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FS2000 > Vintage > Page 14
                    FAP Grumman G.44 Widgeon
0.18Mb (472 downloads)
FS2000/CFS2 FAP Grumman G.44 Widgeon The Grumman G.44 Widgeon was used in Portugal by the Naval Aviation between 1942 and 1952. After the creation of the FAP (Portuguese air Force), some were transfered to the new weapon and some continued the cartography duty in the Navy, using civilian licence plates. In Portugal were used other versions of the Grumman, such as: - 12 G.21B between 1940 and 1952, in sea patrol missions. Note that there were ordered with no landing gear so that they could have more space available, the very rare G.21A "Goose". - 3 Albatross (1 SA-16A e 2 SA-16B) between 1954 and 1962 for S.A.R missions (Search and Rescue). Original model: Harry Follas and Scot Fraser Repainted by: João Corredeira. 184K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  USAAF Polikarpov I-16
0.68Mb (156 downloads)
FS2000 USAAF Polikarpov I-16 painted in a shaded yellow and aluminum texture. I have replaced the Original Russian Insignia with WWII US insignia. Aircraft is an open cockpit aircraft, retractable landing gear, with custom panel and all movable flight surfaces. Original Aircraft and Panel by Chuck Dome. Panel Modifications by Jean-Michel Ginet. Repaint by Bob Bongiovanni. 718K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                    - CFS FW190a in Arctic Camouflage
0.93Mb (295 downloads)
FS2000 - CFS FW190a in Arctic Camouflage. This is a repaint of the default CFS FW190a aircraft painted in Arctic Camouflage textures based on the original picture by Rick Kent (see file fw190_picture.jpg). This file contains an extra skin with Swastika as shown in the original picture. This aircraft is from CFS and tested in FS2000. Uses Fw 190a Panel. It will fly equally well in CFS and FS2000. All flight surfaces are moveable, retractable landing gear. Repaint by Bob Bongiovanni. 955K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Russian WWII Polikarpov I-15
0.78Mb (220 downloads)
FS2000 Russian WWII Polikarpov I-15. This Russian aircraft was painted with Russian markings It is painted in a Reddish Black Camouflage Texture with a black and red rudder. This Aircraft would've been used on the Russian Front. Aircraft is an open cockpit aircraft, with custom panel and all movable flight surfaces. Original Panel and Aircraft by Chuck Dome. Panel Modifications by Jean-Michel Ginet. Repaint by Bob Bongiovanni. 800K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  - FBI Lockheed L-188 Electra
0.28Mb (475 downloads)
FS2000 - FBI Lockheed L-188 Electra . This is the Lockheed L-188 Electra repainted into an Aircraft used (ficticously) used by the Federal Burea of Investigation (FBI). Aircraft created in AF99 has FBI Logo on side and tail. Features animated props, gear and flaps. Original aircraft Design by Bill Schulz and Flight Model by Mike Vidal. Repaint by Bob Bongiovanni. 289K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Mustang "Detroit Miss" For CFS 1/CFS 2/FS2000
3.43Mb (1778 downloads)
P51D Mustang "Detroit Miss" For CFS 1/CFS 2/FS2000 This Aircraft represents the P-51D "DETROIT MISS" Flown by LT. Drew. In October of 1944 Drew was flying with wingman McCandless when he spotted two Me-262 Schwalbe's taking off. The first Me 262 exploded when hit by the .50s of "Detroit Miss" Lt. Drew also shot down the second Me-262. This Model has full moving parts. By Alain L'Homme, J. Scott Nix , Chris Arrington and Repait of Textures by Steve Gandy Uploaded by Steve Gandy. 3.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Boeing P-26A "Peashooter"
0.38Mb (353 downloads)
FS2000 Boeing P-26A "Peashooter" This FSDS Project has moving parts and a 3D engine. The panel is drawn from real photo's and the paint job matches the example at the "Planes of Fame " museum. By Paul Clawson. 387K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  USAAF WWII Polikarpov I-15
0.66Mb (199 downloads)
FS2000 USAAF WWII Polikarpov I-15 painted in a shaded gray mith aluminum texture wings and a red. white and blue rudder. I have replaced the Original Russian Insignia with WWII US insignia. Aircraft is an open cockpit aircraft, with custom panel and all movable flight surfaces. Original Panel and Aircraft by Chuck Dome. Panel Modifications by Jean-Michel Ginet. Repaint by Bob Bongiovanni. 675K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  USAAF Polikarpov I-16
0.70Mb (177 downloads)
FS2000 USAAF Polikarpov I-16 painted in a shaded yellow and aluminum texture. I have replaced the Original Russian Insignia with WWII US insignia. Aircraft is an open cockpit aircraft, retractable landing gear, with custom panel and all movable flight surfaces. Original Aircraft by Chuck Dome. Panel by Jean-Michel Ginet. Repaint by Bob Bongiovanni. 716K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  - FW190a from CFS1 in factory colors adapted for FS2000.
0.84Mb (206 downloads)
FS2000 - FW190a from CFS1 in factory colors adapted for FS2000. This is a repaint of the default CFS1 FW190a aircraft painted in Aluminum textures and yellow zinc chromate primer as delivered from the factory prior to having camouflage applied to the aircraft by each individual Luftwaffe unit. This aircraft is from CFS1 and tested in FS2000. Uses Fw 190a Panel. It will fly equally well in CFS and FS2000. All flight surfaces are moveable, retractable landing gear. Repaint by Bob Bongiovanni. 860K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive