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FS2000 > Panels > Page 35
                  11 wing views
0.90Mb (331 downloads)
MD 11 wing views. The can be used with all FS2000 MD 11's or with DC 10 aircrafts. Also with aircrafts. Frank Elfert. 923K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Airbus A330 wing views.
FS2000 Airbus A330 wing views. The can be used with all FS2000 Airbus A330 or A340 aircraft. Frank Elfert. 851K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  British Aerospace BAe146 Panel
5.97Mb (388 downloads)
FS2000 British Aerospace BAe146 Panel Realistic and very detailled Panel with a painted Bitmap (no scanned elements) for the BAe146. This Panel ist NOT an Update of the ARJ Panel, it's a completely new one with correct analog Gauges. The Panel containes a lot of functions like GPWS, full working Annunciator Panel (no dummies), realistic startup procedure including APU, all warning lights with real functions (some with sounds), full working Flight Director and many more. Almost 150 Gauges divided in the Main- and Overhead Panel but nevertheless not disordered. Almost all instruments are illuminated at night. By Matthias Lieberecht. 6.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Boeing 737-400 wing views.
FS2000 Boeing 737-400 wing views. You can use them to replace the normal left/right side views (from the Boeing 737-400 from Microsoft) I have maked this picture 2 years ago, on my vacation to Egypte. You can use this wing-views also for the other 737 series. And you can find a new 737-300 winampskin from Transavia. Frank Elfert. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  copilot - version 2- FINAL
1.38Mb (204 downloads)
DC9 copilot - version 2- FINAL. Added 7 gauges and tidyed up bitmap. If panel comes up without power, click battery in the upper right to start. Steven Rabinovich. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                    Boeing 737-400 panel.
2.67Mb (443 downloads)
FS2000 Boeing 737-400 panel. Cabin sign's, Compass, GPS, a special Throttle/radiostuck window, a Pushback gauge, a working wiper, a removable flightyoke and off course is this panel fully compatible with: VCP 2000, GPWS 98/2000, Flightdeck 2000, start-up 98, Airport 2000 v1 and V2 and with Airbus Warning sounds. Configured by Frank Elfert. 2.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  panel: Boeing 767-400 ER
3.14Mb (480 downloads)
FS2000 panel: Boeing 767-400 ER On August 2000 Delta took delivery of the first Boeing 767-400 ER aircraft (N829MH/1805). The 767-400 ER panel is almost identical to that of 777, minus few buttons. It has Rockwell-Collins 8 inch LCD displays and the flight management System utilises the enhanced Honeywell Pegasus system. It offers pilots the status synoptic as well as lower engine parameters, flight controls, gear information and navigation.This FS2k panel is made from the original first Delta 767-400 ER panel picture which is included in the zip. I repainted the standard MS 777-300 gauge in order to comply with the real LCDs. It offers Day/Dusk/Night/Dawn views. It places you right into the pilot's soft sheep skin seat. Removable Yoke. 1024x768. By Chris Alevritis. 3.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  photoreal MD 11 panel.
2.49Mb (541 downloads)
FS2000 photoreal MD 11 panel. This panel got almost everything you want! Cabin sign's, Compass, GPS, a special Throttle/radiostuck window, a Pushback gauge, and off course is this panel fully compatible with: VCP 2000, GPWS 98/2000, Flightdeck 2000, start-up 98, Airport 2000 v1 and V2 and with Airbus Warning sounds. Configured by Frank Elfert. 2.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Panel: Boeing 747-100/200
FS2000 Panel: Boeing 747-100/200 Boeing launched the 747 project in 1966 and when the aircraft entered commercial service in 1970 it revolutionized air travel with economics and performance that made intercontinental air travel affordable. This panel will fit into your favourite 'classic' 747 for FS2000 with access to the default flight-planner, a GPS and all necessary navigation and flight equipment. Requires 1024x768 resolution and ACSGPS98. By Vanessa Leightower. 3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Piper Najevo Chieftain photoreal based panel
1.33Mb (203 downloads)
FS2000 Piper Najevo Chieftain photoreal based panel (can also be used by other najevo's and cessna's). This panel got the most gauges intergrated, like the radiostuck and a warning window. Off course has this panel also GPS and a compass. By Frank Elfert. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive