All Files > Page 593

FSX/P3D Native McDonnell Douglas DC-9-50 Hawaiian Multi Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
83.69Mb (2488 downloads)
FSX/P3D (all versions) Native McDonnell Douglas DC-9-50 Hawaiian Multi Livery Package.
Honolulu based Hawaiian Airlines is America's 10th largest airline and operated the DC-9-50 between 1975 and 2001 . This package includes liveries of 1975, 1980's, 1990's and the last 1999 livery.
This is the native SGA MD DC-9-50 conversion by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations of the Eric Cantu/SGA original.
The DC-9 has an analogue cockpit so the nearest analogue jetliner VC I can find is Thomas Ruth's DC10 which I have slightly modified to resemble a 2 engine jetliner. Please ignore 3 throttles!
I have added the great textures by James Kremmel.
Model is not modified in any way. VC added and textures. Fixed wheel sink. Views fixed.
See VC docs to get the best out of the FMC.
Thank you to Eric Cantu, Eagle Rotorcraft, Thomas Ruth and Simviation for their great contributions to the flight simulator hobby.
Assembled and prepared and tested for P3D (all versions) & FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Jul 18, 2018 07:26 by chris evans

FSX Spokane International Airport
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
3.66Mb (652 downloads)
Welcome to Spokane Washington!
Spokane International has been updated for FSX.
All of the structures are new.
Taxiways now conform to the current FAA Airport Diagram (copy included).
Runway 03/21 has been extended to its current length [11002 ft].
Gates are assigned based on current airport information.
By Brett Delana
Posted Jul 17, 2018 11:47 by Brett Delana

Jomsom Evac Part III
(Category: FSX > Missions)
24.01Mb (1894 downloads)
The Jomsom evacuees that were left stranded at Dhading Air Force Base in Jomsom Evac Part II,
still need to be flown to Kathmandu. A fairly empty Airbus A321 is on route to Kathmandu and has been requested to stop over at Dhading Air Force Base and pick them up. You will be flying the Airbus alone through some heavy cloud cover with very poor to zero visibility at times, so you need to watch your approach altitudes over the mountain tops. The VNDB airport scenery has been updated with a Localizer approach and jetways to board the passengers. Approach altitude charts for both airports are included. Straightforward mission, but with an added twist to test your flying skills. You will need Acceleration.
Posted Jul 17, 2018 08:30 by Geoff Peel

FSX/P3D Airbus A320-200 Aigle Azur package (updated)
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
71.87Mb (713 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A320-200 Aigle Azur package (updated). Based at Paris Orly Airport, Aigle Azur is France's 2nd airline and currently (July 2018) operate 9 A320 aircraft to destinations around Europe and North Africa. Added the better Thomas Ruth modified VC with latest updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero, camera views, jetways and wheel levels. Model by Project Airbus. Textures by Mathieu Vos. Enhanced VC & panel included by Thomas Ruth with updates by Louis Quintero, FMC by Garret Smith. Airbus sounds included. Tested in P3D v4 and should be ok in FSX and other P3D versions. Zip preview for images. Custom packaged by Chris Evans. Previous version had 1542 downloads.
Posted Jul 17, 2018 08:19 by chris evans

FSX/P3D Boeing 737-800 HOP! Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
11.00Mb (289 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 737-800 HOP! fictional textures. Societe HOP! is the brand name of the regional flights operated by subsidiaries of Air France. Its flights are operated by Airlinair, Brit Air and Regional under the HOP! brand. Model by Hiroshi Igami. Master textures by Kyle Schurb. Flight dynamics by Nick Wilkinson and David Biggar. Requires the TDS Boeing 737-800 B--EW2 model. By Jacques Louw.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 17, 2018 05:37 by Jacques Louw

FSX/P3D Estonian Airlines Boeing 737-800 Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
11.18Mb (279 downloads)
TDS Boeing 737-800 Estonian Airlines textures by Jacques Louw. Estonian Air was the flag carrier airline of Estonia between 1991 and 2015. Headquartered in Tallinn it operated scheduled services from Tallinn Airport. Prior to its closure, the airline flew from Tallinn to 11 destinations in Europe. Model by Hiroshi Igami. Master textures by Kyle Schurb. Flight dynamics by Nick Wilkinson and David Biggar. Requires the TDS Boeing 737-800 B--EW2 model.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 16, 2018 08:26 by Jacques Louw

FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 Vueling package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
67.27Mb (2343 downloads)
FSX/P3D (incl. v4) Airbus A321-200 Vueling package. Barcelona based low cost carrier Vueling is Spain's largest airline and flies to destinations throughout Europe as well as Russia, the Middle East and Africa. As of June 2018, Vueling operate 15 A320-200 aircraft. Native FSX model by Project Airbus. Thank you to Dave Oromas for the great textures. Includes enhanced Thomas Ruth Airbus VC with updates by Phillip Wallaert, Louis Quintero and some further edits by Chris Evans. Fixed wheel levels. Fixed jetway codes. Tested in P3D v4 and should be ok in FSX and other P3D versions. Airbus sounds included. Zip preview for images. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Jul 16, 2018 07:38 by chris evans

FSX/P3D Dassault/Dornier Alphajet-E FSX native
(Category: FSX > Military)
76.53Mb (5693 downloads)
Dassault/Dornier Alphajet-E FSX native for FSX / P3Dv 1-4+
Dassault/Dornier Alphajet-E By AlphaBleuCiel converted to FSX native format with kindly permission by JP Bourgeois (Bee Gee)
The package includes the native FSX model converted by Bluebear, with 34 liveries (incl Patrouille de France Flyboys set),
Panel textures by Ed Wells. 2D panel and a working 3D virtual cockpit with XML gauges by Philippe Wallaert and Bluebear.
Airshow smoke system and HUD.FPDA Boeing Callouts sound by Jimmy Foong, Sound gauge by Doug Dawson.
have fun
July 2018
Posted Jul 16, 2018 05:28 by Bluebear

Airbus A321-231 Vueling
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
8.66Mb (702 downloads)
Project Airbus A321-231 IAE sharklets model painted in Vueling livery. This is the first a321 for vueling (EC-MGY). This aircraft has been tested in FSX but it should work properly in FS2004. Thanks to project airbus for this model.
Posted Jul 16, 2018 04:59 by chrisE

CamSim Boeing 787 2d Panel
(Category: FSX > Panels)
8.27Mb (1514 downloads)
FSX New 2D Panel for CamSim Boeing 787, all models and versions.
2D Panel design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Jul 16, 2018 04:27 by Camil Valiquette