CFS2 > Page 123
0.18Mb (1036 downloads)
Updated panel.cfg and air files.
for all ten K. Malinowski/J. McDaniel P-47s for Combat Flight Simulator
2 (above) . The airfile updates now
include torque effects and the effects of the propwash on the rudder
and elevator, as well as some adjustments to the rudder response and
stability. The plane will now be much harder to takeoff and land but
it can be done quite well with additional practice. The panel has
been updated to include better "over the shoulder" views, simulating
a look to the rear right and rear left. This is very helpful when
dogfighting or flying a pattern. 189K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

6.16Mb (1362 downloads)
Eight, Nine and Ten in a series of ten P-47 aircraft
for Combat Flight Simulator 2. Includes P-47M-1, N-5-RE, and N-25.
INCLUDES DROP TANKS which were omitted from the first release. Visual
model and textures by Krzysztof Malinowski based on stock CFS3 model.
Flight Model by Jay McDaniel built using Flight Model Workbook version
2.82.66. Weapons by Sergio "DBolt" Dolcemascolo. Panel bitmap by Claudio
Di Lullo. Gmax model, many animated features, RealityX. By K. Malinowski
and J. McDaniel. 6.3MB. See update below
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

3.39Mb (1447 downloads)
D-30 "Look No Hands" - 509th FS,
405th FG, Spring 1945. Number Seven in a series of ten P-47 aircraft
for Combat Flight Simulator 2. INCLUDES DROP TANKS which were omitted
from the first release. Visual model and textures by Krzysztof Malinowski
based on stock CFS3 model. Flight Model by Jay McDaniel built using
Flight Model Workbook version 2.82.66. Weapons by Sergio "DBolt" Dolcemascolo.
Panel bitmap by Claudio Di Lullo. Gmax model, many animated features,
RealityX. By K. Malinowski and J. McDaniel. 3.5MB.
See update below
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

7.61Mb (1418 downloads)
Four, Five, and Six in a series of ten P-47 aircraft for
Combat Flight Simulator 2. Includes P-47D-25, D-28-RA, and British
Mk. II. INCLUDES DROP TANKS which were omitted from the first release.
Visual model and textures by Krzysztof Malinowski based on stock CFS3
model. Flight Model by Jay McDaniel built using Flight Model Workbook
version 2.82.66. Weapons by Sergio "DBolt" Dolcemascolo. Panel bitmaps
by Claudio Di Lullo. Gmax model, many animated features, RealityX.
By K. Malinowski and J. McDaniel. 7.8MB.
See update below
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

6.03Mb (1918 downloads)
One, Two, and Three in a series of ten P-47 aircraft for Combat Flight
Simulator 2.
Includes P-47D-22-RA, D-22-RE, and D-22-RE with "Malcolm" hood. INCLUDES
DROP TANKS which were omitted from the first release. Visual model
and textures by Krzysztof Malinowski based on stock CFS3 model. Flight
Model by Jay McDaniel built using Flight Model Workbook version 2.82.66.
Weapons by Sergio "DBolt" Dolcemascolo. Panel bitmaps by Claudio Di
Lullo. Gmax model, many animated features, RealityX. By K. Malinowski
and J. McDaniel. 6.2MB.
See update below
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

1.31Mb (171 downloads)
F3 "SHOCK @ AWE " Hellcat Textures only
for the CFS2 Hellcat. . Steve Martinez. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.75Mb (273 downloads)
FDG P-51D Mustang 12th Fighter Bomber Squadron "The Foxey Few" Textures
only. 12th Fighter Bomber Squadron "The
Foxey Few" Stationed at K-10 Chinhae 1951-1952 It's not listed on
KORWALD (KORean War Air Loss Database) so it was probably transfered
intact to either the RoKAF or the Philipine Air Force after the 12th
FBS converted to F-86 Sabres in January 1953. Get the complete FDG
P-51D model **here**
enjoy! Textures: Felipe Belalcazar. 770K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive
8.09Mb (1489 downloads)
TIDAL WAVE LIBERATORS Three-plane Liberator package
for "Operation Tidal Wave (here)."
This file contains "Hail Columbia," a new B-24D Liberator by Krzyzstof
Malinowski. Designed specifically for the Ploesti Raid of August 1,
1943. Many new features, with a new, comprehensive panel and new flight
model using version 2.82.66 of the Flight Model Workbook. Also includes
two AI versions optimized for high frame rates. Gmax, many animated
features, RealityX, custom sound.cfg file. By K. Malinowski and J.
McDaniel. 8.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

0.58Mb (147 downloads)
FDG P-51D Mustang 402nd Squadron "City of Winnipeg" Textures.
This is an update to the repaint (textures only) of FDG's P-51D Mustang
in the 402nd Squadron "City of Winnipeg". Re-formed 'City of Winnipeg'
(Auxiliary) Squadron on 15 April 1946. On 18 September 1950, the title
'City of Winnipeg' was added to the squadron name. In 1957, the squadron
gave up the fighter role and became 402 Transport Sqn (Auxiliary).
Get the complete FDG P-51D model **here**enjoy!
Textures: Felipe Belalcazar. 599K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive

8.58Mb (1341 downloads)
FS2002 Polikarpov I-16 Tip 5 version 2.0
The Polikarpov I-16 Tip 5 painted as: 1.Lieutenant Liu Chi-Sheng,
21st PS, 4th PG, CAF, Wuhan area, China, 31st May 1938 2.Kapitan Gubenko
Anton Alexeyevich, Russian Volunteer Group, CAF, China, 18th July
1938 3.Pilot unknown, 12nd IAP VMF-KBF(Baltic Fleet), USSR, August
1937 4.Maior A. Blagoveschenskiy, 22nd IAP, USSR, May-June 1938 5.Manuel
Fernandez, Morales y Zarauza, 4a Escuadrilla, Spain, 14th August 1938
6.Pilot unknown, Captured by Spanish Nationalist, Grupo IW, Madrid-Cuatro
Vientos, Spain, 1939 The Polikarpov I-16 Tip 5 version 1.0 Required
I welcome your comments, Ivan Hsu. 8.7MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:31 by archive