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0.36Mb (62 downloads)
FS2004 Flight Plan for OB-11 Richmond Kentucky IFR high speed low altitude military training route. This route goes through mountainous terrain in Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia and Kentucky. This is the fourth in a series of flight plans I have uploaded. These are great routes for B-52, F-111, B-1B, B-2 A6, A4, Vulcan and any fighter or bomber enthusiasts. Of course you can fly the route with any aircraft of your choice. Included in this package is a gauge by Karol Chlebowski for TFR flying at very low altitude. This gauge will greatly enhance your ability to fly these challenging routes and is a great companion of the flight plans. Another option to download Version 2.0 of my FS2004 mini panel which has all this functionality and more.
Posted Jul 27, 2011 22:17 by Bill McClellan

0.31Mb (73 downloads)
FS2004 Flight Plan for OB-10 Hawthorne Nevada IFR high speed low altitude military training route. This is the third in a series of flight plans I have uploaded . This route goes through both mountainous and flat and rolling terrain in California, and Nevada. These are great routes for B-52, F-111, B-1B, B-2 A6, A4, Vulcan and any fighter or bomber enthusiasts. Of course you can fly the route with any aircraft of your choice. Included in this package is a gauges by Karol Chlebowski for TFR flying at very low altitude. This gauge will greatly enhance your ability to fly these challenging routes and is a great companion of the flight plans. Another option to download Version 2.0 of my FS2004 mini panel which has all this functionality and more.
Posted Jul 27, 2011 22:15 by Bill McClellan

0.45Mb (82 downloads)
FS2004 Flight Plan for OB-9 Bayshore Michigan IFR high speed low altitude military training route. This is the second in a series of flight plans I have uploaded. This route goes through flat and rolling terrain and over water in Ontario and Michigan. These are great routes for B-52, F-111, B-1B, B-2 A6, A4, Vulcan and any fighter or bomber enthusiasts. Of course you can fly the route with any aircraft of your choice. Included in this package is a gauge by Karol Chlebowski for TFR flying at very low altitude. This gauge will greatly enhance your ability to fly these challenging routes and is a great companion of the flight plans. Another option to download Version 2.0 of my FS2004 mini panel which has all this functionality and more.
Posted Jul 27, 2011 22:14 by Bill McClellan

0.30Mb (67 downloads)
FS2004 Flight Plan for OB-1 Wilder Idaho IFR high speed low altitude military training route through mountainous terrain in Oregon, Nevada and Idaho. This is the first in a series of FS2004 flight plans I will upload. These are great routes for B-52, F-111, B-1B, B-2 A6, A4, Vulcan and any fighter or bomber enthusiasts. Of course you can fly the route with any aircraft of your choice. Included in this package is a gauge by Karol Chlebowski for TFR flying at very low altitude. This gauge will greatly enhance your ability to fly these challenging routes and is a great companion of the flight plans. Another option to download Version 2.0 of my FS2004 mini panel which has all this functionality and more.
Posted Jul 27, 2011 22:12 by Bill McClellan

1.86Mb (444 downloads)
FS2004 Flight Plan for a flight through the Grand Canyon. If you want some spectacular views and fun flying try out this flight plan. There are over 800 waypoints used that take you through most of the canyon. Two flights included. One going eastbound and the other going westbound. You will be flying in the default Cessna 172 with the autopilot connected. Just sit back and watch the scenery go by. Don't get too relaxed because there are a couple of turns that you will have to take control of the aircraft. Included in this package is a gauges by Karol Chlebowski for TFR flying which enhance the sight seeing experience. Another option to download Version 2.0 of FS2004 my mini panel which has all this functionality included and more.
Posted Jul 16, 2011 11:24 by Bill McClellan

1.07Mb (221 downloads)
FSX Flight Plan for OB-96 Fort Worth Texas IFR high speed low altitude military training route. This is the fifteenth in a series of flight plans I have uploaded. This route goes through mostly flat and rolling terrain in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana. This route has two different sets of targets. These are great routes for B-52, F-111, B-1B, B-2 A6, A4, Vulcan and any fighter or bomber enthusiasts. Of course you can fly the route with any aircraft of your choice. Included in this package are two spectacular gauges by Karol Chlebowski for TFR flying and Pave Tack which includes many advanced features for bombing, navigation and reconnaissance. These two gauges will greatly enhance your ability to fly these challenging routes and are a great companion of the flight plans. Another option to download Version 2.1 of my mini panel which has all this functionality and more.
Posted Jul 12, 2011 21:28 by Bill McClellan

0.82Mb (122 downloads)
This is the fourteenth in a series of flight plans I will be uploading in the near future. This route goes through flat and rolling terrain in Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska. These are great routes for B-52, F-111, B-1B, B-2 A6, A4, Vulcan and any fighter or bomber enthusiasts. Of course you can fly the route with any aircraft of your choice. Included in this package are two spectacular gauges by Karol Chlebowski for TFR flying and Pave Tack which includes many advanced features for bombing, navigation and reconnaissance. These two gauges will greatly enhance your ability to fly these challenging routes and are a great companion of the flight plans. Another option to download Version 2.1 of my mini panel which has all this functionality and more.
Posted Jul 12, 2011 13:09 by Bill McClellan
0.95Mb (150 downloads)
FSX Flight Plan for OB-11 Richmond Kentucky New IFR high speed low altitude military training route. This route goes through mountainous terrain in Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia and Kentucky. This is the thirteenth in a series of flight plans I have uploaded. These are great routes for B-52, F-111, B-1B, B-2 A6, A4, Vulcan and any fighter or bomber enthusiasts. Of course you can fly the route with any aircraft of your choice. Included in this package are two spectacular gauges by Karol Chlebowski for TFR flying and Pave Tack which includes many advanced features for bombing, navigation and reconnaissance. These two gauges will greatly enhance your ability to fly these challenging routes and are a great companion of the flight plans. Another option to download Version 2.1 of my mini panel which has all this functionality and more.
Posted Jul 12, 2011 11:13 by Bill McClellan

2.66Mb (990 downloads)
FSX Flight Plan for a flight through the Grand Canyon. If you want some spectacular views and fun flying try out this flight plan. There are over 800 waypoints used that take you through most of the canyon. Two flights included. One going eastbound and the other going westbound. You will be flying in the default Cessna 172 with the autopilot connected. Just sit back and watch the scenery go by. Don't get too relaxed because there are a couple of turns that you will have to take control of the aircraft. Included in this package are two spectacular gauges by Karol Chlebowski for TFR flying and Pave Tack which enhance the sight seeing experience. Another option to download Version 2.1 of my mini panel which has all this functionality included and more.
Posted Jul 11, 2011 22:50 by Bill McClellan

0.92Mb (165 downloads)
FSX Flight Plan for OB-98 Rapid City South Dakota IFR high speed low altitude military training route. This is the
twelfth in a series of flight plans I have uploaded. This route goes through both mountainous and flat and rolling
terrain in South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana. This route has two different sets of targets. These are great routes for B-52, F-111, B-1B, B-2 A6, A4, Vulcan and any fighter or bomber enthusiasts. Of course you can fly the route with any aircraft of your choice. Included in this package are two spectacular gauges by Karol Chlebowski for TFR flying and Pave Tack which includes many advanced features for bombing, navigation and reconnaissance. These two gauges will greatly enhance your ability to fly these challenging routes and are a great companion of the flight plans. Another option to download Version 2.1 of my mini panel which has all this functionality and more.
Posted Jul 11, 2011 17:39 by Bill McClellan