default Boeing
737-400 with the old Rio-Sul theme. Its registration number
is PT-SLP. Rio-Sul is a sub-airline of Varig, the largest Brazilian
airline. By Gilberto. 109K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

0.15Mb (165 downloads)
Air FS2000 B737 Default repaint. This is a repaint of the
737/400 in fs 2000. Painted to match the paint scheme USAir
had in the mid 90's. Features exact chrome and paint patterns
matched from over 30 photos of real aircraft. Exact original
paint pattern for wings with chrome leading edges, including
continuation of 2 engine mounts across wing. Everything matches
correctly with real aircraft down to the non-chrome cargo doors
and nose cone. No logo on tail because of mirror on reverse.
Created by Nick Dobda. 150K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

0.36Mb (222 downloads)
2000 only Copa 737-200. Full moving parts aircraft with
night lightning made in 24bit colors with metal effect 737-200adv,
transparent cockpit, and moving fans blades, by Enrique Vega
and Ernesto Vega from original model by Paraskevopoulos and
Vangelis Hassiotis. 374K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

1.68Mb (302 downloads)
757-200 Air 2001. This is a project freeware plane please
read the copyright at the end of this text. Designed by the
project freeware group repainted in the colours of a fictional
airline I,ve called it AIR 2001 painted by MARK HARRISON full
nightlighting textures by MARK HARRISON The panel included in
this zip was made by Olav M. Rønningen this is the best out
that i could find and i use it in all my 757,s many thanks to
him for making such a great panel for us. This jet has all animated
surfaces 16 sided fuselage, rotating fans, flaps, gear, 3d engine
inlets, night lighting, and more..... 1.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

0.24Mb (298 downloads)
Cathay Pacific Boeing 747-400 Fuselage and engines are made
with a 30 side polygon which gives them a real round shape.
Maximum moving parts. Complete nightlighting. 16 million colors.
Original by Sandro Bernardini. Repaint by Stefan Schroeder.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive

0.25Mb (371 downloads)
Delta Boeing 737-300 (newest colour scheme) v. 1.5 This
update features a new and more accurate tail design, new engine
design, both as 512x512 bitmap textures, all moving parts, detailed
retractable gear, moving fan blades, transparent cockpit windows.
Also included: a very detailed panel. Model by Jorge Oppenheimer.
Textures and mods by Nizar Thabti. 252K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive