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FS2000 > Panels > Page 29
FS2000                   panel: McDonnell Douglas DC-10
2.63Mb (581 downloads)
FS2000 panel: McDonnell Douglas DC-10 Designed to be fully compatible with the new DC-10 collection by The Freeware Flight Group, available at Included is access to the default Flight Planner, altitude callouts and pushback panel and all other necessary instrumentation. Requires 1024x768 resolution and the FSUIPC program by Peter Dowson. By Vanessa Leightower. 2.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
Boeing 747-400 FEATURES The HSI/ARC display, you switch On/Off with the "Arc" Switch. The HSI/ROSE display, you switch On/Off with the "Rose" Switch. The Engine/Fuel displays, you toggle with switch No1. All three swithches are placed below the Arc/Rose window.File Size 1099092
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                    Do 28 panel
2.07Mb (221 downloads)
FS2000 Do 28 panel this panel is done for the Do 28. The Dornier do 28 was a bigger twin engined version of the Do27 and the first of the famous twinengined Dornier post war aircraft. By: Michael Vader, PEGASUS AVIATION DESIGN. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Boeing 767-400ER pane
2.23Mb (284 downloads)
FS2000 Boeing 767-400ER panel. Finally you can download my second 767-400ER panel, excusme for the long time, but I was in hospital for 5 weeks. In this version i have chanced many things: Bitmap, placing of gauges and bugs. This panel includes: Radiostuck, throttle controles, compass and GPS. This panel is also fully compatible VCP2000, GPWS 98/2000 and Airport 2000 V2 compatible. I also have include some pictures of my own, on my vacation to Dubai. BETA version 1.1. And of course you also can find a winamp skin ! Configured by : Frank Elfert . 2.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  DC 9 co-pilot panel
1.50Mb (157 downloads)
FS2000 DC 9 co-pilot panel V3/ In this version i have chanced many things, like placing of new gauges and I have fixed some bugs. This panel includes: Radiostuck, throttle controles, compass and GPS. This panel is also fully compatible VCP2000, GPWS 98/2000 and Airport 2000 V2 compatible. And of course you also can find a winamp skin, from a KLM Dc 9! Configured by : Frank Elfert 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Caravelle Super 12 panel
5.31Mb (404 downloads)
FS2000 Caravelle Super 12 panel. Only available for the Super 12 version according to Air Inter documentation. This panel is in 2 versions. Either for the fs98 fly dynamics or for the fs2k new ones. Version 1.0 with some custom gauges made by Samuel Kalachoras and many gauges from various authors. Bitmap and positionning work by Benoit Gaurant. 5.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  TWIN OTTER PANEL FOR FS2000
0.53Mb (356 downloads)
DHC-6 TWIN OTTER PANEL FOR FS2000 Designed by John Rushby-Smith and based on sketches made during a flight in the Scilly Skybus, this highly accurate panel uses only standard FS2000 gauges, including GPS and autopilot. It also has a control yoke and even a pair of pilot's hands (these are selectable). 545K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                    Panel Panel for the Commander 500s "Shrike" in wood trim
3.31Mb (180 downloads)
FS2000 Panel Panel for the Commander 500s "Shrike" in wood trim. Panel has been updated for FS2000, This panel was made from a photos of an early sixties wood trimed panel and a later panel with an updated gauge arraingement. Note: this panel will probably require a 17" or larger screen, set at 32 bit color and minimum 1024x760 resolution with a good video card! By Scott Thomas, with some drawing elements by Michael Tscherdantzew Jr. 3.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Panel for Cessna 150/152 Panel for Cessna 150 and 152
3.12Mb (481 downloads)
FS2000 Panel for Cessna 150/152 Panel for Cessna 150 and 152 based on real pictures, of Paul Beardsley's aircraft. It includes cockpit views. This panel uses FS2000 Bendix-King radio gauges and there is also a version using FS2000 Pro Collins radios. Special features: panel enlarges when necessary for better readability, altimeter zoom for barometric pressure adjustment, removable yokes with chronometer, Vspeed/checklist panel in english, french, german, spanish and italian. FS2000 GPS installed. Designed by Jean-Pierre Langer. Specific gauges by Arne Bartels. 3.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  gaming panel
Generic gaming panel - this is for any jet or v jet or verti plane. Isaiah B. Rook from a Dwight Booth original. 754K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive