All Files > Page 591

FSX KRNO Reno scenery bug fix
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.04Mb (274 downloads)
KRNO Reno bug fix
You may have noticed that you can't summon the fuel truck in my scenery KRNO.ZIP. I left out a start point for the fuel truck.
You also may have noticed that if you have the Realism Settings selected for "Detect crashes and damage" your plane will probably crash if you start at many of the KRNO gates.
This patch corrects both bugs.
Brett Delana
21 Jul 2018
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 21, 2018 22:35 by Brett Delana

Nr. Felding Airfield EKNF, Denmark, V2
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
30.43Mb (178 downloads)
Due to an error not all objects are showing, so I have corrected that in this V. 2 edition of Nr. Felding airfield EKNF, located in the western part of Jutland in Denmark, not very far from Holstebro city. It has a grass runway 30 x 930 m, mostly used of gliders, but also og ultra-light and GA aircraft.
Posted Jul 21, 2018 16:25 by Otto Knudsen

Grumman F4F-3-4 Wildcat
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
81.17Mb (2812 downloads)
The Grumman F4F Wildcat was an American ship fighter that operated during the Second World War, especially in the Pacific, and that came to replace the obsolete Brewster Buffalo. It was the main workhorse of the United States Navy until the arrival of the F6F Hellcat in 1942. Update for FSX / P3Dv3 (not v4+) with some adjustments in sound and VC. Model and textures by A.F. Scrub. Multiple skins. Enjoy
Posted Jul 21, 2018 14:58 by Rodolfo Valery

FSX/FS2004 Airbus A321-200 JetStar Airways Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
8.64Mb (586 downloads)
FS9/FSX JetStar Airways textures for the Project Airbus A321-231 IAE (Sharklets). Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09
Posted Jul 21, 2018 11:21 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09

Beechcraft T-34A-B Mentor
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
101.14Mb (2131 downloads)
This is an update of the Beech T-34 mentor on the Alphasim model for FSX / P3D up to v3. Vc cockpit, sounds, props, glass and other improved details. Multiple skins. Merits to Alphasim and repainters. Enjoy
Posted Jul 21, 2018 07:32 by Rodolfo Valery

FSX/P3D Airbus A320-200 AtlasGlobal package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
69.17Mb (1041 downloads)
FSX/P3D (up to v4+) Airbus A320-200 AtlasGlobal package. Turkish airline AtlasGlobal is based in Istanbul and flies passenger flights to destinations around the Middle East, Europe, Eastern Europe and Russia. As of June 2018, Atlas Global operate 5 A320-200. Model by Project Airbus. Added the better Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. (FSX : Go to Views -Instrument Panel. P3D: Go to Vehicle - Instrument panel). I included the great textures by Torsten Maertke and the A320 checklist by Werner Schott. A320 sounds by Abid Mounir.
Includes FMC by Garret Smith. A320 sounds and manual included. Custom revised package by Chris Evans
Tested with P3D4 but should be fine in FSX and earlier P3D versions
Posted Jul 21, 2018 06:21 by chris evans

FS2004 Messerschmitt P.1110 prototypes
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
14.83Mb (854 downloads)
Messerschmitt P.1110 Ente prototypes (fighter/nightfighter), converted from CFS2 to FS9, with acceptable 2D & VC (all gauges & effects included). All credits go to Mark Walsh (Luft '46). Enjoy!
Posted Jul 20, 2018 16:10 by Erik Hertzberger

Garry Smith archive files:Commonwealth CA27 Sabre 4 Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
9.92Mb (230 downloads)
Garry Smith archive files: Commonwealth CA27 Sabre 4 Textures: Commonwealth RAAF, RAAF 3Sqn, RAAF 76Sqn and RAAF Enhanced. These files are being posted so the community does not loose access to Garry Smith's files after his website went down. Model by Mike Stone. Textures by Garry Smith. Assembled by Ronald Falzon
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 20, 2018 12:56 by Ronald Falzon

Bell P-63A Soviet Textures
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
2.49Mb (270 downloads)
Additional texture for the P-63A Kingcobra by Kazunori Ito. This is an update for FSX / P3Dv3 (not v4). All the merits correspond to him.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 20, 2018 09:28 by Rodolfo Valery

FS2004/FSX Douglas DC-6B Sudwestflug Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
8.50Mb (160 downloads)
Textures for the Calclassic Douglas DC-6B in Sudwestflug colors. The freeware Cal Classic DC-6B by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson is needed for this repaint. The German charter operator Südwestflug was founded in 1964 as a sort of feeder company for the company Contracta GmbH & Co KG. This company was active in the holiday home industry which built and sold their houses in Spain. To promote the homes to potential clients, they purchased the first of ultimately three DC-6B airliners in September 1965. Deficiencies found in the maintenance of the machines led to the start of a ban, and a negative image of the airline. The German newspapers wrote at that time of the "Wild Westflug", which was quite damaging. In order to avert an impending bankruptcy, they decided to make a far-reaching change in their image and changed their name to Germanair on 28 October 1968. They operated 3 DC-6Bs under their tenure. Th
here (external link)
Posted Jul 20, 2018 01:09 by Ted Giana