CFS3 > Missions & Campaigns > Page 9

0.06Mb (2357 downloads)
Operation Market Garden Pt. 2
This is the second batch in a series of missions based on my
interpretation of Operation "Market Garden" carried out by the
Allied forces in September 1944, and was the biggest airborne
invasion in history, if they are flown in crhonological order
they'll give some resmblence to history. I Shrimpton, Urlybird.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.01Mb (2274 downloads)
Foil D-Day mission.
This is a What if mission you are trying to destory the D-day
invasion convoy. By Stormtropper-NS1. 6K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

0.08Mb (3424 downloads)
Operation Market Garden Pt. 1.
This is the first batch in a series of missions based on my
interpretation of Operation "Market Garden" carried out by the
Allied forces in September 1944, and was the biggest airborne
invasion in history, if they are flown in crhonological order
they'll give some resmblence to history. I Shrimpton, Urlybird.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive