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                  Mission-Invasion Offense
0.03Mb (3105 downloads)
CFS3 Mission-Invasion Offense. This mission depicts a large scale daylight bombing raid on a German invasion fleet. There are a total of 32 B-17’s over the target along with escorting P-47D’s and Luftwaffe bomber interceptors. Remember to stay in tight formation or the 109’s and 110’s can pick you off more easily. This mission was built by Matt Rhinehart. 26K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.02Mb (2061 downloads)
CFS3 Fortress Europa Mission: Okay guys This is the stock Fortress Europa but EXPANDED!! \/ There are many downloads needed. I have categorised them all for you. Just to make them alot easier to find. Check Read Me for more info. (Many further downloads required!) 174K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
                  Derwent Dam and 617 Dambusters Training Mission
0.53Mb (2457 downloads)
CFS3 Derwent Dam and 617 Dambusters Training Mission . Included is a model of the Derwent dam in Derbyshire over which 617 sqdn practiced low level and night flying during April 1943 By Pat Pattle Clive Morley. 538K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
                  Operation Overlord.
0.47Mb (4503 downloads)
CFS3 Operation Overlord. This mission pack contains missions for Operation Overlord, all concerning the D-day landings. All missions are playable with both allied & axis forces. 483K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
                  Missions for the B-17
0.05Mb (4014 downloads)
CFS3 Missions for the B-17. UPGRADED TO ELIMINATE THIRD-PARTY FILE PROBLEMS This is a set of 12 Missions written for use with the B-17 Molly II available for free download from the AVHistory site. However, it will work with any other B-17 you may have. The Missions cover a variety of targets, time and weather conditions, but are not specifically historical - instead they are meant to give a flavour of the times. Missions written by Mike Eustace. 51K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
                  Korean Theatre Construction Set
85.31Mb (6919 downloads)
CFS3 Korean Theatre Construction Set The Korean Theatre Construction Set (KTCS) uses your existing copy of Combat Flight Simulator 3 to create a new game directory then installs the Dogpatch Crew's DPC CFS3 Korea game. After installation, the two games operate completely independantly. The game features the new Korean Theatre and several new aircraft and vehicles developed by the Dogpatch Crew. Many of the features of Combat Flight Simulator 3 work properly with the new Korean Theatre but not all of them owing to ongoing issues with the beta version of the Microsoft CFS3 Scenery SDK. Therefore, the Dogpatch Crew still consider the DPC CFS3 Korea game a beta release. None the less, you will enjoy flying the Korean War aircraft over authentic Korean terrain. It's a whole new game! The Dogpatch Crew: Spencer “Green_Day” Carter Sterling “Dakota93” Dedic Daniel “Strumvogel” Leahy Dean “tenspeed” Reilly Ed “GZR_Groundhog” Wilson Tom “twintrow” Wintrow. 87MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
                  Pacific 42 Mission Pack (v1.0)
0.03Mb (4713 downloads)
CFS3 Pacific 42 Mission Pack (v1.0) This is a package of 13 missions for CFS3 which are meant to portray historically plausible experiences of an American wildcat pilot on Guadalcanal in the fall of 1942. The missions are set during a single action-packed week of this period, rather than following the pilot through the entire campaign. This island of Corsica is used in the default theatre to represent Guadalcanal. 29K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
                  CBI Mission Pack (v1.0)
0.01Mb (1512 downloads)
CFS3 CBI Mission Pack (v1.0) This is a package of 6 missions for CFS3 which are a cartoon of missions set in China during mid 1942. The use fly a number of 1% aircraft. (need to be downloaded from another site!). C Burgess. 11K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
                  Swordfish Mission Pack (v1.0)
5.64Mb (1846 downloads)
CFS3 Swordfish Mission Pack (v1.0) This is a package of 6 missions for CFS3 which are a series of missions flown by the GC swordfish. The channel dash mission requires the installation of several 1% planes (need to be downloaded from another site!) C Burgess. 20K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
                  AntiShip Mission Pack (v1.0)
0.01Mb (3335 downloads)
CFS3 AntiShip Mission Pack (v1.0) This is a package of 7 missions for CFS3 which are a series of anti-shipping missions which fly a number of GC or 1% aircraft. They are meant to be glorified quick combat missions flown against shipping. C Burgess. 15K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
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