0.93Mb (503 downloads)
TW EXPRESS Jet Stream Super 31 This is a complete new
JS31 with new AFX (12 to 16 sided componants) new flight dynamics
especially done for turbo prop, transparent cockpitwindows,
high res 512x512 textures. The props and engines look now
like the real thing. All parts are animated. By Joel Branchu.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

0.94Mb (721 downloads)
Regional Jet Stream Super 31 This is a complete new JS31
with new AFX (12 to 16 sided componants) new flight dynamics,
transparent cockpitwindows, high res 512x512 textures. The props
and engines look now like the real thing. All parts are animated.
Includes sound files. By Joel Branchu. 959K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

3.92Mb (744 downloads)
PRO Embraer Super Tucano MP-2. Includes both front &
rear panels, quality aircraft. The new SUPER TUCANO has been
developed to operate in hostile scenarios with extreme environmental
conditions (humidity, temperature, etc). It is optimized for
challenging Low Intensity Conflict operational theaters and
designed to operate in day or night environments. Its rugged
structure and systems have been optimized to permit the SUPER
TUCANO to operate from remote bases and unpaved runways with
practically no ground support. Built by Jim Goldman Painted
by Jean-Louis Coumont. 4.1MB. Modifications
These modifications correct small errors in the files PANEL.cfg
and PANELWDD.cfg as well as modifications in the dynamics of
flight of the file * air * cfg add *.wav file to FS2000\SOUND.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

0.07Mb (721 downloads)
Convair 240/340/440 with Moving Parts Built and painted
by Tom Gibson, Flight dynamics by Mike Vidal, modified by Tom
Gibson. 75K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

0.43Mb (581 downloads)
- New set of accurate and much more detailed textures for
REDCUB.zip. This set come as a real improvement for this
good plane, using a mix of 8 and 16 bits new 512 textures.
To use it REDCUB.zip above is required. by Yannick Lavigne.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

0.83Mb (975 downloads)
- "redCub" Super Cub with new red panel, new full interior
with operating cockpit doors, steering tailwheel, 180hp engine
and tundra tires. model by Bob Wening. RTealistic Panel ( with
reflective glass) and textures by Yannick Lavigne. 848K. Refined
textures file available below
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

0.11Mb (370 downloads)
PRO: Rapaint of the default Mooney Bravo in the colors of
a new Mooney M20 as featured in a Mooney ad. File Size: 107
Kb Eugene Capocasale
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

1.79Mb (663 downloads)
Turboliner 15 pax commuter in Kalitta Air Service colors,
All original Plane/Panel package by Dana McGee. This is a completely
new design based on new info I've recieved on the Volpar History,
it has full moving parts, nav, strobe and landing lights. The
panel is all new. Thanks to Dragon Flight for the excellent
gauges, also to BUZZ BEZUIDENHOUT for all his testing and advice
(he's also given me good info on future aircraft). 1.8MB. Patch
for radios. 15K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

0.22Mb (488 downloads)
Air Force DeHavilland Chipmunk for FS2000 - UPDATE. Once
used for ab initio pilot training by the Royal Air Force, RAF
University Air Squadrons and air experience flights by the Air
Training Corps (ATC). This model is fully animated - flaps,
rudder, ailerons and prop - and now includes a rudder-controlled
steerable tailwheel. Modifications in this file include: eliminations
to bleed-through problems in previous version, navigation lights,
enhanced cockpit, better flight characteristics and other minor
details fixed. By Graham P. Oxtoby. 225K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive

0.26Mb (379 downloads)
Navy Chipmunk for FS2000 - UPDATE. Once used for ab initio
pilot training by the Royal Navy and also flown by the Royal
Air Force, RAF University Air Squadrons and air experience
flights by the Air Training Corps (ATC). This model is fully
animated - flaps, rudder, ailerons and prop - and now includes
a rudder-controlled steerable tailwheel. Modifications in
this file include: eliminations to bleed-through problems
in previous version, navigation lights, enhanced cockpit,
better flight characteristics and other minor details fixed.
By Graham P. Oxtoby. 272KPanel
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive